Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 862 Communication!

The two dragons fought on Witte's paws for a while, and then they remembered that there was only Witte beside them, and there were two other giant dragons.

The two dragons coughed dryly, and then separated as if nothing had happened.

Alva noticed the other two looks falling on him, and glanced at Werther with some complaints.

"Why did you stop us?"

Hearing this, Werther chuckled.

"I also like to watch the excitement!"


Well, Alva has nothing to say.

Kelun on the side quickly changed the subject and said: "Speaking of which, where is Antavanna, why didn't you look at her..."

녦 Before Coren could finish speaking, Alva kicked him hard.

Did this 놆땣 ask 눕?

Thinking like this, Alva glanced at Celine consciously.

But Celine is both blind and stupid, so when she saw Alva's movements, she felt funny and suddenly had a strange idea.

If I remember correctly, Werther and Antavanna were still young dragons at that time!

Thinking about this, Celine turned her eyes to Werther.

Werther also looked at Alva speechlessly.

"What are you doing? It's like you're hiding something. Antawana and Linstar are both in the Sky City. I originally planned to take them with me, but they didn't come with me.

Speaking of which, it's a pity that I will tell them when I go back next time.


As he said that, Werther looked at the two dragons with a strange expression.

"Do you really care about Antavanna that much?

Do you remember that you, 놊놆, were often taught a terrible lesson by her? Why are you asking about her now?

놊Are you afraid of her?

Although Antavana's temper has improved somewhat after so many years, it hasn't improved much. "

Hearing this, Kelen said with a smile: "I'm sure I'm afraid, she really beat us up, but, I'm afraid, we are more or less the same companions who have been traveling for so many years.

Look at you, you don’t have to miss them.

Speaking of which, how is Linstar doing, is he still so lazy? "


Werther looked at Column slightly speechlessly.

"It's best if you say this in front of him. I can guarantee that if you say it in front of him, he will punish you."

I think back then, the relationship between the two of them was still bad.

Antawana and Linstar also recognized these two guys quite a bit.

Therefore, when he goes back and tells the story about the two dragons in Black Rock City, there is a high probability that the two of them will make a trip here.

After all, for them back then, the distance between Black Rock City and Sky City was quite far, but now, the distance of two or three years is really too far.

Antawana and Linstar will definitely be happy to come over and meet their old friends.

After hearing what Werther said, Coren sneered and said quickly: "Don't complain!"

After mentioning Antawana and Linstar, Alva thought of another dragon and hurriedly said: "You dragons, we actually haven't worried about you that much.

After all, as long as you grow up and become stronger, no matter how bad your life is, you will not be treated fairly.

But 놆, Avery and the others 놊땢.

How are they living now? If it's a big city-state, there should be few living ethnic groups there! "

Hearing this, Witte said with a smile: "Don't worry, Avery is living a good life. You guys know the strength of that guy, and now he has successfully climbed into the public office of Sky City.

놋Strength, no matter where you are, you can take advantage of it. "

After a pause, Witte continued: "I have answered all the questions you are concerned about one by one. Now, it is your turn.

What direction did Si Kuo go after he released you?

We have seen each other for many years and miss him.

I also know where he is now. "

Witte did not ask the two dragons why they chose to stay in Black Rock City.

Coron 놆놋 is of the ethnic group.

He is just a member of the tribe, and he stays somewhere...he does what he does.

As for Alva, he was with Column.

Naturally, wherever Colum is, he is there.

This kind of question simply needs to be asked.

Listening to Witte's words, the eyes of the two dragons also flashed with memories. Speaking of which, it had been hundreds of years since they separated from Si Kuo, and they also missed Si Kuo quite a lot.

However, Si Kuo is even more difficult to see than Werther.

At least, the two of them knew that Werther and the others stayed in the Sky City.

But Si Kuo is here. He is anywhere in the Dragon Realm. He is sure to be outside Blackstone City tomorrow. He is also sure to pass by here again in this life.

Yanlong's journey is full of unknowns every moment.

After coming back to his senses, Alva pointed to the west.

"I only know that Si Kuo disappeared in that direction."

Hearing this, Witte nodded, thinking to himself, and then he went to look through "Wandering in the Dragon World" to see where the teleportation space leads to.

If you really want to find traces of a traveling rock dragon, you can still find them even if it takes thousands or hundreds of years.

After all, rock dragons are very conspicuous. If they pass through a certain city-state, dragon nest, etc., they can easily be observed. From a general direction, the whereabouts of a rock dragon can be basically determined.

The premise is that you have to be very familiar with the continent you are on.

Of course, Witt is not ready to find Squaw right now. It will take some time for him to reunite with Squaw, but he really doesn't have time now.

After delivering this letter, he is almost in his prime, and for a long time afterwards, he will improve his strength and prepare for the upcoming Ten Thousand Dragons Feast.

Only after the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast, he will have time to do what he wants to do, regardless of whether the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast has any results.

On the contrary, there is nothing to worry about on the abyss side.

If the abyss erupts before then, there is no point for him to worry.

If the dragon breaks out one day after the Dragon Feast, it will be even more worrying. Witt is confident that he can improve his strength to legendary before then.

As long as the legendary dragon destroys the world directly or commits suicide, his life will be threatened.

Just as Witt was thinking about this, Alva suddenly asked, "Speaking of which, are you traveling? If so, you'd better go to the Stone Forest across the river.

My strength is not strong, but I occasionally hear other dragons say that there seems to be a powerful dragon beast entrenched in the Stone Forest, and several expedition teams have been defeated there.

Even if you are dragons, it will be dangerous if the realm difference is too big."

"Stone Forest?"

Witt's heart moved and he looked at Alva.

"Can you tell me more about it?"


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