Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 962 A cunning abyss believer!

"Drinking makes things worse!"


After Witte summed it up, Pao Bing was speechless for a moment.

There's no way, it's really like this.


Kuo Bing looked at Werther with some doubts.

"By the way, how did you guess this?"

After hearing this, Witte raised his chin towards Kuo Bing.

"You told me yourself that there is something wrong with your cultivation. If you continue to practice like this, although you can improve your strength, you are obviously unwilling to do so.

So, you must think of other ways!

Instead of going to the City in the Sky, I came towards the City of Ice and Snow. There must be a reason for not wanting to go. Think about it for a moment, other than not wanting to lose face, what other reason could it be.


Having said this, a strange smile appeared on Werther's face.

"Boredia is in the City of Ice and Snow now!"

Kuo Bing was stunned for a moment, then his face changed slightly, and he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Why is he here too?"

"What else could be the reason? Didn't I say before that there is a probability that a long-distance space teleportation magic array will be built between the City of Sky and the City of Ice and Snow.

Boredia came here to communicate about this matter. "

Hearing this, Kuo Bing's face revealed a hint of resentment.

"In this way, I have to be careful after I enter the city. It will be bad if he sees me. I will definitely be laughed at. Damn it, it was obviously him who dragged me to drink."

Hearing this, it wasn't just Werther who looked weird. Celine and the others also looked at Kuo Bing with weird smiles.

Noticing this, Kuo Bing's heart skipped a beat.

"Don't tell me, Boredia is a hurdle that can't be bypassed!"

Witte glanced at Kuo Bing with admiration.

"You are really right. The pharmacists in the Ice and Snow City are not very good. The strongest one in terms of medicine is a giant dragon alchemist. This dragon is Boredia's friend.

Unsurprisingly, the alliance between the two city-states was run by them. "


Kuo Bing was completely speechless.

Otherwise, just go back and forget it.

Noticing Kuo Bing's expression, the weird smile on Witte's face softened slightly, and there was a hint of seriousness in his eyes.

"To be honest, I don't think you need to avoid Boredia. Although the taste of that guy's potion is a bit strange, the effect is quite good.

With my level of medicine, I can't give you a solution.

Then, if you want to find a solution to your own problems, you can only find someone of Boredia's level.

To be honest, I have traveled to many city-states, and apart from Boredia, I have never seen a pharmacist stronger than him.

Isn’t it just to be laughed at?

Can it lose scales or can it lose a piece of meat?

In contrast, it is better to solve your problem as soon as possible! "

Kuo Bing thought for a moment, then sighed.

"That's all it can be. I hope there is a solution to my problem in Boredia, and I don't expect the wind element to be able to exert much combat power.

As long as I can solve the problem of slow absorption of wind elements, I will be satisfied. "

Every element is a broad road leading to mythology, but few dragons can reach the end of this road.

Why is the myth of only one law too weak...

What a joke, no matter how weak a myth is, it is still a myth. How many myths can there be in this dragon world?

꿯Zheng Weite had never heard of any of them.

On the other side, Kuo Bing continued: "Forget it, let's settle this matter first!"

As he said that, Kuo Bing looked at the two bone wolves in front of him.

"Since you met by chance, you probably don't know the details of these guys. In fact, the abyss believers behind these bone wolves and I are old rivals.

Do you still remember how I was infected by the power of the abyss before? "

Hearing this, Witte thought about it for a moment.

"I remember that I was injured by an abyssal beast before it died, and I failed to deal with it in time..."

As he said that, Werther looked startled.

Speaking of which, at that time, Kuo Bing was already subordinate to Amethyst.

A giant dragon with a low-level Amethyst level and an affinity for the water element was injured by an abyssal beast before it died in the ice field that was most suitable for him to exert his power.

I didn't know much about the abyss before and didn't think much about it, but now that I think about it, this abyssal beast is not simple.


"What do you mean, the person fighting you is not only the abyss beast, but also an abyss believer?

That’s right!

This is for you, you can see what kind of abyssal beast attacked you back then. "

As he spoke, Werther handed "Creatures of the Abyss" to Kuo Bing, and then watched him identify the "murderer".

Kuo Bing took the metal book passed by Witte, and while flipping through it, he said: "The abyss believer did not show up, nor did he participate in the attack on me.

But I can feel that the other person is around.

And that abyss beast should be under his control. It was not a simple attack, but a hunt for me.

It's just unclear why the other party didn't participate in the siege.

Well...that's it! "

Werther turned his head and glanced, then his expression suddenly dawned.

"꺘Hell, this is an abyss creature whose life level is no lower than that of a flying dragon. No wonder it can hurt you. Its strength should be as high as that of Amethyst!

As for why the abyss believer didn't show up...

The place where you are fighting should not be infected by the power of the abyss! "

Kuo Bing nodded, and then while flipping through the book "Abyssal Creatures", he said: "It is indeed the Amethyst high position, the battlefield is around the place where I live, and it is indeed not infected by the power of the abyss.

However, the head of the abyss...the head of hell, during the battle, its strength was constantly being suppressed...

Could it be for this reason that he didn't take action against me? "

"That's right!

After the abyssal creatures enter the Dragon Realm, if they are not in an area infected by the power of the Abyss, they will be suppressed by the Dragon Realm and it will be difficult to display their strength.

This guy...is a bit cunning!

That must have been the early stage of the abyss invasion, and he was so careful. "

Hearing this, Kuo Bing nodded with great approval.

“That guy is really cunning.

After I finished dealing with the power of the abyss, didn't I return to the ice field?

I feel ashamed to say it, but along the way, I did find some abyssal power that I unknowingly left behind.

After processing those things, I returned to the ice field.

Then, while practicing, I searched for traces of the abyss believer.

Until one time, I had a sudden idea and followed an abyssal creature called a bone wolf to explore the behavior and purpose of this abyssal beast. I found that guy.

You will never imagine what these bone wolves are doing. They are a source of infection, a source of information, and they are also bait! "


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