Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 990 Escaped?

Chapter 990 Escape?


Witte looked at the figure at the edge of the collapsed forest, with a flash of regret in his eyes.

Another familiar abyss believer.

To be honest, he wanted to see more types of abyss believers, instead of just dealing with fallen angels, one-eyed men and demons.

However, since you encounter 깊, you can only kill 깊.

This is what he thinks and does.


After saying that, Witte's wings fluttered, and in the blink of an eye, his huge figure appeared above the 깊꺅 Demon, and when he opened his mouth, he breathed lava.

When the demon saw this, his expression froze, and his two long-blade arms crossed in front of his chest, and then he slashed forward.

Six purple-black claw marks attacked Werther's breath, tearing Werter's breath into pieces in just one move.

Obviously, his strength is not weak!

The demon's tail and claws are extremely sharp.

Although Witte's tone was extremely calm when he said he would kill the other party, that was just talk. If a fight really broke out, no Abyss believer could be careless.

Therefore, after Witte breathed out, he took advantage of the gap between the opponent's tearing breath and directly transformed into the shield dragon form.

Since your attack power is strong, then I will let you fight as much as you can!

With this idea in mind, Werther's figure expanded in a large circle, directly came to the top of the demon's head, and then fell freely.


With a dull sound, the whole body trembled, and Werther stood up from the pit he had smashed, and swung his thick dragon tail directly behind him.

The devil, who had avoided Werther's free fall, had just stabilized his body there when he saw a silver object sweeping towards him.

It can be seen from the body shape that the demon is obviously not the kind of abyss believer who is good at strength.

Facing Werther's violent attack, he could only dodge.

The muscles on his back squirmed, and then, a pair of four-meter-long flesh wings broke open his back and stretched out.

Demons can fly!

After using his wings, his flight became more flexible, and he easily avoided Werther's dragon tail, and even used his remaining strength to swing a claw at Werther.

Three claw marks flew towards Werther's back and struck at Werther's dragon scales, but they only left three white marks.

Seeing this, the demon's face darkened.

What a strong defense!

With this thought in his heart, the wings behind him shook, and his body shot towards the sky.

Facing a powerful 꾫龙, it is obviously not possible to let him stand on the side and take advantage of it.

With that huge body, he can dodge once, but if he is hit multiple times, he will be easily hit. With the demon's physical strength, one hit is enough for him.

But it wasn't just Werther he faced.

Just as he was about to reach the sky, a sword hundreds of meters high and containing a massive amount of light elements fell straight towards him from the sky.

The demon quickly changed his flight path.

Flying rapidly horizontally, he flew out of the coverage area of ​​the lightsaber.

Looking at the lightsaber piercing the big body, 꺅魔心꿗 couldn't help but sigh.

Even though I have fought dragons more than once, I still can't help but feel a little emotional when I see a similar scene again.

Among many races, only the dragon can use single-target magic to attack in groups!

Just as he was sighing, a breath of light atoms struck him with lightning speed.

Obviously, this demon faced the sacred dragon for the first time.

Otherwise, how could he dare to be distracted in front of the sacred dragon? The breath of light atoms is the fastest among all dragon breaths.

However, this demon is also a strong person at the high level of Amethyst. Even if his physical strength cannot match that of the one-eyed man, the physical strength provided by the realm itself is enough to withstand Celine's breath.

However, he himself was knocked away by the force of the breath of light atoms.

Seeing this, Witte's eyes suddenly lit up. He raised his claws and moved towards the 꺅Magic Slap깊. He tried hard to flap his wings, but in the end, he was unable to regain control of his body before Witte's claws arrived.

He was directly slapped into 깊눓's face by Werther's claw.

Then, Werther faced his paw, and there was a zero-degree cold wave.

He had no choice but to fight against the small-sized Abyss believers. He didn't dare to use his breath mixed with extreme power. He didn't know whether he could kill them, but cleaning them up afterward would definitely be a big trouble.

His breath fell on his paws, and then Werther withdrew his paws.

Anyway, in a short period of time, this little breath can't hurt himself. Werther tried his best not to give the other party a chance.

But I have to say that the gap between realms is indeed quite large.

Even though it was hit by Werther's zero-degree cold current, the demon still resisted Werther's breath and broke free from the deep pit created by Werther's claw.

However, judging from his disordered aura, the other party was obviously not feeling well either.

Seeing his claws brushing against the opponent's body again, Werther took a step back without saying a word.

As soon as he retreated, a ray of light atoms breathed toward his head, killing the demon again.

The demon who had just gained control of his body was once again knocked away by the breath of light atoms.

Needless to say, this wave of cooperation between Werther and Celine is completely exciting!

Of course, two against one...

For the devil, truth is not a matter of martial ethics.

The demon who was slapped into the ground by Witte again was filled with misery.

Isn't the dragon very proud?

What about the one-on-one duel?

Why did you cooperate with him!

Witte didn't care about that. Since your body can bear it, I will come a few more times until you can't bear it.

As for coming together...

What a joke. You have invaded my world. I am stupid enough to fight you one-on-one. The pride of the dragon is not used in this way.

I have to say that in most cases, Witte's bottom line is quite flexible.

However, the first time he used the breath, it didn't work. The second time, Witte naturally didn't use the breath, but the forbidden spell, the roar of fire!

Although his claws were also injured, the demon was even more miserable.

He was resisting a forbidden spell.

Even if he was a high-level purple crystal, the forbidden spell was not so easy to bear.

In order to block this forbidden spell, the power in the body was directly consumed by nearly 10%.

Don't underestimate this 10% of power. This is not the abyss, but the dragon world. Under the suppression of the dragon world, it takes a long time to recover from the consumption of 10% of power.

You can't fight like this!

Seeing that he had just escaped, the silver claws slapped again. The demon knew that he couldn't continue like this.

If he continued like this, he would be killed by these two dragons!

Thinking of this, the demon's eyes flashed a fierce color, and then his originally strong left arm dried up in an instant, and the power on his right arm instantly increased.

Then he swung a claw and slapped the opponent. The dragon scales on his right claw instantly shattered, and a large amount of blood spurted out.

The sudden change made Witt stunned for a moment.

By the time he reacted, the demon had already turned into a black light and fled into the distance...

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