Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 906 Drama Queen!

"You're looking for death!"

After hearing this, Witt was silent for a moment, and then his aura suddenly rose. His eyes flashed with blood, and he stared at the red copper dragon below with gritted teeth.

"Looking for death?

You're the one who should die!

Billy, today it's either you or me.

After more than 700 years of resentment, it's time to end it now!

You know how I've lived these 700 years, day and night, night after night...more than 300,000 nights, just for this.

I'm going to grind you to ashes!"


The red copper dragon standing below was really stunned.

By the way, it was you who woke me up from my sleep, but why do I feel that you have more resentment than me.


Who is Billy?

My name is not Billy!

Looking at Witt's red eyes full of murderous intent, the copper dragon shuddered and finally realized that he was taking the blame!

"Wait a minute..."

"What are you waiting for? Die!

I have been waiting for more than 700 years, more than 700 years, and now I don't want to wait even a second longer.


If you are still a dragon, then fly up and fight me to your heart's content.

Until death!

I will follow the rules of the dragon clan and leave no ashes of you."

"No... you wait... I won't... listen to me first, okay!"

The copper dragon standing in the mud was completely panicked.

He was really a dragon swimming in a dream, and the pot came from his body.

Just sleeping in this place, a crazy dragon came over and wanted to grind him to ashes.

No wonder there has been no dragon in this place.

It turns out that everyone knows that the dragon who originally lived here has a life-and-death enemy!

But the problem is that I am not!

If he was treated as a 꿩 person by the other party, he would die with regret, not to mention that he just slept here.

On the other side, after hearing this, Witt's originally brewing breath finally stopped after hesitating for a while.

"Say it!

Just one sentence, and I will let you die with a clear mind."

Hearing this, the red copper dragon hurriedly said: "꺶 brother, you recognized the wrong dragon, I am not the dragon you are looking for, I just slept here."

Hearing this, Witt was stunned for a moment, then sneered.

"Billy, after talking for a while, you just want to say this?


I am so disappointed in you. I didn't expect that you would be afraid, hahaha...

You are afraid!

If I had known this, I would not have done it in the first place.

You still say that you are not Billy...

For more than 700 years, I have kept you firmly in my heart and never forgot you for a moment. You actually said that I made a mistake?

I tell you, even if you turn into ashes, I will remember you.

You are a red copper dragon!"



Elroya is completely numb!

After talking for a while, I thought it was really a deep hatred, but you just remembered a race name.

Have you spent the past 700 years in the endless sea?

Otherwise, you would have "revenge" long ago!

After complaining in his heart, Elroya continued to explain with a bitter face: "I am really not the Billy you are looking for. My name is Elroya.

By the way, brother, are you face-blind?

Why are you so resentful that you only remember a race name.

I am just a passing copper dragon. You have no grievances against me, so there is no need to continue."

Hearing this, Witt was stunned for a moment.

"How do you know I am face-blind?"

You really are!

Elroya felt that he was really unlucky. He just found a place to sleep casually, and not only did he meet Fu, but he was also a face-blind Fu.

No wonder he got to the place and cast the forbidden spell without saying a word.


"That's not right!

Even if you are face-blind, you can't be wrong about the breath. When I came here, his breath was almost gone. How could it be contaminated on me?"

Hearing this, Witt looked at Elroya as if he was stupid.

"You did it on purpose!

In that incident, you were an adult dragon and I was a young dragon. How could I remember your breath? Is there a chance?"

"No chance!"

Elroya replied subconsciously, but then reacted.

"That's not right!

With your size, shouldn't it be more than 1900 or 20 years ago?

How come it's more than 700 years ago?"

Witt looked at Elroya with contempt.

"What's one or two years? I don't know what you are talking about. I'm only more than 790 years old this year. I've been born this way...


You've got me confused.

Stop talking nonsense and die!"

"Wait a minute!"

Elroya suddenly shouted, his eyes shining, and Witt stopped subconsciously.

"What's wrong?"

"I've found a way to prove that I'm not Billy."

Witt was stunned.

"What can I do?"

"You just said that you are over 790 years old, and when you were a child, Billy was already an adult dragon. How big was he at that time?"

"Your size!"

Elroya cursed inwardly for being stubborn, but now he just followed Witt's words and said, "Okay, okay, just pretend it's me. How big was I back then?"

"More than 500 meters, almost 600 meters."

Elroya nodded vigorously.

"That's right, I'm only over 500 meters tall now, it's not like I haven't grown at all in over 700 years!"


Hearing this, Witt was stunned for a moment, then muttered: "Maybe you've shrunk in size..."

Hearing Witt's uncertain tone, Elroya finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then hurriedly said: "Shrinking in size is magic, do I have the aura of using magic now?"

Witt hesitated.

"Don't move!"

As he said this, he flew to Elroya's side, carefully measured it, and then a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

"Really not!"

Hearing this, Elroya was completely relieved.

"I told you, I was just sleeping here, and you cast a forbidden spell for no reason, and you wanted to fight me to the death. I'm really unlucky!"

Witt looked away awkwardly, and then hurriedly said: "Yes, I was wrong, but why did you sleep here for no reason? I won't apologize, who asked you to sleep in my territory.

By the way, since you are sleeping here, do you know where he is now?"

As he said, a fierce light flashed in Witt's eyes again.

Seeing this, Elroya didn't dare to say anything more. Witt's body size was bigger than his. At the beginning, under the blessing of anger, he dared to fight.

Now, since it was a misunderstanding, it's better to avoid trouble.

Thinking of this, he shook his head.

"How can I know? When I came, his breath was almost gone. I think he left a long time ago."

"Damn it!"

As he said, Witt cursed and flew in the direction he came from.

After watching Witte leave, Elroya looked around and flew away without hesitation, with a gloomy look on his face.

If he stayed here any longer, he was afraid that in a few hundred years, this blind dragon would come and beat him up again.

As for Witte...

After leaving that area, a smile appeared on his face.


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