Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 858 It's time for you to play a role!

"Wow, this street!"

Witt grinned, and walked on the street with his wings tightly attached to both sides of his body, and well... his tail was also tightly attached to one side!

If you say it's narrow... this street is really narrow.

At least, it's not a big problem for a giant dragon over 100 meters long to walk.

But the problem is that there are only them on the street, and there are also flying dragons coming and going, and the signs of the shops here are facing outwards.

If they are smaller, they will definitely bring the signs to the opponent.

So, the three dragons walked with their wings.

However, Witt and his friends were not affected by these small problems. Black Stone City still has many interesting things, especially the lifestyle here.

Although Black Stone City is a city-state with only flying dragons and dragons, it occupies a small area.

Of course, it is not comparable to the Sky City.

After all, the Sky City is a city-state where giant dragons live. Whether it is buildings, streets or other things, they need to take into account the existence of giant dragons.

Therefore, the streets of the Sky City are very wide and the residential area is also very large.

Even a well-marked homestead can be used as a flying dragon's nest.

And the dragons in the Sky City live in this way.

If the tribe is large, they will apply for several connected homesteads. If the tribe is small, one piece is enough.

Black Stone City is different.

There are no giant dragons living in Black Stone City. Even if there are dragons, they are not very large.

So Black Stone City does not need to mark such a large homestead, so there is no need for one tribe to live one tribe at a time.

The flying dragons and dragons here exist in the form of families.

The buildings are also much shorter. At least, Witt needs to stretch his neck to see a large roof.

The life of the tribe is more regular, while the life of the family is more free.

Therefore, Witt can see the young dragons flying and playing freely on the streets, or the busy or leisurely adult dragons, and the life atmosphere is very free and casual.

And this casual atmosphere is actually more popular with the dragons.

The existence of Witt and his people naturally attracted a lot of attention, or, to be more precise, almost all of them.

After all, Witt and his behemoths of more than 500 meters basically only exist in the word of mouth of the flying dragons.

Curiosity is the nature of dragons!

Therefore, wherever Witt and his people pass by, they are all excited and curious eyes.

Of course, there are also vigilant ones.

However, these were all ignored by Witt and his people unconsciously.

After all, this kind of thing is too normal.

A huge monster of several hundred meters suddenly walked into their home. Even if the dragons above had given them a guarantee of safety, there would still be dragons worried.

Worried that Witt and his team would suddenly explode.

But these things were what Witt and his team were worried about, and this was what Sharon and his team should consider.

At this time, Sharon was flying next to Witt's head.

As for the other dragon, his rationality was far inferior to Sharon. After Sharon took the initiative to volunteer, he ran away.

And Sharon...

He was so nervous now.

Obviously, they had been notified in advance, but why did so many dragons come out to see the giant dragon.

What if these three giant dragons liked these looks and suddenly exploded? He knew that the giant dragons would be in trouble, but he would definitely be in big trouble next to the giant dragons.

Fortunately, Sharon saw that some colleagues had begun to disperse the dragons gathered around.

Just when Sharon was nervous, Witt suddenly said, "Sharon, is that an alchemy shop over there?"

Hearing this, Sharon was startled, but he hurriedly looked in the direction where Witt was looking. Then he was stunned for a moment, and then a hint of joy flashed in his eyes.

"It is indeed an alchemy shop over there, and it is also the most popular alchemy shop in Black Rock City. If you are interested, you can go and have a look.

Of course, the most popular is not his alchemy works, but his stories.

It can be said that the dragons in the surrounding blocks grew up listening to his stories, and he can also make a kind of super small alchemy puppet.

It is very popular among the surrounding young dragons."


Witt's eyes flashed with curiosity.

"Then go and have a look!"

Of course, Witt was only going to take a look because of curiosity. He came to Black Rock City for a certain purpose.

In fact, the fifth treasure ruins are nearby.

Of course, for Witt, nearby means that all the places that can be reached within two months with himself as the target are nearby.

And how big is this area... Taking the Sky City as the target, the radius is five to six times the distance between the Sky City and the Cruel Sand Sea, and all the areas within the range!

This is a very large area.

And in such a large area, the best way to find a landmark is of course to ask the local dragon.

Sharon is definitely not good, but he is too young, and he probably hasn't even been to the Black Rock City.

According to the owner of the alchemy shop, he should deal with the dragon who has been running around all year round to find various magic materials, and maybe he can get some clues from him.

With this idea in mind, Witt walked towards the alchemy shop.

Of course, he was very careful all the way.

However, with the dispatch of the Black Rock City officials, there were fewer dragons watching the fun, and Witt and the others were indeed more relaxed.

When they arrived in front of the alchemy shop, Sharon said, "Wait a moment, you three, go and call out Old Silver!"

There was no way to call him out, because the room was so tight that even Witt's front limbs could not fit in.

After saying something to Witt, Sharon flew towards the shop.

When they entered the shop and saw that there were no dragons in the shop, Sharon shouted loudly, "Old Silver, Old Silver!"

"Call, call, call, what are you calling, I've told you so many times that you should shout and scream in your shop, why do you always forget it, little boy!

What's the matter, hurry up and tell me!"

A voice came from the back room, but no dragon came out.

"Old Yin, come out first. I have something to ask you. You always boasted to us that you knew a giant dragon. Now it's time for you to show your ability!"

"What do you mean by boasting? You are getting more and more naughty, kid. That's the fact!"

As he spoke, a silver-winged flying dragon flew out from the room behind the store. As he flew, he said, "Besides, what do you mean by it's time for you to show your ability?"

What? A giant dragon came to Black Rock City?

Don't be ridiculous. How could there be a dragon in this remote little town..."

As he spoke, the flying dragon fell silent.

Because he saw a huge golden eyeball looking at the store through the door...

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