Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 944 Blood Concentration!

After hearing what Leger said, Witt was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Of course, I know this, so, can I tell you now?"


Leger looked at Witt speechlessly.

This guy is definitely pretending to be confused.

However, his reminder is enough. If the other party doesn't listen, then there is no need for him to continue.

With a slight sigh, Leger glanced at Witt.

"Didn't I just say that the research on blood concentration has actually produced results, and now, the giant dragon is still a giant dragon, the earth dragon is still an earth dragon, and the flying dragon is still a flying dragon.

Do I need to say this result?"

Witt frowned.

"Blood concentration can't affect strength?"

Leger nodded.

"During that period, Feilong conducted countless studies, including but not limited to fusing giant dragons into flying dragons or earth dragons, but the results were all without exception, all the experimental subjects died.

Feilong also tried to use the blood of giant dragons to increase the concentration of their own blood, but this method was completely useless.

It turns out that the blood of giant dragons contains information that flying dragons and earth dragons cannot bear.

They finally concluded that although there is a relationship between energy and blood concentration, it is not the latter that affects the former, but the former that affects the latter.

Every time there is a leap in energy, the blood concentration of the dragon clan will be greatly increased.

Note that I am talking about the dragon clan, not giant dragons!

Switch In other words...

When the dragon race first appeared, it was not perfect, or in other words, are there really perfect creatures in this world?

I haven't seen it, so I don't deny it, but I'm not sure either.

So, the explanation for the experimental results of the dragon race's blood concentration is...

As far as the dragon race is concerned, the improvement of the realm is actually a process of self-evolution, and this is reflected in the blood concentration.

However, the dragon race occupies a higher initial position than other races, that is, dragon beasts.

And among the dragon race, the giant dragon has the highest position.

Blood concentration does not specifically refer to the proportion of a certain blood volume in the whole blood, but impurities, that is, useless substances. The proportion of quality.

So, what is impurity? "

Speaking of this, Leger looked at Witt and asked: "What do you think is useless in a bloodline? What conditions should a perfect creature have?"

Hearing this, Witt put himself in, thought for a while, and said tentatively: "Perfect thinking, perfect quality, and perfect form.

If this is the case, then all imperfections are impurities.

For example, I am face blind, so this body should not be possessed by a perfect creature. In addition, the body will be injured, the spirit will be tired, the mind will be deviated, etc.

Therefore, the so-called blood concentration is actually to eliminate impurities. Perfection, let oneself constantly tend to perfection...

But, as you just said, does perfection really exist?

At least, from the perspective of my thinking, perfection does not exist.

Apart from other things, in terms of the form of existence alone, a body that is not affected by time, space and any other forces is a false proposition.

Even if this body exists in the form of law, it will still be affected by other laws. "

After a pause, Witt said firmly: "This is an evolutionary path with no end, so the blood concentration can never reach 100%!"

The Supreme can't do it, his old father can't do it, and the Abyss can't do it!

So, from this perspective, his blood concentration of more than 9% when he was born is already the pinnacle of other races, including most dragon races!

And the dragon race in the Dragon Realm is also slightly inferior to the dragon race in the starry sky.

And this slightly inferior one...

Witt looked up at Leger and asked, "When a dragon reaches the legendary level, to what level can the blood concentration be improved?"

Leger looked at Witt with surprise.

"You asked the key point... just over 9%!"

"What about the legendary level?"

"Close to 9%."

Sure enough!

Witt said in his heart that after reaching the legendary level, the gap between the star dragon and the dragon world dragon has narrowed to the point where there is no more.


"What does blood concentration represent?"

"Your limit of growth!"

"What about cultivation?"

"It allows you to infinitely approach your own limit, or even surpass it. For example, legendary and legendary flying dragons are representatives of constantly breaking through themselves and raising their limits."

Hearing this, Witt had a clearer understanding of blood concentration.

To some extent, this thing is actually a synonym for talent, but the dragon clan has presented it more intuitively.

The research on blood concentration is undoubtedly not dragon body alchemy.

However, using blood concentration to improve one's strength is the real dragon body alchemy.

But this has been proven to be useless. On the contrary, blood concentration itself has some use, but not very much.

Therefore, there are so few things about blood concentration in the outside world.

On the contrary, there will be special tests in the dragon's nest.

In fact, it is to check the talent of the young dragons that have just been born in the dragon's nest.

Thinking about it now, when Winters explained the blood concentration, this part of the meaning was actually contained, but he didn't understand it at that time.


Witt looked at Legg speechlessly.

"Is it necessary to remind me again and again?

For such things, even if you are stupid, you should understand that there is no need to devote yourself to it!

This conclusion is undoubtedly correct.

Is it possible that there will really be a dragon who will embark on the path of becoming the public enemy of the dragon clan for a question that has already been determined?"

Hearing this, Legg frowned.

"I said those things not to worry that you will devote yourself to the research of dragon blood, but to let you know that dragon body alchemy is not to be underestimated. Before this, can you imagine that there will be a dragon who will do such a crazy thing for this?"

Hearing this, Witt's eyes condensed, and then shook his head.

"To be honest, I didn't think about it!"

"So, this is Dragon Body Alchemy. The more you know, the more you want to know. When you relax your bottom line for knowledge for the first time, you have already stepped into the abyss of Dragon Body Alchemy.

This is not alarmist!"

Witt still quite agrees with this point.

However, this has nothing to do with him, and he is not going to do Dragon Body Alchemy.

As for the blood concentration, it is just an idea that came to him suddenly. Since there is no way to improve his own strength through this aspect, then continue to go through the regular channels!

Since this matter has been understood, then...

"Can I ask some other questions? Don't worry, this time it is normal and related to alchemy."


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