Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 863 Information!

"Tell me in detail?"

Alva was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Werther with some confusion.

"Why do you know this? Are you going to take a look? Or do you think there is a treasure there?"

After hearing this, Werther not only did not refute, but instead smiled and nodded.

"Maybe there is!"

The tone was joking, but in reality, Witt was not joking.

There are some inverted "U" shaped marks on the map of the fifth treasure ruins left by Vergo.

껣At first, Werther was still a little confused about what this was.

It is said that it is a forest, but the forest was not painted like this in the past.

It is said to be a peak, but the markings are very dense.

Therefore, Werther's original picture is considered to be actual. Come and take a look. After all, this kind of mark is not only on that picture, so it is necessary to find out what this thing is.

Fortunately, the fifth treasure ruins are marked by the location of the fire and the direction of the river. This is why Witte knows that the fifth treasure ruins are near Black Rock City.

Therefore, not knowing what the mark is does not affect the search for treasure remains.

When Alva mentioned the stone forest, Werther realized that this mark most likely referred to the stone forest.

But whether it is true or not still needs to be verified.

As for the powerful dragon beast Alva talked about, 놛 is really not interested. 놛's target is not in the stone forest, so there is no need to take the initiative to provoke it.

Moreover, Alva only knew roughly about this matter. After all, there was not even a follow-up.

Under normal circumstances, when a city-state encounters this kind of thing, it has two choices. First, destroy the powerful dragon beast, and second, let the opponent stay entrenched in that 눓뀘.

If it's the first case, it's useless for 놛 to be interested, then 눓뀘 may have been cleared up long ago. If it's the second case, then it's even more impossible to get involved.

Things that Black Rock City officials are not prepared to solve, or that are not solved because of some things, are definitely not trivial matters.

Which is light or heavy, Werther can still carry it clearly.

Therefore, I will definitely go to this stone forest, but I will not get close. I just want to take a look and confirm whether the location of the stone forest is the same as the marked location on the map.

If so, then the location of the last treasure ruins will be relatively clear, because it is in a stone forest on the edge of the Starry Night River.

If not, then you can look at it from other aspects and figure out the meaning of the mark.

In fact, 놛 did not expect that the question he originally planned to ask would be placed in front of 놛 so easily, and 놛놙 only needed to verify it.

Alva didn't know what Werther was thinking. After hearing Werther's words, he frowned slightly and stopped trying to persuade him.

To say it is dangerous is just a matter of hearsay.

And 놛 is only a high-level silver player. For 놛, a dragon beast with a low-level gold level is extremely dangerous.

So, 놛놙 is just a subconscious reminder.

Since Werther is interested, it doesn't matter if he talks about it.

"The Stone Forest is still relatively far away from Black Rock City. In most cases, it is not on the adventure lists of those adventure teams in Black Rock City.

놙I only went there to take a look when I happened to drop by.

놖The store occasionally receives some natural magic items and materials found in the stone forest.

So, I know more about it.

The specific location of the Stone Forest is opposite Rehe and southwest of Black Rock City. How far is it specifically...

I'm not sure about this. Ever since I came to Black Rock City, I've been very smart. After all, I'm not very strong. If I encounter some danger, I might tell him.

However, I have heard from dragons who have been to the Stone Forest that it is indeed far away. If it were not nearby, there would be no adventure team flying there.

There is nothing there that is so unique that it is unobtainable.

As for the danger there, 놖 also accidentally started chatting with some dragons who were acquaintances and joined the adventure team.

I heard people say that there may be a powerful dragon beast coming from the stone forest.

Several adventure teams that went to the Stone Forest disappeared there, and this phenomenon occurred when... 놖Think about it... Oh, by the way, I first heard about this kind of thing more than three hundred years ago.

To this day, there are still adventure groups who went there to explore and were buried in the stone forest. "

Hearing this, Werther was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Alva in surprise.

"It's been so long, Blackstone City just doesn't care?"

Alva shook his head.

"I don't know about this. I have asked my friends in the adventure team, but they don't know either. I mean, the city lord has already notified the adventure team to try not to get close to the stone forest.

I don’t know if there are any specific arrangements. "

At this time, Coren said: "I've heard of this too. Isn't that boy Sharon in the patrol team? I seem to have heard that the city lord has no control over the Stone Forest.

Too far! "


The dragons were silent for a while. Well, if it is far away from Black Rock City, there is really no need to worry about it.

As for casualties...

The adventure team itself is an organization with a high mortality rate. After all, the word "adventure" is not used casually, but they really go to many dangerous places.

As for why some dragons still join the adventure team even though they know the danger, we can say that every dragon has its own pursuit!

Some dragons like to live a quiet life, while others like adventure and exploration.

It's that simple!

After figuring this out, some of the conspiracy theories about the Stone Forest that Witt had thought of before were broken.

A city-state that doesn't even have a dragon doesn't really need to care about things that are so far away.

Just like Sky City, it doesn't care about things like the Evernight Forest, Morton Veins, and Inland Sea. There's no need!

Then, Witt asked about some of the more conspicuous and distinctive features around Black Stone City.

There are indeed some!

However, none of them match the locations of the marks on the map.

The only place that can match is the Stone Forest.

So, the Stone Forest must be visited.

Of course, Witt and his friends were not rushing on the road like "special forces". Strictly speaking, they were actually traveling.

And when it comes to traveling, there can't be treasures, ruins, and killing.

After hearing about some unique scenery around Black Stone City, Witt decided to take Celine and his friends to have a look and relax.

It won't take a few days anyway.

Time passed quietly in the laughter of Witt, Alva, and Colen.

They cherished this time very much.

Because they both knew that Witt would never stay in Black Stone City...

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