Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 919 Are you directionally challenged?

"Are you... a road idiot?"

Werther's questions were always straightforward. What's more, he had already thought of his crazy student, so when he asked questions, it was not polite.

After hearing Witte's words, Kailin's face froze, and then she quickly shook her head.

"I am a road idiot. How could I be a road idiot? If I were a road idiot, I would have reached the Feifos Continent from the Selwyn Continent through the Endless Sea!"

Hearing this, the three Werther dragons were stunned for a moment.

"You came from the Endless Sea?"

"Selwyn Continent?"

"Favors Continent?"

Three questions in a row were asked by the three dragons of Werther. After finishing the questions, the three dragons looked at each other, and then looked at Kailin, waiting for the other party's answer.

Kailin was looked at by the Wets like this, and her eyes suddenly became erratic. She was quite used to the feeling of being stared at by a dragon, but...

You are a giant dragon!

Werther Sanlong looked away slightly speechlessly, then looked directly at Kailin.

When the 땤놛s looked away, they even heard Kailin let out a clear breath, as if she was relaxing after being nervous.

"I did come from the Endless Sea. The Dragon's Nest has relevant records about the Fives Continent, the Sykes Continent and the Fast Continent.

Sykes Continent is to the west of Selwyn Continent, Fast Continent is to the northwest of Selwyn Continent, and Favors Continent is to the southwest of Selwyn Continent.

These three continents can be reached by crossing the Endless Sea from Selwyn Continent.

After I left the Dragon Nest at the age of five, I traveled all the way south, leaving Selwyn Continent and entering the Endless Sea. Then I headed southwest and arrived at the ice sheet south of Favors Continent.

I successfully reached the ice field, how can you say that I am a road idiot! "


The three dragons were silent for a while. Finally, Celine Kotlin turned to look at Werther. It was up to Werther to break the illusions of other dragons!

Looking directly into the opponent's eyes, Werther is a big evil dragon.

Werther noticed the gazes of the two dragons, but he didn't mean to refuse. He looked at Kailin with a strange look on his face.

"But this is Fast Continent, and the big ice sheet is located in the north of Fast Continent!"


Kailin was confused for a while, and then finally responded.


What did you just say?

This is the Fast Continent, and this is the Favors Continent?

땤And, the ice field 놇 is in the north, and 땤놊 is in the south!


I am obviously facing south, and the Endless Sea is also the south of Selwyn Continent. I may be wrong about this, unless I turn around in the Endless Sea..."

At this point, Kailin opened her mouth, but knew what she should continue to say.

Because she realized that if this bad-tempered dragon was telling the truth, then she would have made a big circle in the endless sea!


Then, Kailin looked at Werther again. Could this dragon be tricking her?

Based on what this dragon did when she just woke up, there is no such possibility, but the possibility is quite high.

However, the two dragons next to him did not respond.

Especially Celine!

It was Celine who just stopped Werther from continuing to threaten her. Now that the other party has responded, could it be...

"Did I really go around the endless sea in a big circle?"

Werther suppressed a smile, but in fact, the corners of his mouth almost reached his eyes.

"If there was an accident, there was an accident during your trip. This is indeed Fast Continent. Of course, I believe you are a road fool, although your experience can't explain anything!"

Even if you are a road idiot, you can really understand everything from the southeast to the northwest.

More often than not, road crazy people are actually more wary of strange places than their rational judgment, and then subconsciously ignore the correct steps to find the way. 꿯땤 is convinced of their hot-headed decision.

The more I walked, the more confused I became, the more nervous I became, and the more nervous I became, the more I thought about what I should do, and I just followed my feelings.

Naturally, I got lost!

Kailin clearly knew the south of Selwyn Continent in the Endless Sea, and she was also heading in this direction.

Therefore, her being lost and obsessed with the road really doesn't have anything to do with it.

Werther has also been to the Endless Sea. As its name suggests, the sea is boundless and endless. He encountered a storm, and to be honest, he got lost in it and lived normally again.

Of course, the most important thing is that Dragon World is a huge planet.

It is normal to set off towards the south and arrive at the north by chance.

Werther, so I think so...

"You will already be in your prime when you reach the ice field!"

Kailin was stunned for a moment, then her face showed realization.

"Let's just say, I clearly saw the record of the dragon who left that book. It took fifty years from Selwyn Continent to Favors Continent. I'm leaving..."

"Almost three years!"

Werther added something for her.

Then he continued: "Actually, you are being careless in this regard. To be honest, I didn't mean to make fun of you at all. However, Endless Sea missed its target location and passed it normally.

I have also been to the Endless Sea. Storms, heavy rains, and continuous clouds will affect the judgment of direction. "

As he said this, a flash of emotion flashed in Werther's eyes.

Hearing Witt's defense, Kailin nodded gratefully to Witt, and then her eyes involuntarily fell on Witt's chest, where there was a ball of blazing white light.

Moreover, if you feel it carefully, the source of the warm breath surrounding her body is Witt.

Thinking of what she felt and saw in her desperate situation, Kailin looked at Witt, and in addition to gratitude, she involuntarily had a few more emotions.

However, before these emotions brewed, she suddenly noticed a cold gaze, which made her weak and shudder.

"What's wrong with you, are you still cold?"

Hearing Witt's voice, Kailin hurriedly shook her head.


As she spoke, she glanced at Celine subconsciously, and then a hint of gloom flashed across her eyes. The strange emotions that had just brewed disappeared silently like the wind.

After hearing what Kailin said, Witt nodded, and then slightly raised his body temperature, and then asked: "Then how did you get lost in the ice field?"

To be honest, Witt was really curious about this. He was a person with a poor sense of direction, but he could get lost for three years. This is a dragon!

When Kailin heard this, a hint of embarrassment flashed across her eyes.

"I also know what happened. The environment of the ice field is worse than what is described in the book..."

Speaking of this, Kailin also responded immediately.

Well, we went to the wrong place, so of course the environment was bad. Moreover, the Fast Continent Ice Field recorded in the book was indeed different from the Fives Continent Ice Field. The climate of the former was much worse due to the existence of the Frozen Abyss...

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