Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 937 Ice String Dragon!

"This is it, you can go in directly!"

Isco walked into the shop first, followed by Witt.

However, after entering the shop, Witt's eyes flashed with surprise. Although it is called a shop, the living room here is very similar to Isco's living room.

Except for a counter, which shows that this is a shop, the whole living room is empty.

"Uh, this is..."

Isco looked at Witt in confusion, and when he saw Witt looking around in astonishment, Isco suddenly realized.

"Because of his living habits and personality, Leger's shop does not directly sell finished alchemical items, but only accepts customization."

Hearing this, Witt's eyes flashed with a strange look.

Looking at the expression on Isco's face when he said this, it should be the latter!

But it is true that dragons who like to read books generally need a quiet environment. Kotlin's quiet environment comes from his transparent characteristics that are easily overlooked.

As for Leger, it is likely that he will open a shop in this way.

If he is not a familiar dragon, or is not led by a familiar dragon, he will be persuaded to leave the moment he comes in!

After all, what can he buy if he has nothing?

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.


I just woke up not long ago, and I heard a noise outside. I thought someone was so rude. It turned out to be you, Isco.

Why don't you go around looking for dragons to fight? Come here and do what?"

The voice was full and rich, but the speed of speaking was very fast. It seemed that he was in a hurry, or chanting a spell. In short, it sounded weird.

But Witt noticed that there was no other expression on Isco's face. Obviously, this was the normal state when he spoke to him.

Moreover, these words did not seem to be a joke, but more like a statement of accusation.

Sure enough, not long after the voice fell, a giant dragon of more than seven meters walked out of the suddenly opened stone door.

Two-legged dragon!

The dragon scales are a gradient color from dark blue to light white from head to tail. The diamond-shaped dragon scales are slightly raised, not ferocious, but with a sense of beauty as pure as glass.

But in fact, the nature is closer to ice crystals.

Although it is a two-legged dragon, its body is relatively slender, and its forelimbs are not very strong, just like the white dragon among the five-color dragons.

To be honest, among the two-legged dragons, the slender dragons are still relatively strong.

Apart from other things, among the five-color dragons that are also bipedal upright, only the white dragon can be described as slender, and the others are relatively strong.

On the head, the dragon horns are bent backwards, crystal blue, and ice chips are floating on it all year round. This is a dragon with special effects.

The dragon's tail is thick and long, with a crystal at the end. The Aurora Dragon, like Isco, also has a crystal. However, the crystal of the Aurora Dragon is similar to that of the Crystal Dragon, while the crystal of the Ice String Dragon is an ice crystal.

Overall, compared with the Frost Dragon, which is all white and almost collided with the Holy Dragon, the Ice String Dragon seems to be more suitable for the race name of the Frost Dragon.

But unfortunately, the Ice String Dragons came late. Of course, it was not late to grab the name, but the first Ice String Dragon in the Dragon Realm had half of the blood of the Frost Dragon in its body.

This is clearly recorded in the "Dragon Tribe Genealogy".

In addition, there is another point that can be proved that although the Ice String Dragon did not inherit the appearance and body shape of the Frost Dragon, it inherited the elemental affinity of the Frost Dragon.

Speaking of which, in the dragon world, there are only two types of alien dragons that are single-elemental, one is the Holy Dragon, and the other is the Dark Dragon (Dark Dragon).

However, there are still many single-attribute alien dragons in the dragon world.

Frost Dragon and Ice String Dragon are both included.

The Leige in front of him is a single water elemental.

They all have individuals with a single water elemental affinity, and the number is not small.

The reason why there is no parallel between the Holy Dragon and the Dark Dragon is that both the Frost Dragon and the Ice String Dragon have individuals with both light and water attributes, although the number is very small.

The situation is similar for other single-attribute alien dragons. Individuals may have a single attribute, but if the entire race is magnified, that may not be the case.

By the way!

The Holy Light Dragon is still in the observation stage. If no dual-element individuals appear within 50,000 years, then the Holy Light Dragon will be ranked alongside the Holy Dragon and the Dark Dragon as the first single-element alien dragon.

Of course, if you are ranked higher, you may be kicked down.

The Frost Dragon was once ranked higher, but later, when individuals with dual attributes of water and light appeared, it was kicked down.

So, what is the use of this?

Of course it is useful!

This is an academic question that is often raised in dragon gatherings. You can choose not to study it, but you must be able to say a few words.

Knowledge is regarded as truth by dragons. The more knowledge you know, the more you will be respected by other dragons.

Needless to say, knowledge that has no effect on strength is not the knowledge studied by dragons.

This type of knowledge also has a special name - dragon ecology!

Other similar academic disciplines include dragon animal ecology, plant ecology, etc.

When some dragons are free, they usually study whatever they find interesting.

Of course, not every kind of knowledge will be thoroughly studied by the dragons.

In fact, most of them only studied half of it. After all, you can't expect a dragon that is inspired by something to give up on a whim during the research process.

Witt stared at Legge who came out, observing and thinking about all kinds of things.

On the other side, Legge was talking to Isco on his own. For Witt, he just gave a look and then focused his attention on Isco.

It looks very arrogant, but in fact, all dragons are like this.

When Witt talked to Poredia, if he brought Isco with him, Poredia would not pay attention to Isco.

Witt knew this very well, so he just thought about his own things quietly.

Waiting for Isco's introduction.


"Has it spread so far..."

Muttering, Legge frowned slightly.

"Keep monitoring. I will research alchemical items that can effectively remove the power of the abyss as soon as possible. If there is nothing else, you can go back first!"

As he said this, Leger was about to turn around and return to the laboratory.

Seeing this, Isco hurriedly said: "Wait a minute, this time he came here not because he didn't come to see you, but because he came to see you. Otherwise, there would be no need for him to be so anxious."

"Looking for you?"

Leger was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head and looked at Witt seriously.

"What do you want to see you for?"


He was greeted by a silence. Looking at Witt's empty eyes, Leger's face darkened.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute!"

Isco noticed Leger's expression. He then noticed that Witt was in a daze. He hurried over and patted Witt on the shoulder with his claws.

"Wake up!"


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