Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 855 Celine’s worries…are gone!

Chapter 855 Celine’s worries...Nothing!

Werther was lying on his back by the river, his tail dangling in the water. It looked like he was trying to "fish", but in fact, he knew that he even caught one of his scales.

Because, at this time, there was a huge crater behind 놛, which was still being bombarded by the breath of light atoms.

Next to Werther, Kotlin sat squatting, not daring to look back, just "fishing" in imitation of Werther.

놊However, 놛's movements are more professional.

The tail is held in the paws by 놛.

The glances he glanced at Werther from time to time showed the calmness within 깊놛.

놛I really didn’t expect that Celine would have such a violent side.

If Witte knew what Kotlin was thinking, he would definitely tell him that it is too naive to look at the dragon at face value.

Celine's good temper is based on mutual acquaintance and good relationship.

놊When we met...

Just after birth, when Werther was still thinking about how to beat his dragon to tears so that they dared to live with him, Celine had already done it directly.

She chose to follow Winters' suggestion and unite the five dragons, in order to obtain the recognition of the Wittes through violence.

In fact, except for 깊Witt, the Austrians are still more convinced of Celine.

Celine is indeed the strongest among them.

This is still the case!

Moreover, Werther was more pleased to see Celine's irritable side, because this shows that Celine has not changed.

Of course, I am relieved to be relieved. At this time, it is best to touch Celine's bad luck.

He is a masochist, and he feels comfortable after being stared at by Celine for a few times.

As time went by, Celine's anger was almost vented.

The explosion behind him gradually subsided, a strong wind came, and then Celine fell next to 깊Witt.

Werther turned to look over, and said with a smile: "You are so irritable, you are just being ridiculed, there is no need, you are tired, take a rest quickly.

Things here are over, and we should move on.

Speaking of which, I am quite interested in the subsequent treasure ruins that Vergo mentioned. "

When Celine heard this, she glanced at Werther, and then she lay down directly.

"I also wanted to be angry, but when I saw that tone of voice, I remembered the scene when I read that notebook, and then my anger followed.

Witte, tell me, is there any chance we can find the place where he died? "

As she said this, Celine's eyes flashed with a cold light.

Hearing this, Witte smiled and said: "If you want, then I will help you look for it. Yes, I will guarantee that I will be able to help you find it."

Hearing this, Celine turned her head and stared at Werther, then laughed.

When Werther saw this, he was stunned.

"As for that, with your smile so wide, Virgo annoys you so much?"

Celine shook her head and said nothing.

But she still had a smile on her face.

What made her happy was that Werther was willing to help find Virgo, and that Werther, as always, was willing to tolerate her occasional temper tantrums.

From this point of view, Werther did not change a lot after going out as she thought before.

In other words, so far, this point has not changed for Werther.

When she thought of this, Celine's worries that had been hanging on her since Werther returned from her trip were finally released.

As for why she is so worried...

There are two kinds of ultimate power in Werther. The ultimate power will gradually erode and change the mind of the person who controls it.

Although she has faith in Werther, the things that happened in the past made her understand how terrifying the ultimate power is. With Werther's talent, she can completely control that power.

When looking for the ruins of Vergo for the first time, Werther's eyes showed excitement when he burned the forest area.

When she followed Boredia's arrangement and used herself as bait to clear out the abyss beasts in Cave No. 1, she felt the inner desire to burn life and gain strength, and the coldness in her eyes when she looked at her. .

These have appeared in Celine's mind all the time since Werther left.

She wanted to travel with Werther just because she wanted to travel with him, but more importantly, she was worried that if Werther left, he would never come back again.

Once they meet, Witte says that he will definitely become a monster controlled by the ultimate power.


Witte is back now, but since coming out, no matter what she encounters, she has never seen Witte use the ultimate power too much.

Therefore, the vent just now was all because of Vergo, and it also meant to test Werther.

Perhaps Werther himself noticed some minor changes, but for Celine, who understood Werther so well, some conscious behaviors and words might show some subtle changes.

Fortunately, Werther was still the same Werther, and things did not develop in the direction she wanted to see.

On the other side, Werther doesn't know what Celine is thinking. Although he doesn't understand her, he is the roundworm in Celine's belly and knows everything.

Afterwards, seeing Celine's mood getting better, Werther was also secretly relieved.

"Since love is so good, then you should quickly control the aura on your body. I found a very wrong way to relieve boredom before.

By the way, you can also hold a festival! "

As he spoke, Werther used his mental power to disperse Celine's aura condensed in the sky in the distance behind him, the large crater that Celine had forcibly blasted out with his breath.

With this thing around, you'll never even think about "fishing"!

After hearing what Werther said, Celine looked at Werther curiously.

"You are fishing for dragon beasts, right? Is it really useful?"

As she spoke, she restrained her breath, as if Werther had done this kind of thing by the river before.

"Of course it works, just wait and eat later."

Hearing this, Celine nodded and looked at the water with a curious expression.

For a moment, the three dragons were all quiet.

Kotlin turned his head and glanced at the two dragons. He seemed to understand why those dragons looked at him like that before they set off from the Sky City.

Even 놛 himself feels that the current 놛 is a bit of an eyesore!

Thinking like this, Kotlin silently moved away, and then sadly discovered that his behavior did not attract the attention of the two dragons at all.

For the first time, 놛 felt that he was so transparent and so comfortable.

Lago lava volcano!

On a crater at the edge of the northeast, an unexpected guest suddenly arrived. All the dragon beasts living around were hiding quietly, for fear of being discovered by the opponent.

A huge body of about 700 meters, with dark red dragon scales, dazzling golden eyes, and a strong figure.

This is a red dragon!

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