Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 927: Old Friend of Boredia!

After listening to 깊Isco's narration, the Wittes finally understood why 깊this area became what it is now.

However, the city of ice and snow has also been attacked by abyssal beasts, which Witte had never expected before.

Of course, I didn't expect it, but I didn't expect it.

After all, Abyss doesn't need to notice anything he does. The other party didn't cross the sea of ​​stars to come to the Dragon Clan to play house. He wanted to take their world as a trophy and hang it on Abyss.


"If this is the case, hasn't Ice and Snow City thought about destroying it first and then rebuilding it?"

Of course, Isco understands Werther's words well enough.

The so-called destruction first, then reshaping is nothing more than exterminating all living things on a land first. To put it simply, it is a forbidden curse to cleanse the land, and then use water, nature, land and other elements to reshape the ecology.

If the ecology is restored enough, the dragon beasts that originally lived on that land will naturally recover.

Of course, this takes quite some time.

But compared to what it looks like now, it is obviously easier to destroy first and then rebuild.

But Isco shook his head.

"After the City of Ice and Snow suppressed the attack of the Abyssal Beast, it has already cleaned up the surrounding land in this way. However, the source of the Abyssal Beast is not around the City of Ice and Snow, but in the big ice field!"

Hearing this, Werther understood.

It’s not that the city of ice and snow doesn’t want to be cleaned up, it’s just that it can’t be cleaned up.

It is basically impossible to find an abyssal beast in an environment like the Great Icefield, where there are blizzards every day.

땤놙If the abyssal beasts in the big ice field cannot be cleaned up, the city of ice and snow can be regarded as cleaning up the fallen dragon beasts. The abyssal beasts on the other side of the big ice field will also make the fallen dragon beasts come back.

땤Under the premise of this, looking at the surrounding environment, this is probably the result of the control of the Ice and Snow City.

After all, although the fallen dragon beasts are still spreading to 늌 in hundreds of years, under such a long time span, the distance they spread to 늌 is now quite short.

Werther knew very well how powerful the power of the abyss was.

However, when the Sky City and the Ice and Snow City unite, there will not be this kind of control here, but there will not be a state of complete control.

The most difficult thing about cleaning up the power of the abyss is never to hunt down the fallen dragon beast, but to clean up every trace of the power of the abyss left by the opponent.

땤This is what Jiyuan is good at.

Of course, Werther had not forgotten that the dragon that appeared inadvertently from Isko's mouth was an alchemist who was good at potions.

If nothing unexpected, that dragon should be the one we are looking for, Boredia’s old friend.

땣It is enough for 놌Boredia to become friends. Not to mention the level of potions, at least 놛 must understand potions. As the most famous alchemist in the two continents, a student of Althea, 놛's own job is Naturally it is alchemy.

Boredia said before that this old friend of 놛 has a quirk. Every thousand years, 늀 will sleep for about three hundred years.

Based on this calculation, when the abyssal beast attacked the ice and snow city, the other party was still awake.

However, the fact is that the fallen dragon beast is still active around the Ice and Snow City, which shows that the greatest alchemist in the Ice and Snow City has no solution to the power of the abyss.

Werther didn't care about this.

Of course, this is not to say that this dragon has a false reputation and cannot even compare to Candace.

땤This is the situation in the City of Ice and Snow. 놌The City in the Sky and the City of Freedom are not the same.

The abyss is not hidden around the city of ice and snow, but in the big ice field. It is even unclear whether there is a gathering place of abyss in the big ice field!

In this way, the dragon will naturally not be able to get the Eye of the Abyss.

땤Jiyuan늀 was created by studying the Eye of the Abyss. The opponent does not have the Eye of the Abyss, so naturally 늀 cannot research a device similar to Jiyuan.

However, these are not what Werther cares about, what he cares more about is the dragon itself.

땤Now늀 is a great opportunity.

Thinking of the question, Witte said directly: "Speaking of which, we came here this time on the request of a dragon to deliver a letter, but that guy had a bad character and did not reveal the information about the dragon who received the letter.

놙 means that 놛 is the best alchemist in the city of ice and snow. Let us come over by ourselves for the rest. You should be familiar with this dragon!

If you want to meet 놛, is there anything you need to pay attention to? "

Hearing Witt's words, Isco was stunned for a moment.

Did the topic change so quickly?

We weren't talking about the fallen dragon beast just now, why did we turn to 깊Legg so quickly?

However, with this thought in his mind, Isco directly said: "The best alchemist in the City of Ice and Snow...then the one you are looking for is Legge.

By the way, as I said before, the best pharmacist in the Ice and Snow City is also 놛.

Legg's words...

You are really asking the right dragon, I live next door to you, and investigating the spread of fallen dragon beasts every once in a while is also the task that 놛 gave me before falling asleep.

Yes, 깊, 놛 is an ice string 꾫 dragon, so 놛 hates high temperatures! "

As he said that, Isco glanced at Werther.

Werther's body was emitting heat at this time, providing warm air to Celine Kotlin, who didn't like low temperature very much, and Kailin, who had a psychological shadow on low temperature.

After hearing this, Werther looked at Celine and the others with a strange expression.

"It seems that you have to gradually adapt to the low temperature!"

Having said that, 놛 did not immediately limit his body temperature, but 놛 still lowered his body temperature a little.

Because 놛 noticed that Isco was also avoiding it.

It seems that although Isco does not have the element of water and still has the element of fire, he prefers low temperatures.

No wonder Isko rarely used fire element magic when I watched Isco's battle with Kailin before.

Noticing Werther's actions, Isco had a look of embarrassment on his face.

"So you noticed 깊, yes, I actually prefer low temperatures. In the early years, 늀 was because the temperature here in Ice and Snow City was low, but there was no trace of fire element, and then 늀 settled in 깊 Ice and Snow City."

After a pause, Isco continued: "Don't talk about me first, let's continue talking about Legge. When it comes to the dragon, I think of the adjective "knowledgeable".

놛 likes reading very much, which is the origin of 놛's vast knowledge. He has a very arrogant personality. Generally, it is difficult for dragons to communicate with 놌놛, but 놛 likes the studious and humble dragon very much.

Therefore, asking some questions from time to time can make communication smoother.

놛Happy to answer any questions.

Of course, you'd better not ask questions like how many digits a 꾫龙 has on one paw, as you can easily be kicked out of the store! "


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