Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 847 Unexpected!

Chapter 847 Unexpected!

Hearing Boredia's words, Werther was both surprised and speechless.

"If you don't want to give a reward, then forget it. We don't expect any rewards, or in other words, we haven't thought of this at all."

Hearing this, Boredia shook his head.

"That won't work. Discovering a 꾫-shaped dragon nest hunter in advance saved Sky City from a disaster..."

With that said, Boredia glanced at the three dragons and said seriously: "Don't think it's an exaggeration, they will eat up the Evernight Forest!

Although the Evernight Forest does not belong to Sky City in name, it is the source of various magic materials and items in Sky City.

Without the Evernight Forest, the loss to Sky City would not be as big as usual.

Therefore, there is no doubt that your actions will have a great impact on Sky City. As Boredia, I do not recommend that you participate in such a thing..."

Having said this, Boredia turned his attention to Werther again.

"Too dangerous!

But as one of the Thirteen Consuls, your actions are worthy of gratitude.

Although the dragon beast crystal core with rules is no different from waste to you, its flesh and blood is one of the main materials for some potions that permanently increase strength.

You should be able to do this!

If you can't do it, then you should return the refining notes of 놖놅 to 놖. 놖녦 doesn't want you to say when you meet a dragon, it was 놖 who taught you, lose the dragon! "

When Witte heard this, he rolled his eyes.

Of course he knew that the flesh and blood of the legendary level dragon beast was working, but the body of the Abeyi dragon beast was too small. Even after finding all the materials, he made the potion. At most, there would be three of them and one dragon.

For Boredia, this is a bit stingy. As for the legendary dragon beast crystal core, he can say that he wants to give it a try.

Celine's body still has destruction in her eyes.

In terms of alchemy, Werther is not good at invention and creation, but he is still good at replicating.

However, the power won't be very high.

It took Elijah so long before to refine an eye of destruction.

Of course, Werther just despises Boredia's stingy behavior, and has no reluctance. After all, like what he just said, he didn't expect a reward.

In fact, Werther was once worried that Boredia would teach him a lesson because he directly summoned him not long after he left Sky City!

There is no lesson learned now, but I have gained something, which is already an unexpected surprise.

With these thoughts in his mind, Werther glanced at the thunderstorm, which had not completely dissipated, and asked: "By the way, has the matter been resolved over there?"

However, to Werther's surprise, Boredia shook his head.

Seeing this, Witte couldn't help but be startled, and then quickly asked: "Did something unexpected happen?"

Hearing this, Boredia looked at Werther with a complicated expression, and there was something strange in this complicated expression.

"Didn't you notice?"

Werther looked at Boredia blankly.

"If you find something, just tell me directly!"

Seeing this, Boredia nodded instead.

"Sure enough, you didn't notice it, but without seeing that scene, I guess you wouldn't recognize it. After all, you didn't have the chance to see it back then."

Hearing this, Werther was startled for a moment, and then he immediately came over and looked at Boredia in astonishment.

"Space teleportation?"

Boredia nodded.

"There are a total of five legendary dragon guards, including an elemental dragon guard. When the four legendary dragon guards were holding me back, the Dragon Mother just took the legendary elemental dragon guard and left through space.

놖껩놙 had time to attack, and although the dragon mother was seriously injured, they still left.

As you know, space teleportation has just been understood, so it is difficult to track it accurately.

After taking care of the four legendary dragon guards, I originally wanted to ask Jax to come over, but who knew..."

As he said that, Boredia frowned.

"That guy seems to be dying in his sleep. He completely ignored the message passed by him. We have to go find him personally. You three..."

Having said this, Boredia glanced at Celine again, and then changed his words: "You are in good condition, I leave the aftermath to you, don't put too much mental burden on me.

If you can clean them all, clean them all. If you can't, forget it. Managers will be sent here to carry out a big cleanup later.

Okay, here are these!

놖Go back and wake up Jacques first. "

After saying that, a spatial rift appeared behind Boredia.

Seeing this, Wit didn't think too much and said quickly: "Over there in the Evernight Forest, a Thunder Winged Dragon's nest was breached and suffered heavy losses.

After Celine and Kotlin rescued them, they let them go to Sky City. "

Hearing this, Boredia nodded.

"Don't worry, we will arrange managers to deal with their problems. Is there anything else that needs to be done?"

Seeing Werther shaking his head, Boredia turned around and plunged into the space rift.

After watching Boredia leave, Werther once again looked at the place where the thunderstorm was gradually subsided, and his eyes were a little more complicated.

Why didn't he expect that he would see the culprit who opened him and the dragon's nest again in this way?

Yes, this dragon nest is the same one as before.

When he heard Boredia mention space teleportation, he immediately thought of this.

It is difficult for a dragon beast to become a legend, and it is even more difficult for an Abey dragon beast to become a legend. After becoming a legend, it will gain the ability to teleport. Abey dragon beast, Vitt does not think that two will appear in the dragon world in a short period of time.

As for why Boredia knew...

The threat of Abey dragon beast nest that can teleport is too great. Vitt once asked Boredia to pay special attention to it. It would be best to find it and then destroy it.

But he did not expect that he met it earlier than Boredia.

Thinking that this guy disappeared again, Vitt frowned tightly.

If it was a mother dragon that escaped, it would be better. Legendary dragon guards are not that easy to train, but the other party took away a legendary elemental dragon guard, which is more troublesome.

With the ability of the mother dragon, it will not take hundreds of years. Even if it cannot recover to the current scale, it will still threaten many dragon nests.

Not every dragon nest has a legend sitting in it.

A legendary elemental dragon guard is enough to sweep the dragon nest of that level that was in trouble this time.

"Is it the Abeyi dragon beast nest?"

At this time, Celine's voice suddenly sounded, and Witt turned his head to see Celine's eyes with anger.

Witt was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile: "It is that dragon beast nest, but why are you more angry than you? Don't worry, Boredia and the others will deal with it well!"


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