Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 986: Escape!

A set of lava armor, followed by lava claws, and then with the protection of two high-level magic, the forbidden spell roared to open the way!

Seeing Witt use magic, Jinuo knew that Witt was not going to continue to compete with him in strength. Seeing the forbidden spell coming, a black breath appeared in the black space on his body.

Then, purple lines spread from the chest to the limbs, and then the head armor was put on the head, and a black and thick mace over 300 meters long was smashed in front of him.

He raised his hand to hold the handle of the mace, stepped forward, and swung the stick. The huge mace, accompanied by a scream, hit Witt's roaring flames.

With just one move, the forbidden spell was dispersed.

Although the forbidden spell itself carries power, it still forced him back a long distance, but his power is undoubtedly strong.

Witt saw this, but he was not surprised at all.

No matter what, the other party is a high-level amethyst-level Cyclops. If he didn't have some skills, how could he be sent to guard an abyss gathering point.

Even if the dragon world suppresses his power, he is still a strong man at the middle level of platinum.

Although the life level is lower than that of the dragon, it is also a powerful race, otherwise it would not be born with the power of destroying rules.

In this case, it is normal to break his forbidden spell.

As for the embarrassment just now, it was just that he was caught by the opportunity and suffered a set of combos.

Now that he has regained control of his body, it will take a lot of effort to have such an opportunity again.

While thinking this, Witt had already rushed to Kino, with his claws wrapped in advanced magic lava claws, tearing directly at the opponent's chest.

A second later, Witt's claws were blocked by the mace.

The mace was obviously not made of ordinary materials. Although a series of splashes were splashed when it collided with Witt's claws, it was not damaged at all.

Moreover, don't think that the opponent's movements will be clumsy when Kino is more than 500 meters tall and swings a mace of more than 300 meters.

In fact, the mace in Kino's hand is as easy as an arm!

The connection between the swinging movements is extremely smooth, and Witt's claws are easily blocked by the body.

From time to time, he could force Witt to retreat.

For a while, you went back and forth, and no one could do anything to anyone.

The battle seemed to be developing in the direction of a bladder situation.

But that was when Witt did not use his ultimate power.

Witt saw that he could not win after a long battle, and he gradually lost his patience.

At the same time, he also understood that if they really wanted to fight for a long time, they would never be able to beat the opponent.

The opponent's realm was suppressed, but the power stored in the body was not suppressed.

He and Celine were only at the platinum level, while the opponent was at the high level of purple crystal.

This can't go on like this!

As Witt thought about this, the "big night light" on his chest suddenly became active, and clusters of blazing white flames flew out of his big night light and attached to his claws.

Jinuo naturally noticed that Witte was using a stronger force.

However, although he had the power of destruction that was enough to deal with Witte's power, this power was a racial talent, just like the breath of a dragon.

He could only use it simply and directly, and could not control it.

However, using only a stronger force should not be...


Before Jinuo's thoughts were fully revealed, he watched as several scratches appeared on his beloved mace, and some metal spikes were melted!

At the same time, Jinuo hurriedly activated the Eye of Destruction, trying to force Witte back.

However, facing Jinuo's Eye of Destruction, Witte had no intention of retreating at all, and opened his mouth to exhale a blazing white breath.

The two forces collided, causing a violent explosion. The two sides were very close and were directly pushed away by the explosion force, but Witt's dragon tail was long!

The dragon tail with the blazing white divine flame attached to it directly stabbed Jinuo's chest. This time, the armor on his body failed to block Witt's attack.

Under the action of the blazing white divine flame, the protective power of the armor was greatly affected and was directly penetrated by Witt's dragon tail.

Fortunately, Jinuo's body was stronger than Witt's. This time, only a hole was opened in the armor.

The body was not injured, but was shocked by the huge force of Witt's tail, which made him feel a little chest tightness.

But, it's okay this time, but it may not be the same next time.

Without the armor blocking it, the power of the blazing white divine flame was enough to make a hole in Kino's chest with Witt's tail.

So, after Witt stopped, he quickly moved forward and stabbed the dragon's tail towards the hole in Kino's chest again. It was obvious that he was trying to hit Kino again with the same old trick.

But Kino didn't dare to let Witt get close to him again. The threat of the blazing white flame was far beyond his expectation.

The battle had lasted for such a long time, and this was the first time that Kino chose to retreat when facing Witt's attack.

And this retreat also meant that he had no way to deal with the flames on Witt's body for the time being, so although he was unwilling, he had to admit that he was no match for Witt when his own realm was suppressed.

Since he was no match for his opponent, he would be in danger if he continued to fight, so Jinuo directly moved his long legs that were several hundred meters long and ran away.

"I will not let you go!"

Of course, although he was defeated, he still left such a sentence.

When Kino chose to flee, Hades did not hesitate to summon the Skeleton Mage on the battlefield far away from Celine.

He asked him to help cover the rear, and at the same time, he chased after Kino, and the speed was not much slower than that of the dragon.

Without Kino's restraint, the Skeleton Mage could not stop Celine's attack at all. He lasted less than ten seconds and was sent away by Celine's photon roar.

After killing the Skeleton Mage, Celine turned her head and looked at Witte.

And Witte nodded without hesitation, and chased in the direction where the two Abyss believers fled.

As Witt had thought before, with his and Celine's strength, they could hunt down the Abyss believers in turn, which was not comparable to Kotlin and Kailin.

Celine saw Witt chasing after him, so she hurried to catch up.

However, when she looked down in the direction, her brows frowned.

The battle just now was not just about the earth breaking and the trees falling. Each attack of the two Abyss believers carried the power of the Abyss.

At this time, the battlefield was already full of the power of the Abyss.

"Go after them first!"

At this time, Witt's voice sounded.

After hearing this, Celine did not hesitate and chased in the direction where the two guys fled.

As for Witt, when he was about to catch up, he also noticed the battlefield on the other side. After instructing Celine, Witt began to hide.

A huge blue magic circle quickly condensed in the sky city, forbidden spells, heavy rain...

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