Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 891 I want to challenge you!

Chapter 891 I want to challenge you!

After watching Boredia leave, Witt turned to look at Celine and Kotlin.

"Okay, we have been flying for several days in a row. Now, the task that Boredia gave us is completed. Let's rest here for a day or two!"

Hearing this, the two dragons nodded, and then Kotlin walked towards the forest beside him. A big book had appeared in his claws. Obviously, he was going to read a book.

As for Celine, she walked to a tree not far away and closed her eyes to take a rest.

Seeing this, Witt walked to the river, then put his tail in the water and waited quietly.

Speaking of which, since that time, Witt liked to do this, fishing for dragon beasts in the water while thinking about problems.

But because this place is close to the Free City, the underwater dragon beasts living here seem to be accustomed to the breath of giant dragons, and will not run away without a trace just because of the arrival of Witt and his team.

Of course, if you are fishing for dragon beasts, you must restrain your breath.

In addition, dragon beasts are not fish. Although they have no intelligence, their basic judgment ability is still good. Fortunately, dragon beasts in the water like to swim around, so they can still be caught.

However, Witt's attention is obviously not on fishing for dragon beasts.

He is still thinking about the news that Boredia just revealed.

It was mentioned before that in the past few years, Witt has only summoned Boredia once, and the latest time was six years ago.

At that time, Boredia had just started to clean up the stone forest.

Yes, it was just the beginning!

In other words, it was four years after they cleaned up the eight caves that Poredia set his sights on the Stone Forest again.

Of course, this sounds incredible, but in fact, it is normal for the dragon clan.

It has only been four years.

This is when Poredia personally carried out the task.

According to Poredia.

There are two things to do in the Stone Forest: visit old friends, build a space teleportation magic circle to clean up the Stone Forest!

And when Poredia sorted these things, he followed the above order.

That's right, he put the cleaning of the Stone Forest last.

The reason is that this is a big project that takes a lot of time.

Among the first two things, visiting old friends did not take too long, only two years.

The remaining two years were spent on building the space teleportation magic circle.

If this matter involves the union of the two city-states, once the union, all kinds of things must be considered clearly.

The reason why it takes so long is mainly to formulate rules that both parties need to abide by in terms of economic trade.

The former involves the stability between the two city-states.

The latter is mainly Black Stone City.

When Witt and his friends were in Black Stone City before, they had seen the currency of Black Stone City. Simply put, it is the same as the empty currency of Sky City before.

It was formulated and issued by the highest administrator of the city-state.

Black Stone City was not established for a long time, only a few thousand years, but these few thousand years are enough for the currency to penetrate into all aspects of Black Stone City.

But this currency is just a special alloy, like the empty currency, and it does not have value in itself.

Sky City will not recognize the trading attributes of this currency.

Therefore, currency reform is necessary.

This will take a long time.

There are still some similar problems.

In short, it was these problems that made the construction of the space teleportation magic array not officially completed until six years ago.

During this period, Boredia has been following up on this matter.

After all, Black Stone City is the first city-state to be united with Sky City.

Many problems can be used as examples for subsequent exchanges with other city-states during the construction of the space teleportation magic array system.

In this case, Boredia did not put too much energy on the Stone Forest.

Therefore, until the two sides officially united, Boredia officially started the cleanup work on the Stone Forest.

Now that six years have passed, Witt certainly wants to know how the Stone Forest is.

In this regard, Boredia has nothing to hide, and before leaving, he told the general situation of the Stone Forest.

In a word, the cleanup work went smoothly!

But it is this smoothness that makes Witt not in a good mood now.

If it goes well, it means that the Abyss has given up the arrangement in the Stone Forest, but the other party's plan will definitely not be shelved, but will continue in a more hidden place.

For this, Witt has no good solution. For the Abyss, it is a complete plate, but in the Dragon Realm, it will become a piece of land.

God knows where Sabina will choose as the next "Stone Forest".


Sighing, Witt put these troubles out of his mind. Thinking about it further will not produce any results. His strength is there.

At this time, Witt couldn't help but think, how good it would be if he was a myth.

There is no need to think so much.

Not happy with the Abyss, just follow the space channel to invade the Abyss.

Suddenly, Witt's heart moved, and he looked down at the river. Below the river, a Persian dragon beast was biting his tail.

Witt's mood suddenly improved.

Then, he lifted up the tail fiercely. After feeling the hardness of the dragon scales on the tail, the Persian dragon beast, which was about to let go, was lifted up by him.

He grabbed the more than 10-meter-long Persian dragon beast in his claws and threw it directly into his mouth.

While chewing, Witt put the tail back into the water.

With a little expectation in his eyes...

Celine heard the movement by the water and opened her eyes. She just saw Witt opening his mouth to eat. She shook her head helplessly and continued to close her eyes to rest.


Witt and the others rested for a whole day, and then flew towards the Free City again.

The last time they came to the Free City, Witt and the others were still young. Although they said they had a lot of fun, they didn't actually visit too many places.

Therefore, Celine had great expectations for this trip to the Free City.

Kotlin came with them last time, just passing by, and at that time, he was full of thoughts about the library in the Sky City, so naturally he had no intention of staying in the Free City.

This second time, he was more or less interested.

Two votes in favor, and Witt's vote was still a waste vote, so the next action in the Free City was decided.

After arriving in the Free City, Witt and his friends started their food tour.

There was no way, the dragon race had only this little hobby.

However, Witt and his friends' food tour was not halfway through, and a sudden voice interrupted their next plan!

"Hey, I want to challenge you!"


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