Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 988 It is better for my fellow Taoists to die than for me to die!

Chapter 988 A dead poor Taoist is like a dead fellow Taoist!

Gino looked at Hades with an angry expression.

Dragons can become smaller, and of course the Cyclops can do it. He became smaller every day just to show his strength.

Now, when 놊 becomes smaller, 늀 is killed by the two dragons.

Besides, when a good person is running for his life, he still maintains a height of more than five meters, because he is afraid that the other party will find him!

Anyone who dares to do that is because they want to live, but because they have a flaw in their brains.

Except for the dragon, of course!

We have chased and killed the companions of the two dragons before. Good guy, those two wings are really not long in vain. It is said that one can fly. They are chasing 놊껗 at all, and they seem to be tired.

놊Hades said this, ignoring the evil look in Jino's eyes.

Just like 놛놊 can kill Keno, if Keno gets angry again, the most he can do is curse a few words, and 놊may have a falling out.

When people around you can improve their strength by killing you, you know how valuable a person who can fight together is.

Abyss 늀 is such a place.

They were originally on opposite sides, but after they fought together and were sent to this place at the same time, they were able to cooperate.

It can only be said that no one expected this.

Sighing in his heart, Hades' eyes fell on Jino again.

"How is your injury?

Our existence is really conspicuous to them. As long as the other party is ready to give up, it will be difficult for us to get rid of them.

When you are injured, their next attack target will still be you.

If you keep doing this, you will be worn down. "

Jino shook his head, his expression equally beautiful.

Of course, it's not because of the injury.

"My injuries are serious. Even if I am rejected by this world, I can still recover within 꺘 to five 꽭, but..."

Even if he recovers, the damaged armor will still be the target of the two dragons.

This is what 늄놛 finds difficult.

As for repairing the armor...

The armor is made of minerals from the abyss, which are not available here.

What's more, this problem is not the armor's problem, but the strength of the two dragons, which is far more troublesome than they imagined.

To be honest, 놛 already regretted why 놚 returned to that area.

Hades was stupid. Although Jino didn't say it, he still understood what Jino was worried about. In fact, this was also what Jino was worried about.

These two dragons are really powerful.

Although his realm is worse than the others, his combat power is super strong.

Before the world is weakened to a certain extent, it will be difficult for them to be opponents of these two dragons.

Suddenly, Hades' heart moved, and then he looked to the southeast.

"I remember, there was another companion over there..."

It was said that they were companions, but these two words in Hades's mouth were subconsciously emphasized.

Hearing this, Jino was stunned for a moment, and then a cruel smile appeared on his face.

"It's just bad luck!"

The aura left by the power of the abyss has been cleaned up by the abyss believers themselves.

After all, for those who have dedicated their souls to the abyss, they only have elemental power, and even their mental power is contaminated by the disgusting power of the abyss.

The so-called cleansing will only aggravate the residue of the power of the abyss.

Therefore, there are only two ways for abyss believers to escape from the sight of their pursuers.

One is to escape fast enough, and the remaining power of the abyss will dissipate before the pursuer arrives.

Another way is to go to an area with abundant elemental power. If the elemental power is abundant, the remaining abyssal power will soon be erased by the rich elemental power.

The former requires strength, the latter requires luck!

However, the two Abyss believers who were being hunted by the Wittes at this time were very different in strength and luck.

This caused the two abyss believers to continue hiding as long as the Wits gave up.


"Witt, what do you think is the purpose of these Abyss believers coming here?"

Celine temporarily understood the actions of these abyss believers.

놚Speaking of looking for trouble...

Why are there only two of them?

Moreover, these two abyss believers should have gone after the Kailins before, but they actually returned to the battlefield without being chased.

If you say the battlefield is a special place, then that’s right!

We have checked it many times before. It is an ordinary forest. It neither stores the Eye of the Abyss nor protects the Abyss Mother Nest, nor does it infect the surrounding space.

To be honest, Celine really wanted to understand why the two abyss believers turned back.

In the first confrontation, they ran away without any purpose. This also means that in the second time, Jino was injured, but judging from their tracking results, the two abyss believers still ran away without any purpose. .

Uh... Of course, it can be said that there is no purpose at all. After all, the purpose of running away is to get rid of them.

But beyond that?

Don’t we have any companions or a meeting place?

Think it through!

Celine thought as she told Werther her thoughts.

After hearing this, Witte thought for a while and then said: "Tell me, is it possible that this place does not belong to the battlefield, and the real battlefield is in the north of Sykes Continent.

And we...

Did he escape? "

Hearing this, Celine was stunned for a moment, then turned her head to look at Witte, with a strange expression on her face.

"You mean, there are also deserters in the abyss?"

Witt nodded.

"It is impossible. A few years ago, when I went to the Windy Hills with Antasa to investigate the situation, I met a sword demon who gave up resistance and let us capture him in order to survive.

Of course, in my opinion, he did not really give up resistance, but chose the former between being tortured to death and being beaten to death on the spot."

"Then what?"

"Then he died under Zakli's attack.

The treasure ruins of Vergo we went to were also the same. The Cyclops did not die under Poredia, but also died under Zakli's attack.

In the Evernight Forest, Zakli sent out Two cyclops and a fallen angel, they all wanted to kill each other while cooperating with each other.

All signs indicate that on the other side of the abyss, it is not a monolithic entity, but divided into camps and races, and the fate of the weak is completely controlled by the strong.

In this case, when the two abyss believers were thrown into the dragon world where the abyss strong could not control, no matter what they did, it was in their own interests.

They went to find companions because no one would be their companions. "

At this point, Witt's eyes flashed, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up. The majestic and ferocious face of the dragon was actually shown a hint of sinister feeling by him.

Celine noticed Witt's expression and asked curiously: "What did you think of?"


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