Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 921 Where are you going?

So, in this case, how could Celine go to look for her biological parents.

However, Celine also understood Kailin's idea.

Remiel is the one among the ten dragon nests, most of which are sacred dragon nests.

From what she just said, it can be heard that the living atmosphere in Remiel is also quite good. She saw Celine with a sacred dragon and asked about the dragon nest.

Remiel was born in her family, so she naturally thought that Celine and the others had guessed her origin, but just wanted to confirm again whether the dragon nest she mentioned was Remiel.

So that she could go to Remiel to find her relatives later.

From this perspective, Kailin's starting point was good, but she had such a misunderstanding because she didn't understand Celine and the others.

In this case, Celine couldn't be angry with Kailin.


Celine glared at Witt.

This guy obviously knew everything, but he deliberately said that to squeeze her. Isn't this asking for a fight!

Witt certainly knew why he was beaten.

So, he quickly said with a smile: "Just kidding, just kidding, don't be angry, but I didn't expect Remiel to be in the Celwyn Continent!

I haven't read any records about this in "Traveling in the Dragon World".

It seems that Ignatz has not been to all places.

Or, maybe he really knows that Remiel is in the Celwyn Continent, but he just didn't write it down.

It's true!

Among the ten dragon nests, except for the Frozen Abyss that appeared in "Traveling in the Dragon World", the other dragon nests have never appeared.

And the Frozen Abyss is a common knowledge among dragons.

So, it is very likely to be deliberate."

As he said, Witt paused, then turned his head and looked at Kotlin.

"And, for now, you still need to continue to work hard to read the travel notes. At least, in "Traveling in the Dragon World", there is no specific location of each continent.

But it is true!

Igonats is a land dragon, can't fly, and has no way to cross the Endless Sea. He can only travel between continents through the natural teleportation space. It is also normal not to know the specific location.

But some dragon travel notes can record the location relationship between the various continents.

If you really find any information, don't hide it."

Kotlin rolled his eyes.

What do you mean you should work hard? Obviously reading is something you like to do, how can it become a task!

However, what Witt said does make sense.

Although the natural teleportation space is good, who knows if such a place will suddenly disappear.

After all, our original plan is a bit of a gamble.

Bet that those teleportation spaces are still operating normally.

But this is unrealistic!

If a teleportation space suddenly disappears, then we will only have one way to go back.

It's okay if the distance is short, but if the distance is long...

The position relationship between the two continents may become a shortcut.

Of course, this is not certain, but it is better to know than not to know, and it is indeed necessary to explore the specific location of the Celd continent.

Here, Kotlin is thinking about something, and on the other side, Witt is also thinking about a question.

Where is Teacher 놛놅 now?

Among the eight continents, 놛 now roughly knows the location of five of them.

뀪 Selwyn Continent is the center, Fast Continent is in the northwest of Selwyn Continent, and Fevers Continent is in the southwest of Selwyn Continent.

The Sykes continent is in the western region of the Celwyn continent, but it can also be regarded as the eastern region, after all, the Dragon Realm is a ball.

The Sykes continent is in the southwest region of the Fast continent.

In this way, the Sykes continent may not be very far from the Sykes continent.

Knowing the approximate areas of the five continents, as long as you find your teacher and know the teacher's route in the Endless Sea, it is only a matter of time to find Desidero.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the characteristics of the eight continents are relatively obvious. Perhaps, through the teacher's description of the continent, it is enough to know which continent Desidero is on.


Teacher, where are you!


Thinking of this, Witt couldn't help but sighed.

The ice flower that I saw in the Endless Sea before was undoubtedly left by the teacher.

It was quite close to the Fast Continent, and Witt thought that with the teacher's strength, he should be able to find the Fast Continent soon.

But after such a long time, there was no news at all.

My teacher wouldn't get lost!

Uh... probably not!

After all, the teacher looked so reliable and strong, and the endless sea storm should not be a big deal for the teacher. In this case, he shouldn't get lost.


Looking at the coast in the distance and the endless forest on the coastline, Janis fell silent.

Why did he come back again?

But soon, she put this question behind her.

During this period, if Witt was still alive, he should have been in his prime.

In this way, there was no need to worry.

The world is so small, it's impossible to find Fast Continent. Once we deal with that guy who claims to be the god of the abyss, it will be easy to find Witt.

Thinking of this, Janis felt at ease and continued to chase in one direction.

The golden eyes were full of excitement.

She found the guy's breath again, and you are still alive this time!


What Witt didn't know was that his teacher was not only lost, but also completely gave up the plan to find him while lost, and went directly to the Abyss believers to trouble him.

However, thinking of his teacher, Witt was not in the mood to continue eating.

He stuffed all the meat he took out into his mouth casually, and then said hello to Celine and walked to the side.

Since there is nothing else to do, let's go to sleep!

And improve your strength.

Celine and Witt made similar choices, while Kotlin continued to wander in the ocean of words.

For a moment, the whole camp was quiet, with only the cold wind blowing from the northern ice field, and it was still cursing and never stopped for a moment.

In the blink of an eye, half a month had passed.

Kailin's mental and physical strength, which had been exhausted, were fully replenished, and she woke up from her deep sleep.

Kailin woke up, raised her head, and glanced around blankly.

After a long time, she realized what was going on.

Just when Kailin was about to get up and stretch her muscles, Kotlin, who was reading a book, drew his attention back from the book.

"We are sleeping, what are you going to do?"

Hearing Kotlin's words, Kailin noticed that there was still a dragon awake.

She was stunned for a moment, and then, Kailin thought for a moment.

"Where are you going?"


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