Dragon Reborn: Dragon Simulator

Chapter 177 Action! Go! (Please Subscribe! Please Customize!)

It can be said that in this action, Bei Luo really gave all the rights to Bei Luo.

I just want to know how much strength the Red Dragon Clan can play without his participation.

By the way, let's see who among the monsters in the Red Dragon Clan is worth cultivating.

Resources are limited after all, and more resources should be given to the stronger.

"Let's go."

Philosia took one last look in the direction of the dragon's nest.

Your Majesty the Red Dragon, it won't be long before you hear good news.

outside of strata rock.

All the monsters involved in this incident have gathered around the periphery.

"Set off."

Piccolo glanced at Philosia who was coming, stood up and said.

This crusade against the green dragon did not have the gongs and drums as imagined, let alone the bold words and ambitions of the previous ones.

They just want to leave quietly like this, and then give His Majesty the Red Dragon a huge surprise when they come back!


The sound of a hundred thousand monsters walking woke up the birds that were still resting on the branches in Kazaklin.

Numerous birds fly out from the woods, heralding that there are terrifying creatures traveling inside the forest.

But Piccolo didn't think about it, anyway, one hundred thousand monsters acted together.

Can the movement be small?

Anyone who is not a pig will be woken up, let alone a dragon with the most sensitive ears.

Inside the Dragon's Nest.

Latis got up in a daze, rubbed her sleepy eyes: "What happened, an earthquake?"

She stayed up too late last night, which made her not very energetic at the moment.

I wanted to continue to sleep, but I was awakened by the rumbling sound.

But the voice seemed to be getting further and further away.

Seeing that nothing happened, Latis lay down on the dragon scale again in a daze and fell asleep, making the sound of sleep from time to time.

From this point, we can see how tired Latis was last night.

But Latis didn't wake up, but Bei Luo did.

Seeing that Latis' little face was full of fatigue, he didn't wake her up, but walked out of the dragon's nest alone.

At the height of the Layer Rock Dragon Nest, you can see the figures of those monsters walking away.

Looking at the group of monsters leaving, Yelu didn't have Sifu's worries in his heart.

He has simulated this action many times.

The Red Dragon Clan has achieved great success, so he is very relieved to let the Red Dragon Clan go by themselves.

For other monsters, the task His Majesty the Red Dragon gave them this time is as heavy as a mountain.

But for Bei Luo, this is equivalent to a vacation trip of the Red Dragon Clan, and by the way, some guys who can't keep up with the team will be eliminated.

"By the way, it seems that the princess named Emino came to wake me up today`?"

Bei Luo came back to his senses and suddenly remembered this important point.

Now that His Majesty has woken up, where is the princess?

Couldn't be still sleeping.

Thinking of this, Bei Luo's face suddenly darkened, and it seemed that Latis had to remind the princess.

This is not in the Kingdom of Sanford, it is the stratum of the Red Dragon Clan.

Life in the Holy Ford Kingdom is not easy in the Red Dragon Clan.

But what Bei Luo didn't expect was that this time he really misunderstood Emmy Nuo.

Because I chatted too late with Felosia last night, Emino couldn't get up at all, just like Latis.

By noon, the scorching sun was shining on the strata.

The busy monsters below came to the rock with the prepared food held high, and respectfully put the food in the dragon's nest.

"Your Majesty, this is food for you."

"Leave it here."


After simply speaking these words to His Majesty the Red Dragon, the monsters bowed their heads and exited the dragon's nest backwards.

"Hmm~ It smells so good~ It looks like I'm hungry."

The aroma from the barbecue drilled into Latis's nose, waking her up from her sleep.

He rubbed his shriveled stomach, and when he saw the pile of barbecued meat, his eyes suddenly seemed to shine brightly.

Just as I was about to stand up and rush over to eat, I suddenly thought of my situation.

"Your Majesty the Red Dragon!"

Latis hurriedly slid off the lava dragon scale and fell to the ground, correcting her posture.

Kneel in front of His Majesty the Red Dragon.

He almost forgot that he is now in His Majesty's Dragon's Lair, and these foods are naturally prepared for His Majesty.

Preparing food was supposed to be her own task, but unexpectedly she stayed up late last night, causing her to wake up only now.

Fortunately, Aiminuo was smart and prepared food instead of her, otherwise he would not have been scolded to death by His Majesty the Red Dragon.

"Where is the Emeno you commanded?"

Bei Luo asked.

"Eminor? Is she... isn't she here?"

Latis was stunned.

Subconsciously looked around, and found that there was no sign of Ai Minuo.

No, after preparing the food, Emmy Nuo should stay in Long Dan logically.

Could it be that you are a little embarrassed to see yourself at this moment?

"You don't think this food was prepared by Emino? This is the food I ordered the monsters below to prepare."

Seeing Latis' expression, Bei Luo knew that Latis must have misunderstood something.

Just explain it to her more clearly.

"..I'm sorry, Your Majesty the Red Dragon! It was because I slept too late that I forgot to prepare food for you.

Latis immediately apologized.

That's right, Emmy Nuo is not familiar with stratum rock at all, how would he know where His Majesty the Red Dragon's food is going to be prepared.

"It seems that you still don't understand, Latis, not only your food, but also Emmelano, who didn't come to wake me up."

Bei Luo thought Latis was so stupid.

It was quite smart before, and it can be awakened by simply talking about it.

Now that I have said it so clearly, Latis hasn't turned around yet.

"Eminor didn't come?!"

This time it was Latis' turn to be surprised,


Last night, she specifically told Emily about this matter, but Emino did not promise her that she would definitely do it.

At the same time, in order to let Aiminuo know the importance of the matter, she also specially told Aiminuo that this matter is related to her status and life in the Red Dragon Clan.

As a result, after a long time, Emmy Nuo didn't come this morning.

"Want to eat? Shou (Manuo Zhao) go and find out where Aimino is."

Bei Luo said.


Latis didn't dare to say anything more. Regardless of her sore legs, she quickly ran out of the Dragon's Nest.

When he came outside the dragon's nest, his stomach made a growl.

The monsters outside have already known Latis, so it should be said that if she wants to steal it, she can do it.

But His Majesty has spoken, how dare she steal food, the most urgent thing is to find out where Aimino is.

Only in this way can she fill her stomach.

"Damn Emino, you obviously didn't do a good job, but I was the one who was punished in the end.

Latis crossed her hips angrily, calling out to the giant eagle on the fortress.

The giant eagle is equivalent to the monitoring of the Red Dragon Clan, and it is impossible for all of them to leave the Red Dragon Clan.

A part is still left in the layer rock.

"What do you want me to do?"

The giant eagle said doubtfully.

"Let me ask you, have you seen Eminor?".

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