Dragon Reborn: Dragon Simulator

Chapter 128 Dealing With The Monsters Who Come Here For Fame (Please Subscribe! Please Customize!)

Could it be that His Majesty the Red Dragon has comprehended some rules?

No matter how Terrence thought about it, he couldn't think of something called a simulator.

on the fort.

"Get the hell out of here, all you bastards.

No matter how His Majesty knows the future, what Terrence has to do is very simple, and that is to fulfill His Majesty the Red Dragon's mission well.

In the midst of Terrence's call, countless giant eagles flew towards here in an instant.

"His Majesty the Red Dragon has a task to give us the Giant Eagle. Which one of you can fly the fastest?"

Terrence asked.


Soon, five giant eagles with relatively large wings stood out.

Terrence looked at the five giant eagles and flapped his wings. The rest of the giant eagles knew that they had nothing to do, and all Feifei left here.

Regarding the matter of His Majesty the Red Dragon, Terrence did not want too many giant eagles to know about it, so as not to spoil His Majesty's affairs.

"From today onwards, all of you will leave Kazaklin and go to live in the city-state of Sark, and keep an eye on me all the time to see if a young golden dragon passes by there.

"Once you find a young golden dragon passing by, you must come back and report it to His Majesty the Red Dragon. The city-state of Sark is the ruin where we temporarily rested."

Terrence explained the mission to the group of giant eagles.

He kept reminding the five giant eagles with very important words.

Don't think of this as a general surveillance task.

"We understand, Chief Terrence, please rest assured that we will not disappoint you and His Majesty the Red Dragon.

The five giant eagles said in unison.



With a gust of wind blowing, the five giant eagles disappeared in front of Terrence.

Terrence wanted to do this himself, but the leader may not be the fastest flying giant eagle.

His combat power is indeed the strongest in the tribe, as for the fastest speed, he still has to ask other giant eagles for help.

The next morning.


Philosia got up from the throne wearily, looked at His Majesty the Red Dragon with his eyes closed and sighed.

Your Majesty really enjoys this. Yesterday it was Cellulu, and today it is me. Every day and every night, I will pull them to practice tactics and magic together.

Even the physique of an elf can't stand it, and this is still in the situation of taking turns.

As for His Majesty, he was always himself, but he didn't look tired at all.

As expected of a giant dragon, its body is much stronger than ordinary creatures.


At this moment, Cellulu just came to the entrance of the cave.

A few days ago, the two elves had a heart-to-heart talk, and everyone thought that as long as Liya was fine, it would be fine.

Everyone saw each other frankly, and my heart was indeed much smoother.

At least he won't be stammering and covering up like before.

The situation of Philosia and Cellulu is very much like two colleagues working in shifts.

"Lia didn't come?"

Filosia quickly put on a shawl for herself, walked up to Cellulu and said nervously.

Celluloid and Liya are in charge of His Majesty's food. Generally, when Celluloid comes, Liya will follow.

"No, I already know your situation, how could you still let Liya come over, I will ask Piccolo to send Liya away, and bring food to see His Majesty the Red Dragon.

Sai Lulu sighed faintly.

This kind of life without telling Li Ya is not very comfortable.

Besides, as long as she stays in the strata, Liya will know one day, how to face Liya at that time.

"Thank you, Cellulu, then you can be busy, I have to go back and catch up on sleep."

Filosia stretched out her hand to cover her red lips and let out a sigh, then walked out of the dragon's nest with tired eyes.

in layered rock.

"Hey, Piccolo, what did you call me for? If you don't tell me, I'll leave?"

Liya also thought that she could go and say good morning to His Majesty.

As a result, on the way, Piccolo suddenly said that she needed her help, and said that it would be a great favor to help His Majesty the Red Dragon.

Upon hearing this, Liya followed Piccolo without even thinking about it.

But as soon as he got here, Piccolo was busy with his own affairs and ignored her at all, letting her stay where she was for a long time without any reason.

"Actually, it's nothing, it's just about the monsters joining our Red Dragon Clan."

Piccolo finally straightened the bent ring in his hand, and put it on his rough finger again.

This ring is equipment made of silver, and it is attached with a magic circle that enhances the magician's strength. The strength of the person wearing the ring will be enhanced.

It was a spoil given to him by His Majesty the Red Dragon.

It was accidentally bent when drilling the rock yesterday, and now he has finally straightened it again.

In fact, he didn't really need Liya's help in this matter. If it wasn't for helping Cellulus and the others to cover, but also to help His Majesty, he wouldn't have done that.

"Huh? A monster that joined the Red Dragon Clan? Isn't His Majesty the Red Dragon entrusting you to do such a simple matter (bbba)?"

Liya frowned incomprehension.

"That's what I said, but...there are too many monsters this time, so you won't understand, come with me.

Led by Piccolo, Liya and he walked to the top of the fort and looked at the open space in front of the fort.

Seeing this scene in front of her, Liya covered her mouth in surprise.

Standing in the open space in front of the fortress was a group of black monsters, roughly looking at more than 30,000 monsters.

How come there are so many monsters!

Liya couldn't figure this out. There were monsters who came to the Red Dragon Clan before, but the number was far from that many.

"It's good that you know it. It may be that the reputation of our Majesty has been spread, which has attracted so many monsters to join."

"With so many monsters, it's obvious that I can't handle them alone, so I want to ask you to come over and help me count some powerful monsters.

Piccolo rubbed his head with a headache.

This is exactly where he has a headache, too many monsters is not good.

"Why don't you train some monsters to come and help?"

Leah wondered.


"That's right, finding some trustworthy subordinates to help screen, it's much faster than the two of us, right?"

"What you said makes sense. In fact, I have thought about it before, but I think those monsters are not very reliable."

In order to avoid being punished by His Majesty the Red Dragon, Piccolo did many things by himself.

"Don't think too much about such a simple thing. It is impossible for the monsters of the Red Dragon Clan to get it wrong. You just need to say a few precautions."

Liya said.

Anyway, if she was asked to screen so many monsters, unless His Majesty the Red Dragon personally gave an order, she would definitely not want to do such troublesome things.

...Yeah, so let's call some monsters to help. '

Under Liya's persuasion, Piccolo agreed to the idea.


The monsters outside the fortress enter and pass through the gates in sequence.

Monsters whose strength does not meet the standard will be temporarily kicked aside and wait for other orders. Monsters with strong strength can go to the open space specially designated by Kang Yan for them to wait.

If there are tribes belonging to their own race among the Red Dragon Clan, let the leaders of those tribes pick them up, and if there are no tribes, just wait.

When the number is about the same, you will choose a tribal leader yourself to take care of your own people.

Regarding this point, the leaders of the original tribe of the Red Dragon Clan were very happy.

Who doesn't want their tribe to grow stronger so that they can work harder for His Majesty the Red Dragon.

Even Boulder Chief Malphite agrees.

The number of stone men in the Red Dragon Clan is very rare, and now finally new stone men have joined.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner, and Piccolo is very happy to see this.

If Liya hadn't persuaded herself and given this plan, according to his own strength, he might not be able to finish it in three days.

"How? I said it's a good idea. You didn't believe me in the morning."

Liya put her hands on Xiaoliu's waist, and smiled triumphantly.

This matter has reached the ears of His Majesty the Red Dragon, so he can be rewarded no matter what he says.

If you don't appreciate it, there will definitely be one.

"That's right, how about I give you another Xilin monitor lizard egg?"

Piccolo said.

Apart from the Xilin monitor lizard eggs, the Exploding Wolf tribe has nothing worth taking out.

"That's unnecessary. My own monitor lizard is so good at eating, I can't afford another one."

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