Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 893 So... let's fight!

"Meet me, Silver Dragon, Gekai!"

After hearing Gekai's words, Ni's face suddenly realized, and then he said after realizing it: "Haha, I forgot to introduce myself. As you can see, I'm a blue crystal dragon, Ni!"

When dragons introduce themselves to each other, their own race is still necessary.

After all, there may be only a slight difference in color between some dragon species, such as the Frost Dragon and the Holy Dragon.

It's embarrassing and uncomfortable to be mistaken for a dragon species by other dragons.

Hearing this, Witt couldn't help but glance at Gekai.

Ni's performance was just as she had shown before, and as for Gekai, Witt saw his own figure in the other party.

Of course, it's not because both of them are silver dragons.

They don't have the habit of communicating with strange dragons.

If nothing unexpected happens, this silver dragon is not a lone dragon, but came out of a giant dragon's lair.

This is the intuition of the same kind.

Thinking about this in his heart, Witt and the others reported their names and races.

However, after hearing the name of Witt's race, Ge Kai looked at Witt with a little more understanding. Sure enough, it was a variant of the silver dragon.

No wonder it looked so much stronger than him.

Moreover, although Witt restrained his breath, Ge Kai still sensed a body temperature different from that of the silver dragon from Witt.

If nothing unexpected happens, this is a hybrid of a red dragon and a silver dragon.

As for Kotlin, Ge Kai did not pay too much attention to it. He didn't recognize it if he didn't recognize it at first glance. After traveling abroad for many years, he had seen a few unfamiliar hybrid dragons.

Of course, these thoughts cannot be expressed.

So, after the introduction, both sides were quite friendly.

But there was a belligerent boy who obviously had no interest in standing here and talking.

"So... let's fight!"

Hearing the excited voice coming from beside him, Gekai swung his tail and slapped it on his forehead, his face full of helplessness.

Why did he find such a companion!

In his mind, there was only fighting. He could live in the wild for so long, all thanks to the blessing of the Creator Dragon!

On the other side, when Witt and the others heard this, a trace of surprise flashed in their eyes.

This dragon is too belligerent!

They all thought that the topic called "challenge" was over, but unexpectedly, the other party had no intention of giving up at all.

However, Kotlin was not belligerent.

As for Celine, she wanted to fight with Gekai more than Ni.

There was an alternative silver dragon by her side, so Celine was quite curious about the normal silver dragon and wanted to know how powerful the normal silver dragon was.

As for Witt...

He glanced at the two dragons and there was no fighting spirit in his eyes.

Both dragons were over 5 meters long and had already entered the prime of life, but there was still some gap between them and him.

In terms of strength, he was much stronger than dragons of the same size, not to mention that he was already over 6 meters tall.

In terms of physical fitness, he had already reached the physical fitness of a normal dragon at the middle platinum level, and was steadily moving towards the high platinum level, far exceeding the two dragons in front of him.

In terms of magic... Dragons of the same age, except Celine and Antawana, or dragons proficient in magic array casting, couldn't even fart in front of him!

It's true that he likes war, but he pursues the quality of the battle.

In summary, facing two dragons, he can't raise any fighting spirit at all, even if they attack together.

However, Witt did not show this idea, but just looked at the two dragons on the opposite side quietly.

Gekai still didn't want to start this battle.

But it has nothing to do with the battle.

Although Celine and Kotlin may not have noticed it, Witt knew very well that the dragons coming out of the dragon's nest are very defensive against the dragons outside.

If you don't want Ni to fight with them, you don't want to have too many intersections with them.

Witt is very clear about this.

Not to mention the dragons outside, he used to have this idea for the dragons of Desidero.

After leaving the dragon's nest and wandering around for a while, Witt's idea has improved slightly.

Compared to him, although Gekai is older, he is much more naive in this aspect!

Unfortunately, although Gekai does not want to have too many interactions with Witt and the others, Ni does not think so. With a flick of his tail, he followed suit and directly sealed Gekai's mouth.

Then, she stared at Witt and the others with burning eyes and boiling fighting spirit.

"Ignore him, let's fight!"

As for Gekai, he tried to pull Ni's tail away, but the difference in strength made him helpless and finally chose to accept his fate.

Who made him have such a pig teammate!

Celine saw that Gekai could not change Ni's mind, raised her eyebrows, and then nodded.

"Then come with me!"

After getting along for a while, Celine has a better understanding of Kotlin's character.

Although he was born in the wild, he has strong fighting spirit and combat experience, but he is not a warlike dragon. In contrast, he prefers reading books.

Facing such an unprovoked challenge, Kotlin is definitely not interested.

As for Witt...

It is likely that he does not look down on the opponent's strength!

Thinking of this in her heart, Celine asked: "The city will definitely not let us go, let's go directly to the wild!"

Hearing this, Ni shook his head and pointed to the southeast.

"There is a special battle field in Free City, right over there. Compared to the wild, a professional battle field can be more relaxed."

Hearing this, a hint of surprise flashed in Witt's eyes.

"There is such a place, where adult dragons can be used?"

But speaking of it, their Free City food tour has only just begun, and the direction Ni pointed to is just where they haven't been yet.

Hearing what Witte said, Ni glanced at the three dragons with some surprise, and then said with a smile: "It seems that this is your first time in Free City!

The most famous place in Free City is the Free Arena.

This venue was built under the personal supervision of the ruler, and it is the expectation of the ruler for this city-state.

But, freedom means... what does it mean?

Gekai, what did you tell me before?"

Hearing this, Witte and the others were stunned for a moment, and then their faces suddenly showed understanding.

It tastes right!

Just like that, how could a fighting dragon know so much about the architecture of Free City, even if it shouldn't be like this in a battle venue.

It turns out that these words were not said by her, but by Gekai.


Witte and the others looked at Ni with a strange look on their faces.

Before you ask the question, shouldn't you open Gekai's mouth first? You're almost driving this guy into depression!


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