Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 941 Things of the past! (I)

Vette was not surprised by the sudden cold attitude of Legge. He certainly understood what the question he was about to ask meant to a serious alchemist.

As for why Legge could guess what he wanted to ask, Viette was not surprised at all.

This was the tacit understanding between smart dragons.

Apart from anything else, Isco had no idea what the question was.

Following Legge into the laboratory, Viette was not nervous at all, and even had the leisure to look around.

Most alchemists' laboratories were very messy.

Because the production of an alchemical item involves too many things, once there are too many things, even if they are placed neatly, they will appear a little messy.

Not to mention when they are used.

Viette's laboratory would be very messy, but not the kind of random mess, but the orderly mess. As long as you stretch out your claws, you can easily get what you want.

But Legge's laboratory looks much neater.

Moreover, compared with experimental supplies and materials, the most in the laboratory are books.

There were no marks on the spines of those big metal books, not even the titles. It can be basically guessed that most of these books should be written by Legge himself.

After realizing this, Witt looked at those books with a burning gaze.

As a dragon who loves learning, the attraction of the knowledge in these books is only a little bit greater than that of the gold coins.

But Legge obviously would not show these things to him.

After reacting, Witt's eyes flashed with regret, and he turned his head to see Legge staring at him with a frown.

Witt laughed dryly.

"A very neat laboratory."

Legge's eyes were inexplicable, just staring at Witt.

"Thank you for the compliment, but this is not a reason for you to ask some special questions to 놖. 놖 hopes you can understand that Dragon Alchemy should be absolutely prohibited.

Don't think you can control your greed. It is much more difficult than you think.

In fact, when you are ready to ask 놖 questions...

Or more accurately, when you think of Dragon Alchemy, your greed has already begun to affect you.

If you have not thought clearly about the questions 놖 said, and try to ask 놖, then, with your mind, if you come into contact with Dragon Alchemy, you will only be addicted step by step.

If you know what 놖 said, but still try to ask 놖, then 놖 wants to know, what do you want to get?"

Hearing this, Witt shook his tail awkwardly.

"Well, Leger, you may have misunderstood something. In fact, I don't know whether the question you are about to ask belongs to the category of dragon body alchemy.

Secondly, with your talent, you don't need to do anything through dragon body alchemy.

Finally, you know better than you the harm of dragon body alchemy!"

Speaking of this, Witt couldn't help but think of the experimental records left in the Aqfrey laboratory.

Behind a string of cold numbers are fresh lives and souls that were once free!

In the past, he felt that dragon body alchemy was actually nothing. It was not dragon body alchemy that was wrong, but the dragons with free souls were imprisoned for experiments.

However, the more he understood, the more Witt could understand that perhaps, dragon body alchemy was not wrong, but it was limited to a very small number of dragons who could suppress their own desires.

If the Ultimate is telling you clearly that if you want to gain power, you need to pay a high price, then Dragon Body Alchemy is quietly changing your will.

Flesh and blood are weak, and machinery ascends!

This is the view that once appeared in Antasa's mind. Even after giving up, she still doesn't think it is wrong. Witt can still see this.

However, for the dragon, the importance of life should not be ranked before freedom.

If one day in the future, he needs to put his free dragon soul into the cold machine to get a longer life, he would rather die decently.

Looking at Witt's serious eyes, Leger seemed to be relieved.

"Although I'm not familiar with you, Poredia has a good eye for dragons. Since you can get his approval, it means that your dragon is not bad.

So, don't blame me for being long-winded. I just don't want to see a dragon that should have a bright future, but is destined to be dark. "

Speaking of this, Leger paused, and then said: "Now, I have no questions. It's your turn to ask. I will decide whether to answer your questions depending on the situation."

Hearing this, Witt breathed a sigh of relief.

"I want to know something about blood concentration!"

Hearing this, Leger was stunned for a moment and then breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, Witt's eyes flashed with doubt.

This doesn't seem like the attitude of talking about dragon alchemy. Could it be that things related to blood concentration are not dragon alchemy?

Leger seemed to know what Witt was thinking.

"I know what you want to ask is definitely not the things related to blood concentration that are circulating in the dragon world at this stage, but whether it is possible to improve strength or qualifications through blood concentration!

Your previous thoughts are not wrong.

Most of the things related to blood concentration are not related to dragon body alchemy."

"Most of them?"

Leger nodded first, then grinned and continued, "But the part you want to know happens to involve the small part of dragon body alchemy.

You should be wondering now, why does it suddenly look less nervous!

In fact, this part of dragon body alchemy related to blood concentration was done thousands of years ago, when the dragon nest was just being built.

At that time, there was no convention of the ten giant dragon nests, no..."


Witt suddenly interrupted Leger and asked with some confusion: "What is the convention of the ten giant dragon nests?"

Hearing this, Leger slapped his head,

"Oh, yes, you are still young and have not participated in the Ten Thousand Dragon Feast. It is normal that you don't know the convention of the ten giant dragon nests.

Do you know the Ten Thousand Dragon Feast?"

Witt nodded, but the look in his eyes became more and more confused.

The Feast of Ten Thousand Dragons is not Fast Continent's own business, so how can it be related to the ten giant dragon nests?

Seeing Witte nod, Leger continued: "You should be thinking now that the Feast of Ten Thousand Dragons is not Fast Continent's own business, so how can it be related to the ten giant dragon nests?"

Witt was stunned!

Leger smiled.

"Because the Feast of Ten Thousand Dragons is not Fast Continent's own business!"


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