Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 95 Prepared for you!

For Celine and the others, the two-day holiday was exciting at the beginning because of the battle, happy in the middle because of the fun, and a series of frustrations at the end because of learning!

Whether it was swimming or learning the shaping magic, Celine and the others were extremely painful, but they had to learn!

Swimming was okay, the only ones who suffered were Celine, Ao, and Billy who couldn't swim!

However, when Witt and the others swam in the Moon Shadow River, while Celine and the dragons could only watch from the shore, they immediately lost their motivation to learn.

In contrast, learning the "sharp" magic was painful for everyone, including Witt!

Boco's requirement for this magic was precision.

Except for Ao, the other dragons couldn't even control it accurately.

Of course, it wasn't that they couldn't do it, but their personalities. They couldn't get interested in these delicate jobs. Ao was better, but he always overexerted himself!

In this regard, Witt could only ask them to come again and again, and he would explain again and again!

Although repetition is not the most efficient way to learn, it is effective!

It was not until the dragons barely met the requirements that Witt let them go!

And at this time, it was the end of the two-day vacation!

Looking at the sun gradually sinking in the west, the dragons couldn't help but cast their resentful eyes on Witt.

Witt rolled his eyes.

"Tomorrow is Bo Ke's pharmacy class!"

The dragons reluctantly withdrew their gazes. Even if they didn't want to admit it, Witt really helped them!

Judging from today's learning progress, they need at least four days to meet Bo Ke's requirements, and this is still the case of manual practice.

In other words, if Witt doesn't help, the pharmacy class will have to wait until the next class before it can officially start!

"Okay, we should go back!"

Watching the sun set, Witt sighed helplessly when he saw the dragons looking unsatisfied.

"There's no need to do this, it's like we won't have a holiday in the future!"

Hearing Witt's words, the dragons all looked at Witt, making Witt look confused.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Celine hesitated for a moment, then whispered, "Are you willing to play with us in the future? Learning the magic circle must be very hard!"

Although the other dragons didn't say anything, they obviously thought the same thing.

Even Winters didn't know when Witt would be able to use elemental magic.

So, for Witt, shaping magic, mental magic, and magic circles are the most important steps to improve his strength.

From the battle between Witt and Celine, it can be seen that at this time, when Witt is fighting, no one here can help Witt.

Whether it is the way to break the situation or the stage of the battle, all of them are the only zero-degree cold current that Witt can use.

At this time, they are still in the young dragon stage and can't see anything!

However, when they leave the young dragon stage, the importance of magic gradually emerges. If Witt and other dragons fight only with a zero-degree cold current, sooner or later, he will be targeted miserably!

Therefore, the time of the young dragon stage is very important to Witt.

They are eager to grow up and play with Witt, but they don't want to be a stumbling block for Witt in the long run!

Therefore, they have actually been ready for a long time. Witt will spend all his time learning magic circles and practicing the psychological preparations of the two kinds of magic.

Witt couldn't help laughing when he saw Celine and the others' suddenly dejected expressions.

"Do you think I'm a puppet to learn from?

Learning magic circles, mental magic, and shaping magic is certainly important!

However, learning itself is not something that can be persisted for a long time. The right way to learn is to relax and work hard.

After four days of hard work, I rest for two days. Isn't that too much?"

Hearing Witt's words, Celine and the others looked at each other, and then, with Witt's exclamation, all the dragons except Isa rushed towards Witt!

Even Dinnett secretly grabbed Witt's tail!

After a fight, at someone's suggestion, the dragons rushed towards the dragon cave at the fastest speed.

What could motivate them so much was naturally the punishment measures!

The slowest flying dragon needs to give the other dragon a metal book that he copied himself, the kind in the library!

Under such a strong punishment, Witt and the others naturally flew desperately!

Even Isa, who had never experienced such a horrible thing as copying a book, realized the horror of this punishment when she saw the dragons fighting so hard!

In the end, as expected, Billy lost!

He has never won in such things!

The dragons took Billy, who was crying, to the cafeteria to eat, and then separated.

Ao and Billy went to the square below to fight with other young dragons, Celine and Dinnett went to the magic classroom to practice magic, and Isa went home.

And Witt flew towards Boko's laboratory again.


"You look very energetic!"

Bo Ke, who has been refining potions for many years, looked at Witt who was skillfully working on the laboratory table, and then smiled and said!

Thinking of what happened in the past two days, Witt showed a (ferocious) smile on his face.

"I had a great vacation!"

After a pause, Witte looked at the potion in front of Boko.

"Is this an intermediate treatment potion? It seems that the concentration of life breath is much higher than that used before!"

"It's not an intermediate level, it's an advanced treatment potion!"

Witte stared curiously at the advanced healing potion that was about to be refined. Well... at least, that's what he thought.

"Is Dalong injured?"

"It's not that Dalong was injured, it was prepared for you!"

"Oh...eh? Prepared for me?"

Boko looked at Witte with a smile in his eyes.

"In yesterday's battle, there were two obvious highlights in your performance!

One is made of snow made by zero-degree cold current, and the other is 'strongly' reinforced dragon scales at the roots of the wings! "

Werther was stunned for a moment.

"You know everything?"

Boko pointed around.

"It's not just me, Winters and the others are looking at it. After all, you are already fighting on our heads. It's hard not to know!"

Hearing this, Witte blushed, and then looked at the bubbling potion again.

"So this is..."

"The 'Solidity' magic works well. I thought you should come to me soon to learn 'Acceleration'. This potion is prepared for that.

I didn’t expect you to come tonight.

The injuries caused by 'acceleration' cannot be treated in a short time by low-level or intermediate treatment potions. I hope you are ready! "

Hearing this, Werther nodded firmly.

"I'm ready!"

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