Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 983 The prophecy comes true!

"If there is an accident, we will run in this direction, but..."

But Witt is now pointing to the west.

And the Bloody Rainforest is in the south of the Sykes continent.

And through the Ice Mist Valley, the general location of the landing point is in the south of the Sykes continent, about 20 years away from the Bloody Rainforest.

Of course, this is what Ignatz himself calculated in "Traveling in the Dragon World".

And Ignatz is a ground dragon and can fly. In places like the Endless Forest, where the trees are dense, there are many roads that he can walk.

But his strength is relatively strong, and he needs to consider the dangers he encounters on the road.

Therefore, when he is a giant dragon but his strength is not as strong as Ignatz, Witt calculated that it would take them 15 years to reach the Bloody Rainforest.

Of course, this includes resting, being attacked, and so on.

But that was without the involvement of the abyss. Now, it is easy for Witt to say.

After all, although he laughed at Kailin for being unlucky and encountering the abyss, in fact, his luck was so good that he was now on the blacklist of five legendary strongmen.

Uh... if the guy he met on the ice field before successfully broke through, it would be six!

Five of them were from the abyss.

Thinking of this, Witt was a little embarrassed to mock Kailin.

Of course, these are not important for the time being. The important thing is that Kotlin knows where the bloody rain forest is. Although he was forced to flee to the west, he must have gone south in the end.

If he chases, which direction to chase is a big question.

The above thoughts flashed through Witt's mind, and then Witt looked at Celine.

"Okay, you crush Kailin's dragon scales first, and we'll stay here for two months. After two months, if you don't come, we'll chase south directly."

Hearing this, Celine nodded, took Kailin's dragon scales, and then crushed them directly.

After waiting for a while, the two dragons looked at each other.

"I don't feel it here."

Celine said helplessly: "I do."

Hearing this, Witt sighed helplessly.

What a trouble!

The previous prophecy came true, and the two guys are still being hunted.

Even if they hide somewhere, it's convenient for them to come and meet us, then they can crush their dragon scales and let us rush over.

Since the dragon scales were not crushed, it means that the two guys are now in a state of no fixed location.

In addition, the most troublesome thing is that they now have no way to contact Kotlin and Kailin.

Moreover, Kotlin and his friends only have one dragon scale of Witte and one dragon scale of Celine, which makes them unable to even give them a dragon scale to report their safety.

"Alas, the next time we meet, at least a few hundred dragon scales will be pulled out. This feeling of exchanging information is really uncomfortable."

However, when he thought about giving the same number of dragon scales to the two dragons, Witte was somewhat unwilling.

It takes time to grow scales, even if that little time is insignificant.

But willing is willing.

Suddenly, Witte was stunned for a moment, and then gave himself a claw fiercely.

"What are you doing?"

Celine saw that Witt suddenly hit her and looked over in confusion.

Witt shook his head.

"I'm so stupid. Did Antasa modify the dragon scales of Boredia? Why didn't I think of stealing from Antasa at that time!

Sure enough, I'm still too young to consider everything."

As for the current research...

Don't make a fuss!

Although Antasa has a little aesthetic problem, her alchemy is really strong.

If you completely disassemble Boredia's dragon scales, it will be difficult to figure out the alchemy technology inside.

And Boredia's dragon scales are their life-saving straw, no matter what you say, you can't disassemble them.

"Next time I go back, I must remember to visit Antasa more often!"

Celine glanced at Witt, and then flew away.

The battlefield has been cleaned up. Witt just said that they need to stay here for about two months, so the surrounding situation still needs to be explored.

Witt saw that Celine was not going to pay attention to him, but went to explore the situation on her own. He felt bored and flew in another direction.

Such a large area, Celine must be explored by herself.

Soon, a day passed, and Witt and his team explored all the surroundings, and then settled down in this battlefield.

Kotlin and his team are opponents of those abyss believers, but Witt and his team are different.

In an environment not infected by the abyss, Witt can use some extreme skills, as long as he lets it spread over a large area, there is no problem.

And Witt, who had the help of the Ultimate, was actually suppressed to the platinum level of the Abyss believers, but he was no match for me.

What's more, I still have Celine.

Celine's abnormal casting speed can provide me with the greatest degree of cover.

If you are willing to spend some time hunting, it is possible to kill these Abyss believers.

But Witt didn't expect that this opportunity would come soon!


"Well, Celine, why did you come here? Didn't you go to practice magic?"

Werther, who was lying on the test bench improving the shaping magic circle, heard the noise coming from behind him. After turning his head and taking a look, he continued the improvement work at hand while talking.

Celine walked to the test table and lay down, with a sad look on her face.

"It's been a month and a half!"

The movements of Witte's paws paused slightly, and then he sighed helplessly.

"To be precise, it should be fifty-one days."

As he spoke, Witte paused, and then continued: "The breath left over in the Ice Mist Valley is basically about a month old, and there is a month difference between us.

Therefore, twenty-one days ago, there was still no news about the two dragons. It can be basically concluded that they are being hunted now, or it is difficult to settle down..."

As he spoke, Witte's pupils shrank sharply, his dragon scales were crushed, and the direction was south!

Celine noticed Werther's abnormal behavior, raised her neck and looked at Werther.

"The dragon scales are broken?"

Victor nodded, a flash of thought flashing in his eyes.

"The distance is very far. We should be allowed to pass by instead of reporting that it's safe. These two guys..."

"Are you planning to separate?"

Hearing Celine's addition, Victor nodded, and then helplessly started to pack up the things on the test bench. Afterwards, the stone that had been hanging in the bed finally fell down.

To be honest, even though he said that the two dragons should be fine, he was not worried at all.

After all, if they were already dead, their dragon scales would shatter.

Now that the dragon scales are shattered and the news is confirmed, 뀞깊 can finally be released.

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