Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 865 Preparation before viewing the scenery!


Witt looked ahead.


The dragons looked ahead.

After a long silence, Alva, who was standing at the tip of the horn of the Vitt dragon, couldn't help but say: "We need to do something else. Let's not stay here and stare blankly!"

Colen nodded.

"I agree!"

Hearing this, Witt's eyes swept around and then fixed on Kotlin.

"Kotlin, come with a larger dragon beast!"

Hearing this, Kotlin rolled his eyes.

Good guy, how come his sense of existence is still strong at this time!

Well, this is not a problem. Although the vegetation around here seems sparse, they will pass a grassland on the way here.

I remember seeing a group of Buss dragon beasts before. Although the grassland resources are very good, the Buss dragon beasts living there are generally about 600 meters in size, but two of them are more than enough.

They really need to eat, just looking for something to do.

If they really want to eat, that group is enough for one of the three of them to fill their teeth.

Thinking of this, Kotlin nodded, and then flew in the direction they came from.

Watching Kotlin leave, Witt smiled and said, "Okay, now we just need to wait for Kotlin to come back."


As he said that, Alva's eyes lit up, but there was more nostalgia in his eyes.

Back then, when he traveled on the back of the Scout, he was a lone dragon, without a tribe or strength, so his food source was quite stable.

In some cases, it was Koren who helped.

As for exchanging magic circles, alchemical items, etc., it was only occasionally a little bit of interest, and Witt's golden signboard was there!

However, what Witt needed was the dragon beast crystal core, and it was a high-level one, while he needed meat, and low-level dragon beast crystal cores would also be fine. His side was obviously cheaper, and occasionally a dragon would patronize it.

But this was obviously not enough to keep him full.

Of course, Colen's assistance was to give him food directly, and he would accept it.

So, Colen was his frequent customer.

Later, after getting familiar with Witt, he began to make more money on his own (stealing Witt's food), uh... It was a bit embarrassing to say, but he knew that Witt agreed.

Otherwise, with Witt's appetite, how could there be leftover barbecue in the corner of the pile of miscellaneous items.

Thinking of this, Alva's face naturally had a few more smiles.

"Why, remembering the time when you stole food from Witt and his friends?"

Colen's words froze Alva's face, and then he immediately counterattacked: "Did you steal his magic circle too? Besides, when I have enough food, I will treat them to a meal, just like you."

Speaking of this, Alva's face twitched straightly. What seemed to him to be enough food was the amount of a meal for Witt and his friends.

Every time he treated them to a meal, he would "spend all his money". No matter how much he prepared, it can be said that he had never grasped the appetite of the three dragons of Witt and his friends.

However, the two dragons had been communicating like this for a day or two.

Just like you always know how much black material about you is stored in your good friend's head.

The dragon was exaggerated.

After more than 600 years of getting along, they knew the black material about each other, and they could talk about it without stopping for decades without repeating it.

Therefore, the previous half-day and one-night quarrel did not affect the performance at all.

Celine lay aside and listened with relish.

The life of a dragon is boring and tedious. Most of the time, it is sleeping or on the way to find a suitable place to sleep.

Celine is not much different, except that she has two more things to do, namely, to look after the store and those guys.

Therefore, the ordinary but humorous things between Colen and Alva are a good object for Celine to gossip.

While listening, Witt explored the surrounding situation.

Of course, he still had to monitor the situation of the lava veins on the ground.

In addition, the atmosphere here was so good, but as a result, the lava veins suddenly became active, and the scenery they wanted to see was gone, which was a bit disappointing.

If that were to happen, Vit would have to trigger the eruption of the lava veins himself!

Uh... okay, Vit was just thinking about it.

He could really trigger the eruption of the lava veins.

They naturally have their own set of activity rules. If they break this set of rules rashly, it would cause a great disaster.

Don't think it's exaggerated.

They say that it was originally a volcanic area and volcanic eruptions are normal.

Volcanic areas also erupt all the time. In fact, in some cases, volcanoes are in a calm state.

And there are also a large number of dragon beasts living around the volcanoes.

These dragon beasts will plan their migration, activities, etc. according to some eruption rules of the volcano.

If you rashly trigger the volcano, it will inevitably break this rule.

At that time, some powerful dragon beasts would be annihilated by the volcanic eruption.

You should also think that the death of a dragon beast is only the death of a dragon beast.

In fact, all dragons need to eat. Even giant dragons need to get rid of their dependence on food after leaving the young dragon stage, let alone flying dragons.

Changing the laws of nature will really kill the dragon.

So, although it would be a pity to see it, Vit would not do that.

He is also a dragon with a violent personality.

When he saw that the lava veins were still becoming more and more active, Vit was relieved.

Retracting his mental power, Vit looked forward.

Speaking of which, even if it had not erupted yet, the scenery in front was still magnificent.

They were standing on a large extinct volcano at this time, and the height had reached one-third of the extinct volcano of Desidero Dragon Academy.

Don't look at it as only one-third.

Each floor of Desidero Dragon Academy can accommodate a hundred-meter-long dragon for life.

It itself is one of the giant wonders of the Desidero Dragon Lair.

So, this extinct volcano is quite powerful.

Moreover, this extinct volcano is located at the outermost edge of the Lager Lava Volcano Group. Even if the entire volcano group erupts, it will not affect this area.

This is the viewing location carefully selected by Witt.

Of course, such a good viewing location must be around Black Stone City. In fact, it took Witt and his team nearly ten days to fly here.

Standing on the south side of the volcano, Witt and his team could even see a stone forest from a distance.

Of course, this time it was not just Witt and his team's good eyesight, but that stone forest was very bright and looked very conspicuous...

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