Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 867 Fire Tree and Golden Flower!

Chapter 867: Golden Flower Tree!


Witte's sudden words made all the dragons cheer up.

Sure enough, the moment Werther finished speaking, there was a dull, thunderous earthquake sound in the distance.

It is said to be night, but in fact, at this time, it is not far from the sunrise. The horizon in the east has already turned white, and the sun is halfway out, and its head is sticking out from the mountains.

But it's still darker over the mountains.

But now, the night sky over there is gradually getting brighter, and the entire land is showing a kind of orange-red that is just looking hot.

Then, black smoke began to float over the mountains.

Under the orange-red night sky, the black smoke column is so conspicuous.

It was unclear how many mountains had erupted, but the black rock pillars were like vines spreading toward the sky on the orange-red earth.

The rich sulfur gas floated over from a distance, making the five dragons present, especially Werther, excited.

The other dragons were excited because the smell indicated that Mount 뀙 was about to erupt.

What Werther said was a completely rational reaction.

He has the same hobbies as the red dragon. He likes strong sulfur gas and lava baths. Under normal circumstances, the silver dragon would avoid these things.

The muffled thunder gradually became louder, and the black smoke column began to fade, but it looked thicker.

The mountains that were about to erupt were like rapidly growing gray mushrooms. The air mixed with a large amount of mountain ash spread out, covering the entire area.

The sky where some stars could still be vaguely seen was now covered, not to mention the stars, but the night sky itself.

However, the orange-red light was even more intense.

The muffled thunder became louder.

The gray smoke that originally floated out gradually developed into an eruption, and the black mountain ash that was erupted together was so conspicuous.

Orange lava gushes out from the mountain pass and spreads in all directions.

The sky over there is brighter.

In fact, the eruption of Mount 뀙 has already started.

In most cases, what erupts from the mountain is not lava, but mountain ash, and the lava flows out with it.

But that's normal.

What Werther and the others encountered this time was obviously not a normal situation.

The ground began to shake more violently. Suddenly, there was no mountain pass, just a crack on the ground. At this time, it suddenly exploded, the earth collapsed, and the lava was like a fountain. From the collapsed The earth spurted out at a height that even Werther and the others could clearly see.

And, this happens in more than one place!

The lava pillars spurting out everywhere are like trees growing suddenly, and the lava splashing in all directions is like golden flowers blooming on the trees.

Some mountain passes that were originally just spewing smoke began to gush out large streams of lava.

Of course, there are 뀙 mountains that erupt, and there are 뀙 mountains that don’t erupt.

However, these mountains began to melt and collapse under the high-temperature lava, and gradually turned into various strange-shaped rocks. At the feet of these rocks, there was pure lava.

Looking from a distance, the lava almost turned into a vast ocean, spreading toward lower areas.


A huge disaster!

However, for Werther and the others, this was a beautiful sight.

It's not that they have no sympathy and are cold-blooded, but similar scenes occur from time to time throughout the Dragon Realm, like a cold wave caused by a large ice field.

This is the natural law of the dragon world, extremely cruel!

If you can survive, that's your ability. If you can't survive, it means you don't have the ability to survive. Hurry up and get a good child and try again in the next life.

But even if you get a good pregnancy, the next generation must pay more attention.

Faced with the power of nature, sometimes the dragon is powerless.

The eruption of the mountain lasted only for a short period of time, and the rest was the aftermath of the eruption, but this was no longer within the scope of Werther and the others.

There is absolutely no comparison between the smoky Mount 뀙 and the huge mushroom cloud of ash from Mount 뀙!

By the time Werther and the others came to their senses, the sun had already squeezed out from the gaps in the mountains in the distance, but the originally vibrant appearance looked much older against the backdrop of mountain ash.

There is a sense of dusk as the sun sets over the mountains!


Alva suddenly let out a long breath, and then exclaimed: "You are really lucky. We have only seen an eruption of this magnitude in Black Rock City twice in all the years we have been coming to Black Rock City."

Coren chuckled and tapped Werther's horns.

"Witt, tell us honestly, did your wife add any ingredients to it?"

Hearing this, Werther rolled his eyes.

"I'm not good enough to do such a thing. If I really want to do it, when the first 꽭 comes over, 늀 detonates the 뀙 mountain. That scene is really exciting!

You can definitely see dozens of giant dragons flying out of the Lago Lava Mountains.

Looking for the murderer everywhere! "

Coren was just joking. Of course he knew that Werther would not do such a thing.


After taking a look at the completely changed Lage Lava Mountains, Coren sighed.

"What a big change!"

As for which aspect of the change he was talking about, only he knew.

Witt looked at the smoke-filled mountains and nodded in agreement. Some old mountains were getting taller, some new mountains were born, and some long-dead mountains were flattened.

However, looking at the dragon beasts waiting for the mountains to cool down in the distance, Witt's eyes were filled with more emotion.

Life is a miracle itself!

These dragon beasts will recreate their home.

The mountains will not be dead because of the eruption, but will only make it more lively!

Retracting his gaze, Witt smiled and said, "Okay, we haven't finished the 'shabu-shabu' just now. After this meal, we should go back."

Hearing this, Alva and Colen were stunned for a moment, and then a hint of reluctance flashed in their eyes.

But soon, they figured it out again.

Don't just want to get together next time.

Therefore, in the subsequent parts, the two dragons were still the same as before, and everyone was still laughing and eating, without being affected at all.

Don't just cry and cry, isn't it good to be happy!


Watching the two dragons enter the city, Witt suddenly laughed.

Celine was a little puzzled.

"What's so funny about this?"

While laughing, Witt said: "Those two guys are busy. I have seen that there are dragons waiting for them."

Hearing this, Celine's eyes condensed.

"Will they be in trouble?"

Witt shook his head and smiled proudly.

"How is it possible? We are dragons, and they are our friends!"

After that, Witt spread his wings and flew into the sky.

The beautiful reunion time is over, and next, it's time to continue their journey...

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