Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 854 The message left by Vergo!

Chapter 854 Vergo’s message!

"What's in there?"

When Celine saw Werther flipping through it, she put the metal book away, curiously poked her head over it, and then asked.

Hearing this, Witte said with a smile: "Nothing, just Virgo's research on that gold coin. This will facilitate my future research."

As he spoke, a smile appeared on Werther's face.

땤Hearing Werther's words, Celine and Kotlin also showed a little envy in their eyes.

In fact, the dragon's treasure is far from being as simple as it seems.

The more dragon aura left on it, the more so.

Each blessing represents a giant dragon, and every additional blessing represents the passing of the previous dragon. The passing of the dragon will inevitably be accompanied by the legacy of the treasure.

The most important thing is that these treasures are of the type you like.

If you can use the aura above to determine the identity and life of this giant dragon, you may be able to find the point where the other party died, and then find the burial place of the other party's treasure.

This is an ability. On the contrary, this kind of thing happens from time to time in the dragon world.

However, it is incredibly difficult to find a dragon with just a breath. You don't even know what kind of dragon the other party is.

However, there are still dragons who are willing to spend their time on this.

The main thing is that the dragon's life is too long, so he has to find something challenging for himself.

땤The more dragons you look for, the more clues you will get.

Since Vergo deliberately left the metal book here, it means that a certain aura on that gold coin already has a corresponding dragon selection.

This also means that the treasure behind that gold coin has revealed several clues.

땤This kind of thing, 놊only exists on the aura on gold coins, but also on other treasures, 땤There will also be dragons to study it.

However, this kind of thing can only be said to be a case of 녦 encountering 놊녦.

Therefore, Celine and Kotlin will envy Werther.

놊If you envy too much, it will naturally turn into jealousy and hatred!

The relationship between Kotlin and Werther is strong enough, but he has that kind of character, so he just looks at Werther hatefully, but Celine only thinks so much.

The claws moved, and he simply hit Werther's body with his head.

"Stop, stop, stop making trouble. Little 뀞 collapsed the cave. I haven't read the information about Vergoliu yet. What if there is information about other treasures and ruins in it!

What if there are crystals in other treasure ruins? "

Upon hearing this, Celine paused, but still glared at Werther fiercely, and then looked at the metal platform with some expectancy.

Werther also dared to continue hanging Celine.

He quickly injected the power of the elements into a magic circle he had discovered in a hidden place on the platform.

As the elements were poured into it, the surface of the metal table rippled slightly, like the surface of water with a stone stuck on it.

Suddenly, a line of ancient Chinese characters appeared on the metal platform.

The ancient dragon script that conveys information is usually very basic, but there are two illiterate people next to Werther.

After feeling Celine's gaze, Werther quickly translated.

"When you come here and see this sentence, it means that you, or you, are bold, petty, but extremely greedy little guys.

After all, I don't think that a gold coin or a pile of crystals that I dug out can attract you (us) here.

Since you are here, it means that you (you) have greed in you that I admire very much. "

After Werther finished reading, his face looked a little strange.

It seemed that he had wrongly blamed Boredia.

The first two treasure ruins actually contained nothing, only one gold coin.

녦 is...

Werther's expression became even weirder.

What Boredia likes is gold coins, and both ruins are occupied by the abyss. Why would he put away the gold coin?

Could it be that Boredia put it away for them?

Is Boredia really a delicate guy?

Werther is somewhat accepting!

Thinking of this, Werther quickly shook his head to get rid of these thoughts, and then continued to stare at the surface of the metal table.

Since Vergo deliberately left a message, there would only be these few sentences.

Sure enough, when Werther looked at the metal table, the paragraph 괗 just appeared on it.

"I think you (you) came in with a skeptical attitude!

I doubt that I am 놊 really put all the treasures in these ninety-nine ruins. I doubt that I am 놊 is really free in the true sense.

Here, I hope you (you) can understand that for me, the treasure is gold coins, and everything else is garbage.

But why should I use ninety-nine ruins to place it?

That's because not all the ruins are treasures for my words, but the treasures in these ruins are treasures for all dragons.

If you want, guess which ruin contains the treasure you (we) want?

Or...none of them!


I'm curious, what's your current expression like? Are you angry, looking forward to it, or do you want to beat me up?


You (you) can do it. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Sanlong's expressions were extremely good.

Anyone who is treated as amusement will be happy, even if Werther has got what he wants before, even if there may be a treasure they want later.

땤And, from the looks of the whole thing, they all felt like they were being teased.

Soon after, a third paragraph appeared on the metal platform, and Werther translated: "Do you (you) feel like you are being teased?

Now let me tell you (you), this feeling is correct, I am just teasing you (you), but after being tricked by me, there is a treasure as a reward.

Will you give up?

Okay, I’m teasing you, the four appetizers are over. I think you (you) who came here have already seen that the ninety-nine ruins are on both sides of the Morton River, the Starry Night River, and the Moon Shadow River.

I can tell you clearly that there are only a few real treasures and ruins inside.

However, every ruin has extremely complicated magic mechanisms, magic arrays, and mechanical puppets. You need to survive a narrow escape to reach the place where the treasure is placed.

녦There is a high probability that it will be empty.

Every ruin is tailor-made, and they will allow you to experience the corresponding mechanisms based on your (our) strength.

What a great idea, yes!

So, I wish you a happy game, well... I can already imagine you trying to crack the mechanism in a panic.

See you at the last ruins! "

When the last sentence emerged, the surface of the metal platform fluctuated again, and the ancient inscriptions on it were fixed on the last sentence.

Full of sarcasm!

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