Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 998 Lisven's goal!

Chapter 998 Lisven's target!

Seeing that Witt and Celine were staring at him expectantly, Lisven smiled helplessly.

"Although I know you are looking forward to it, in fact, I may not know more than you do about the things I have investigated. After all, your understanding of the Dragon of Time comes from the Dragon's Nest.

The Dragon's Nest is a huge group, and I am a dragon. The source of information is not at the same level.

So, you'd better be prepared for the wait.

Hmm...where should I start?"

After saying that, Lisven paused for a moment, and then said: "I have it, let's start with my own experience Let's start. After all, what I know about the Dragon of Time is what I gradually investigated based on my own experience.

The first time I learned about the Dragon of Time was when I accidentally found a laboratory two hundred years after I first sneaked out of the Sky City.

That laboratory was left by a giant dragon, and the things left by this giant dragon made me decide to follow his footsteps.

What is his name! "

"It's him!"

Witt said in a somewhat stunned voice.

Lisven was also stunned for a moment.

"Do you know this dragon?"

Witt hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"As far as I know, he is a dragon that pursues eternity, and it is difficult to distinguish between good and evil, but the probability is biased towards evil!"

At this point, Witt stopped and did not continue.

Because according to his guess, this dragon has traveled a very long time. Twenty to three hundred thousand years ago, his dragon alchemy research data made Yakfrey highly respected.

Yakfrey himself is a giant dragon with a lifespan of nearly 50 years. He can be highly respected by such a cunning dragon. At least it shows that his achievements in dragon alchemy were already very famous at the time when Yakfrey was there.

Otherwise, Yakfrey would not still believe that it was his own problem or the problem of experimental materials that led to the failure of the experiment, rather than the problem of the research data left behind.

And this level of trust is enough to show that he is in a very high position in the dragon alchemy world, and can even be called an authority, and this kind of authority is definitely not something that can be established in a thousand or a hundred years.

After all, the information transmission between dragons is quite delayed.

From this, it can be inferred that Shi existed even longer, so that his research results have been used as reference materials for dragons that conduct dragon alchemy later.

One hundred thousand years, or even two hundred thousand years.

In such a long time, one dragon after another studied dragon alchemy, verified Shi's experiment, and gave affirmation, which made Yakfrey so superstitious after getting Shi's research data, and this research data can extend his life.

From this, it can be inferred that Shi existed 400,000 to 500,000 years ago.

A legendary dragon has a lifespan of only more than 100,000 years.

Of course, here refers to the dragon that has just broken through the legend. In the legendary stage, every step forward will increase the lifespan a lot.

Zhengde Sedro and Gu Luo are over 100,000 years old.

Ace is much younger, but I don't know how old he is.

The youngest legend that Witt knows is the alchemist in the City of Life, who is about 30,000 years old.

These are not important. What is important is that Witt encountered a laboratory that was left behind by the Abyss after the invasion of the Dragon Realm to study Abyss creatures a few hundred years ago.

Tsk tsk!

After such a long time, the other party must have become a myth, or he has made some achievements in dragon soul alchemy and successfully extended his life.

Even both.

But it is not easy to tell Lisven.

After a slight hesitation, Witt added: "A giant dragon from a very long time ago."

However, after speaking, Witt saw Lisven looking at him with a strange face.

Witt was stunned for a moment and asked in confusion: "Am I wrong?"

Lisven nodded.

"We are talking about this but it is not the same dragon, because we are about to go to the dragon ruins, which are the ruins left after the death of the dragon."


Witt was stunned, and showed the same expression as Celine.

Celine was also there when Celine was talking about the laboratory.

And that laboratory was built hundreds of years ago.

Witt and Celine looked at each other, and then, Witt looked at Lisven.

"Let's not talk about whether it is the same dragon or not, just go on, it's not a very important thing."

Lisven nodded.

"That's right!

Then I'll continue...

Why did he leave the laboratory? According to my guess, it was at least 8,000 years ago.

The data he left in the laboratory showed that he seemed to have obtained a strange dragon scale a long time ago.

When he stopped there to rest, he accidentally turned it out from his reverse scale space. He happened to have nothing to do, so he began to study this dragon scale.

The conclusion of the experiment was that he could not see through this dragon scale.

This strange dragon scale, similar to the dragon scale of an ordinary adolescent red dragon, cannot be destroyed, and the elements in it cannot be extracted in any way, and the elements cannot be injected in any way.

Even the elements contained in it will not dissipate or be absorbed under the flow of time, just like...

It was forever frozen in time, the moment it was plucked out!

So, it is speculated that this dragon scale is the dragon scale left by the dragon of time in the legend of the dragon world. ”


Witt looked at Lisven in astonishment, but was speechless to the extreme.

Isn’t this the dragon scale of his old father? The shape, type, and characteristics are exactly the same!

“It’s incredible!”

Lisven seemed to have misunderstood the expression on Witt’s face, as if he knew you would show this kind of expression.

“I also thought it was incredible at the time that there was a dragon named after time in the world.

The future can still be pursued, but the past cannot be retained. The energy of time permeates every aspect of our lives, leaving all kinds of traces, but we have never observed time itself.

Such energy can actually be mastered by a dragon!

Of course, I also know that time is one of the supreme laws, but, let alone time, the other supreme laws are already abstract enough, and the law of time... is hard to imagine.

Precisely because it is hard to imagine, I, who was still young at the time, did not have any special feelings about it.

This... is a story!

That's what I thought.

And in that laboratory, there was nothing else except this experimental material.

I didn't care about the dragon scale, but I became interested in the dragon of time. I began to look for stories about the dragon of time on my journey.

Then I realized what kind of treasure I almost missed.

Of course, it was me at the time! "


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