Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 989 They might be companions!

Chapter 989 Maybe we can take 눒 as our companion!

"놖I'm thinking..."

As he spoke, Werther paused for a moment, and then continued: "You guys may take 눒 as your companion!"


Celine was stunned for a moment, then looked at Werther in surprise.

"놖 people?"

Werther nodded.

"If you are being hunted, and you have given up, you can only hide and hide. At this time, if there is a guy nearby that you hate, what will you do?"

Listening to this, Celine already understood what Werther was thinking, it was...

"Will they follow your ideas?"

Witte affirmed and said: "Of course it will, because for the believers in the abyss, except for themselves, everyone else is a 'hateful guy'. As long as they can be saved, it doesn't matter.

Therefore, we only need to put some pressure on them. As long as there are other abyss believers around, they will naturally transfer the pressure to other abyss believers.

Most of the Abyss believers actually act alone, and they can work together with other Abyss believers.

In this way, they can completely control them and directly hunt down the single abyss believer.

Although they can go to the north to help because of their strength, there is still no problem in helping them clean up the abyss believers after infiltrating into them.

땤Moreover, 놖 also wants to know what these abyss believers want to do when they sneak into 누.

Forget those two who were assigned here, maybe all the abyss believers here are assigned here!

There will always be some abyss believers who come with missions.

So, the biggest problem now is how to give them the appropriate level of pressure..."

Just as he was speaking, Werther was suddenly stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously looked at Celine next to him, with a hint of questioning in his eyes.

Celine nodded, with a hint of wonder in her eyes.

Unexpectedly, Werther was talking nonsense.

Just now, she also sensed the aura of another abyss believer.

"Tsk tsk!"

Seeing Celine nodding, Werther couldn't help but clicked his tongue.

As expected, 놛 was not wrong in his perception.

However, these two abyss believers are more resistant to pressure than they imagined. They have only discussed a prototype and have not even started to take action!

Over there, 늀 has already started taking action according to the plan given by 놛.

You are making it seem like we are in the same group!

놊 is suitable, so 놊 is suitable!

"놛, you are so cooperative, 놖 feels a little embarrassed... 놖, please come over."

With that said, Witte flew towards the aura of the newly appeared abyss believer, hiding his own aura while flying.

At the same time, Werther also took out a magic circle, which was used to hide his figure.

Obviously, Witte was preparing a surprise for the abyss believer.

Celine glanced at Werther speechlessly, and then she also concealed her breath. As for the magic circle... she used it.

Witte uses the 놅 concealment type 놅 magic circle. The 놅 magic above is light element magic or dark element magic (choose according to your needs). Now it is white 꽭, of course it is concealed with light!

In a few breaths, the two behemoths disappeared into the sky.

This is a dense forest similar to the Evernight Forest, or, to be more precise, it should be a rain forest!

The tall trees almost covered the sky. All kinds of vines grew on these tall trees, forming a large three-dimensional network structure.

The roots of these vines hang down in the forest, densely packed together with the vines above and the surrounding trees, forming a large and suitable place for hiding.

The humid air seemed a bit stuffy under the sunlight that passed through the forest layer.

On the ground, due to the influence of various factors such as tree roots, rotten leaves, streams, etc., the height difference is quite large.

The roots of the thick trees are winding and entangled, which further increases the complexity of the forest floor.

At this time, in front of a tree-root-shaped cave, a humanoid creature more than two meters tall frowned and looked in a direction from a distance.

The slender tail behind him was swinging unconsciously, and the tip of the tail pierced the roots of the nearby trees, leaving a series of scratches.

늀Just now, two "땢mates" passed by here.

Although something similar to 놅 had never happened to 놊 before, this time, 놊 knew why, and 놛놅 felt a sense of peace in his heart.


With a cold snort, 놛 decided to leave this area first after thinking for a moment.

Although this place is a rare hiding place, in this endless forest, there are countless similar places, and they are the kind of large races. They can hide in any place. .

As for why you are hiding...

Who knows!

The higher-ups have ordered us to do so, and we will do as we please.

Now that he had come to a conclusion, he hesitated no longer and headed straight away from the two "companions" in the opposite direction.

The trees in this world are extremely tall, which is quite friendly to our species.

It takes no effort at all to transfer, and there is no need to worry about exposing problems.

Tall trees, lush vines, and complex root systems are all natural shelters for us.


The frown on his face deepened, because the feeling of uneasiness in his heart became more and more obvious, as if he was being stared at by something...

Suddenly, his face changed, and the fleeting aura of the two "companions" appeared in his mind.

Those two guys must be being hunted down!

If they were the pursuers, with two platinums on one side and one platinum on the other, it was easy to imagine who they would target.

When this thought came to his mind, two violent elemental fluctuations suddenly gathered on his head.

He looked up suddenly, and saw two huge figures, one white and one silver, flying in the sky, with their huge eyes staring at his position.

"Damn it!"

With a roar, he looked back at hiding his breath and moved quickly in the forest.


A violent explosion sounded behind him, followed by the sound of rocks exploding, trees falling, dragon beasts wailing, and so on.

The explosion produced a strong airflow, which washed away everything that could be affected in the forest.

In just a blink of an eye, a piece of open space with a range of nearly 100 miles was cleared.

The abyss believer also fell with the trees, and his figure was exposed in the broad daylight.

Feeling the gaze fixed on him instantly, the Abyss believer's face darkened and he stopped running. He had been locked in by the gaze of the other party and had escaped for the time being!


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