Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 996 I have an event here...

Hearing Lisven's words, Werther nodded.

Although he was born in Desidero, he had to admit that the dragon's lair itself was indeed quite exclusive.

He has experienced this personally.

Before, when he returned to the past, he was expelled by Boko because he was too close to Desedro, and that was even if he showed no hostility.

If his behavior is even slightly correct, he will be greeted by Boko's attack.

What's more, the 그 family is fighting well, and other dragons are involved. Are they looking at them in disguise? With the dragon's arrogant character, even expulsion is easy.

"Let me talk about this first. I have no intention of going there. After all, we are only platinum and not even legendary. How could we participate in such a large-scale war?"

Hearing this, Lisven glanced at Werther.

"I only heard Redke say that you are very concerned about the abyss. Since you know the stakes here, I feel relieved."

When Witte heard this, a hint of embarrassment appeared on his face.

After all, they were really too concerned about the abyss at that time.

The young dragon stage is a period of strong curiosity and rich imagination. I am always worried about what will happen if the abyss invades and the world is destroyed...

Thinking about it now, although I regretted some of the choices I made back then, at least, thinking about it now, it's quite embarrassing.

As a young dragon, he actually tried to save the world.

Although they did make some achievements that year.

Now that I have matured, when facing the abyss, I can fight if I fight, and I can fight if I fight.

The dragon world is so big, and there are so many powerful people, so how can they, who are not even legendary, care about whether the world will be destroyed?

With this thought in his mind, Witte quickly changed the subject and said, "Speaking of which, you really understand these teleportation spaces!"

Hearing this, Liswen had no intention of continuing the topic.

After nodding, Lisven said: "I have been traveling for many years. When I was more than eighty years old, I successfully broke through to Amethyst.

Since then, I have not had much interest in family business matters. Instead, I have a strong interest in taking risks outside.

After Amethyst, I left the Sky City without telling the clan leader.

At the beginning, there was no specific goal, just wherever you go.

Later, by chance, I went to the Blazing City and got the set of books "A Journey Through the Dragon World".

After staying in the Hot City for a year, I firmly remembered "Wandering in the Dragon Realm" in my mind, and then began to travel purposefully on the Fast Continent.

When he was one thousand and sixteen years old, he broke through to the legendary realm during his travels.

With the support of strength, I set my sights outside Fast Continent.

Today, more than two thousand and thirty years old...

Before I knew it, I had been traveling outside for more than a thousand years.

Of course, after the legend, I went back to the Sky City, but every time I stayed there for a long time, I felt itchy and wanted to run outside.

I have walked some of the routes I just mentioned dozens of times, and they are very familiar to me.

Speaking of which, I have always focused on travel. My strength has not improved for a long time and I have been stuck in the lower rank of Legend.

I originally wanted to stay in the Sky City for a while to settle down.

It's best to be able to break through to the legendary mid-level.

But there is one thing that I have been chasing for thousands of years and have never let go.

I felt that it would be difficult for me to break through smoothly, so I ran out again. A year or so ago, things made progress again.

Following the clues, I came here..."

As he said this, Lisven looked at Werther with a smile in his eyes.

"If I'm not mistaken, you should have some kind of ultimate power in your body, and it just happens to be a flame type."

Witte was startled for a moment, and then looked at Lisven in astonishment.

"So, you just asked me if I had time, and you want to invite me to accompany you to find this thing. You have been thinking about it for thousands of years, and to get it, you need an ultimate flame?"

Lisven nodded.

"The summary is pretty good, that's what it means, so this activity..."

"Of course I'll join!"

Witte nodded without hesitation, and then asked: "Dragon ruins?"

Speaking of this, Werther's eyes lit up!

After hearing what Werther said, Celine's eyes lit up.

When the word "relics" appears, the dragon will subconsciously equate it with its favorite treasure.

As for danger...

Let’s talk about Lisven and Redek’s tribe first. There is no reason to attack them. Even if Lisven is going to attack them, Witte can detect the problem in advance and summon Boredia.

As for how to detect problems in advance...

Magic circle 놌alchemy, Witte 녦놊놆bai learned.

As long as Lisven kills them directly, any of his actions will reveal some information. As long as there is any information that is beneficial to them, Werther will summon Boredia without hesitation.

If the other party directly downloads...

With the Law of Time as his trump card, Werther can definitely hold on until Boreidia comes over.

If Boredia is interested in the laws of time...

Then this is what his fate should be.

Speaking of which, when Lisven heard what Werther said, the corner of his mouth twitched uncontrollably. He really thought like a giant dragon!

"Are you really stubborn enough to agree to this kind of thing casually?"

When Witte heard this, he looked at Lisven and smiled.

"Guess why I dare to agree casually!"

Hearing this, Lisven took a deep look at Werther, then smiled and nodded.

"You are right, there is indeed a giant dragon ruins, and there is a high probability that it is a treasure ruins, so you'd better think about it carefully.

Although the dragon that left 돗 did not reach the level of legend, 껩놆 was a dragon at a high level of legend.

Treasures and ruins of this level are still very dangerous.

With your strength and the probability of encountering danger, I will definitely be able to protect you.

놊Be blinded by the treasure. "

"It's really a giant dragon ruins!"

Werther's eyes were shining, and seeing Lisven looking at him seriously, Werther smiled and said: "Don't worry, I know the severity.

However, being strong during his lifetime does not mean that the remains he left behind before his death are dangerous.

If it's really dangerous, then let's go in. Since you need my help, you must give me some benefits!

Anyway, you dragons need treasure again. "

Hearing this, Lisven looked at Werther speechlessly.

It turns out that 놆 had this idea.


"I do need the treasure, but the tribe behind me needs it, so no matter what the treasure is inside..."

Speaking of this, Lisven glanced at Werther and then at Celine.

"The three of us will split it equally!"

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