Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 959 That familiar figure!

"You seem quite excited to meet the abyss creature?"

Kailin looked at Witt with some doubt.

Hearing this, Witt smiled and said, "That's because, you can summon a legendary peak-level combat force at any time. Of course, this is just a precaution.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, you don't want to summon you.

The rest...

Just follow and watch, you will understand later."

Witt stopped talking.

Kailin nodded when she saw this. Even if she didn't understand it now, she would understand it later.

The bone wolf's strength is not strong, only silver level, plus its small size, thick ice and snow, and other problems, its running speed is called slow.

Otherwise, Witt would not have time to teach Kailin.

As for the places where the bone wolf ran, some abyss power would indeed be left behind.

But the reason why the ice field has a bad environment is that the never-ending cold current, which is essentially a high concentration of water element flow.

Therefore, the ice field is not friendly to some dragons, and even more so to the abyss.

Under the scouring of the cold current, those exposed abyss forces can't even hold on for a few breaths and are washed away.


Witt looked at the skull wolf below.

To be honest, he is quite interested in this skull wolf.

He wants to know why this skull wolf ran out.

The ice field has a bad environment. Although it is not a place where life is forbidden, there are really few creatures living on this vast snowfield.

Elemental life is the most difficult species for the abyss force to infect.

Once the abyss force enters the body of pure elements, there are only two results, either overwhelming infection or overwhelming cleansing.

However, the only thing that can do overwhelming infection is the power of the abyss carried by the Abyss believers.

But the Abyss believers may not dare to come out.

This has nothing to do with the number of dragons, it is a matter of the nature of intelligent creatures.

Just like if Witt enters a place that will reduce his strength by several levels, even if he is clearly told that the probability of encountering danger in this area is very small, Witt will still not go in.

No one likes to be in a situation where they are not completely under their own control.

Therefore, even if the probability of encountering dragons on the ice field is very small, the Abyss believers are unwilling to enter the ice field, fearing that one thing will happen.

If the Abyss believers do not come out, the water element dragon beast is basically safe.

In addition to the water element dragon beast and the dragon race, other types of dragon beasts are also on the ice field, but the number is very small.

In this case, sending the bone wolf out is definitely not for infection.

If it is not an infection, then it can only be a search for information.

Then the question is, what information does the other party want to find out?

Well, although it is a question that is destined to have no answer, it is a good way to kill time in this boring tracking game.

The tracking has lasted for days, and the speed of the bone wolf has been maintained at a fairly stable level. Obviously, this creature can detect vital signs without food.

In this case, we can only continue to follow.

Moreover, this tracking may need to continue for a long time.

"Witt, look over there!"

Celine was originally staring at the skull wolf, but she suddenly caught a glimpse of a black shadow suddenly appearing on the snow-white ground in the distance.

After turning her head and taking a closer look, a hint of joy flashed in her eyes.

Witt looked in the direction where Celine pointed, but it was another skull wolf.

Seeing this, Witt's expression was lifted.

"Everyone, pay attention!"

Since another bone wolf has appeared, it means that the abyss gathering point we are looking for may be nearby.

Suddenly, Witt's eyes fixed, his body paused, and he looked solemnly in the direction of the other bone wolf.

However, he was not looking below, but above.

It was still snowing, and if you were a little further away, you couldn't see the specific situation.

But the outline could still be seen clearly.

It was a dragon of the same size as you!

The color of the body was not very obvious in the snow, and the color of the scales was also lighter.

Did the other party also follow the bone wolf?

Does that mean that the other party has a certain understanding of the abyss?

While Witt was thinking about this, Celine and others also followed Witt's gaze and paid attention to the dragon that was quietly hiding in the snow.

The alertness rose instantly.

The dragon encountered in the wild is not a good one.

The size is similar to that of Witt, but it means that the opponent's strength may be very strong.

The opponent obviously also discovered Witt and his team and paused far away.

For a moment, both sides didn't know what to do.

Under normal circumstances, if they met, both sides could completely avoid each other.

But this time, their targets had already met and ran in the same direction.

Witt didn't want to let go of this abyss gathering point.

Since the opponent didn't leave immediately, the target was obviously also this abyss gathering point.


It's not impossible, but it has to take certain risks.

Of course, it's definitely not Witt and his team who are taking risks.

After all, we have four dragons here. Although their strength is definitely not as good as the other side, Witte's size is quite impressive.

From the other side's point of view, Witte's strength should be about the same as yours.

With Celine and others, the other side may not dare to come over.

And Witte and his team must not go over.

If they take the initiative to fly over, they will either run away or fight directly.

No matter which one, it is not what Witte wants to see.

Even if the other side chooses to leave, how can Witte be sure that the other side really leaves?

If they fight directly, the abyss beast that came to investigate the news will definitely realize that it is being followed, and then, we will not be able to follow.

Who knows where the other side will take us.

Just when both sides were entangled, the dragon on the opposite side took the lead in responding.

놛 did not leave, but slowly flew towards Witt and his team.

Seeing this, Witt breathed a sigh of relief.

But he was not completely relieved.

The other party's actions only represented some talk.

But what the other party was thinking was unknown, especially because 놛's size and strength were not matched, and it was difficult to guarantee that the other party would remain friendly after seeing their true strength.

Just as Witt was thinking about this, the dragon on the opposite side gradually revealed its true appearance.

A bipedal upright dragon with a well-proportioned body and a long dragon tail. Its body was covered with snow-like, fish-scale-like white dragon scales, and its limbs had uneven blue and black lines.

Behind it was a pair of light blue elemental dragon wings that looked like works of art carved out of ice crystals.

This reminded Witt of an ancient dragon!

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