Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 857 Black Stone City!


After hearing this, Witt and the others stopped where they were.

However, the dragons all looked a little strange. There was nothing wrong with this, but they seemed to hear a tremor in each other's voices. They didn't know if it was an illusion!

Just as Witt and the others were thinking this, two red dragons flew towards them quickly.

These were two heavy-scale dragons with affinity to the fire element.

As mentioned before, heavy-scale dragons have affinity to fire, earth, and wind, but each heavy-scale dragon has affinity to a single element.

The scales of heavy-scale dragons with affinity to the fire element are red, those of heavy-scale dragons with affinity to the earth element are earthy yellow, and those of heavy-scale dragons with affinity to the wind element are blue.

However, if the outer layer of their dragon scales is removed, their second layer of dragon scales will be exposed, and this layer of dragon scales is only black.

The outer dragon scales of the heavy-scale flying dragon are an excellent material for medicine.

Of course, there is no need to pull them out specially!

The outer dragon scales of the heavy-scale flying dragon will be replaced regularly.

This is different from most dragons.

Some dragons, including giant dragons, will not replace their dragon scales once they have passed a long period of time. Only the dragon scales that fall off due to battle or accident will grow again.

But the heavy-scale flying dragon is different. Their dragon scales will be replaced regularly.

Just as Witt was thinking about this, two heavy-scale flying dragons had already flown close.

The size of the heavy-scale flying dragon is similar to that of the wind-thunder pterosaur. After the dragons fly over, the size is basically about ten meters. Therefore, when the two dragons fly over, the scene seems a bit subtle.

It didn't look like two dragons performing official duties at all, but more like two poor guys whose way was blocked by a dragon. They were not even as long as Witt's claws.

Looking at the huge eyes that turned their gaze to him, and the extremely different body sizes of the two sides, Sharon subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of water.


Of course, this cannot be said.

To be honest, when he saw that the two dragons stopped as he said, he was slightly relieved, at least the other party did not attack directly.

His strength was lower platinum, although the other party was only lower platinum, but how could the platinum of a dragon be the same as that of a flying dragon!

Thinking about this, Sharon said with a stiff face: "There is Black Rock City ahead. If you want to enter Black Rock City, you need to abide by some rules."

Speaking, Sharon secretly glanced at his useless companion. He was the only one talking at this time.

Witt listened to the other party's slightly trembling voice and said speechlessly: "Don't be afraid, we haven't done anything yet, uh... Of course, we are not going to do anything.

Black Rock City...

We just passed by and saw a city-state here, so we planned to go in and take a look.

Don't you welcome dragons here?"

"Of course not!"

Sharon hurriedly shook his head and said, and then said the toughest words in the most cowardly tone.

"But we don't welcome dragons that are looking for trouble."

Hearing this, this tone, Witt and the others looked at each other, and then couldn't help laughing.

After laughing a few times, Witt couldn't help but tease: "Are you a new dragon that just started patrolling today? You are the guardian of a city-state, but you can't even control your voice.

Okay, let's talk about the rules that need to be followed. It feels like a very interesting city-state!"

As he said, Witt looked up at the Black Stone City in front of him.

He didn't feel the same aura as around the Sky City.

This shows that this city-state is not guarded by a legendary existence, and it is even unclear whether there are legendary dragons.

However, there must be legendary flying dragons, and there should be a lot of them.

A city-state cannot be established just because you want to. It requires capital to establish a city-state.

Otherwise, a city-state that can be destroyed by a random legendary dragon has no meaning at all.

So, any city-state that is established is at least not afraid of legendary lone dragons.

This is why the other party is so bold but dares to say such words.

On the other side, Sharon subconsciously asked back after hearing Witt's evaluation: "How do you know..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he regretted it.

He quickly changed the subject and said: "The rules that foreign dragons need to abide by include but are not limited to not taking the initiative to do things, not being able to take action at will, and if encountering problems, they need to wait for the patrol team to arrive before solving them.

Others include restraining their breath, not releasing dragon power at will, not walking on those too narrow streets, and paying attention to their feet when walking..."

Sharon recited all the restrictions like reciting, and even thought about some of them for a long time before saying them. This is obviously a novice.

"...Uh, that's it!"

Sharon concluded after making sure that he had not missed anything.

After listening to the other party's narration, Witt laughed unscrupulously.

"You are really a novice!"

As he said, Witt turned his eyes and looked at another heavy-scale flying dragon.

"This guy doesn't even dare to speak!"


Sharon looked at Witt's front legs speechlessly. He had no choice but to lift his head too high. He was afraid that he would lose his balance.

As for why he didn't fly...

He couldn't even speak clearly. If he could fly, he would have flown long ago.

Of course, now is not the time to talk about these things. Sharon at this moment feels like he has met a dragon with a sick mind.

He just said half a sentence, but the other party did not listen to a word, but used those to verify the fact that he was a novice.

What is wrong with this!

And you say that all dragons are like this?

That's right, just as Witt guessed, there are no powerful dragons in Black Rock City, or in other words, there are no dragons in Black Rock City at all!

Witt and his friends, this is the first time that Sharon has seen a legendary creature like a dragon since he was born.

On the contrary, when he was traveling, he heard the passing earth dragons talk about things related to dragons.

Witt saw that Sharon was confused, smiled, and stopped teasing him.

"Okay, we have heard the rules of Black Rock City, so can we enter the city now?


Are you going to accompany us into the city as a guide?

Maybe the latter.

After all, you need to keep track of our movements and emotions at all times, and sending a dragon to follow you as a guide is the best choice."

Sharon opened his mouth and then sighed helplessly.

"Well, you are right, I do need to follow you as a guide, and monitor... observer!"

Witt grinned, revealing two rows of huge and white teeth.

"So, can we set off?"

"Of course!"


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