Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 878 Witt's mouth cannon!

The flying dragon is different from the giant dragon, and the fallen flying dragon is a replica created by the abyss mother, which further widens the gap.

Therefore, if Witt and his team only face those fallen flying dragons and hellhounds, although it is troublesome, they can still solve it.

At most, they will be injured a little, which is not a big problem.

Even if it is a purple crystal-level abyss believer, Witt has considered it.

But that is when there is only one.

He did not expect it, or rather, he thought about it, but just felt that the probability of multiple abyss believers appearing is very high.

And now, they have encountered this high probability event!

Celine and Kotlin obviously understand that it is still quite difficult for the three of them to deal with the current configuration of the opponent, and the faces of the two dragons are not very good.

However, there is no cowardice in their eyes, but the fighting spirit is boiling.

Dragons are natural warriors!

No dragon is afraid of fighting, even Billy is no exception.

Billy just didn't want to fight with them.

If a strange dragon were to provoke him, Billy would not lack the blood of a dragon.

So, although their eyes were looking at Witt, they were not urging Witt to summon Poredia. They just wanted to see if Witt had any tactical arrangements.

And Witt's side was similar. The opponent's legend had not appeared yet, and Witt didn't want to summon Poredia just like that.

Poredia is a reliable helper, but not a babysitter!

So, after noticing the gazes of the two dragons behind him, he whispered: "Leave the two purple crystals to me, and you go to clean up those fallen flying dragons and hell three-headed dogs.

Don't worry, I won't fight hard, I will mainly delay.

Finally, never enter the area covered by the power of the abyss."

Celine and the others had just cleared nearly two-thirds of the area of ​​the cave.

The area of ​​the cave is large, enough to be used as a battlefield.

Moreover, I don't know since when, those low-level abyss beasts have disappeared.

If nothing unexpected happens, those abyss beasts have turned into nutrients again, and eventually became the high-level abyss soldiers in front of them, and they are even still being manufactured.

Hearing Witte's words, Celine's heart tightened, but she is not a vase, both in terms of strength and the ability to judge the situation are extremely strong.

Naturally, I understand that Witte's arrangement is the best way to solve the current situation.

They all know that after the abyss believers leave the area covered by the abyss power, their strength will be suppressed by the dragon world. As long as they delay for a while, the two purple crystal high positions will not pose too much threat to them.

And these two opponents are best handed over to Witte, the strongest among them.

Although still worried about Witte, Celine has no opinion on Witte's arrangement, and Kotlin will not say anything more.

It's said that it's fast!

It took only a few seconds for Witte and his team to come out from the other side and make a plan.

And this time is just enough for the other party to get ready!

That's right!

Witt was also a little surprised. After the two Abyss believers came out, they did not start immediately. Instead, they lined up in front of the formation and looked at Witt and others with interest.

"I'll give you one last chance. Let go of your body and mind, embrace the abyss, and you can continue to live!"

Hearing this, Witt, who was originally planning to fight a quick battle, was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the Cyclops who was speaking with a strange expression.

"You don't have a brain, right? Okay, I'm willing to embrace the abyss, but you dare to do it!"

As soon as this was said, both sides were stunned for a moment.

Then, Celine and the others reacted and looked at the opposite side with a mocking look.

That's right!

Even if the Abyss Dragon is on the side of the Abyss, it is a symbol of disaster. They will not be calm to other races on the side of the Abyss just because they belong to the Abyss.

In contrast, they would rather devour the abyss aura from the strong men on the abyss side, so that they can further improve their strength and then have the strength to better satisfy their own desires!

This is the Abyss Dragon.

Of course, Jinuo knew what the Abyss Dragon was like. He was just delaying time just now. After all, there were still Fallen Dragons and Hellhounds coming out behind him.

They had originally decided to spend a lot of money to keep Witt and the others, so they would naturally not hold back.

All the low-level abyss beasts were thrown into the Abyss Matrix by them to serve as incubators for high-level soldiers such as Fallen Dragons.

However, Wittgen did not give them too much time.

He killed three three-headed hellhounds in one encounter.

This cave was specially made by them to stop invaders.

It was to prevent the battlefield from advancing to the cave where the Abyss Matrix was located.

If Witt and his men cleaned up this place, then they would not have the final say on where the battlefield would be.

Even if they were reluctant, the two of them could only bring the advanced troops that had been hatched earlier to block Witt and his men, instead of sitting in the rear and waiting for Witt and his men to consume much less before launching a strong attack.

It can only be said that plans cannot keep up with changes!

Now that he was ridiculed by Witte again, Kino's face darkened, and then a gray beam of light shot out from his one eye without warning, shooting towards Witte and the others.

Of course, this kind of long-range attack, even if the opponent is a purple crystal, it is quite easy for Witte and the others to dodge.

"You are angry out of shame!

You are really a group of poor people who only have destruction and killing in their minds and are unwilling to be driven by power.

I think your world will be invaded and destroyed by the abyss because of your incompetence!

In this way, you are not only pitiful, but also very sad."

Maybe Witte's words hit Kino's sore spot, and his face suddenly became ferocious.

"I will... "

"Infect my soul and build a throne with my dragon bones?

Seriously, your brains are only as big as walnuts. How come you say the same thing?

But unfortunately, it's just like the barking of a three-headed dog in hell.

I've heard it so many times, and I'm standing here well. On the contrary, the guy who said these words is either lying on my test bench or hiding somewhere, and can only curse me in his heart.

I won't lose a scale.

It's useless!

And that bird over there!"

Hades, who had heard it before, felt an inexplicable sense of refreshment, and his face suddenly darkened when he heard Witt's address.

However, before he could say anything, Witt suddenly grinned.

"I'm curious, what is the difference between the angel of death and the fallen angel? Is it the power you can use when you struggle because of your own incompetence?"


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