Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 844 Dragon Beast Lair!

Above the fierce sand sea, a large mass of pitch-black, cloud-like and foggy strange scene stretched for who knows how many tens of thousands of meters.

In the southeast, a black streamer connected the large mass of "clouds and fog".

Below the "clouds and fog", green raindrops connected into pieces, and the strange green breath filled the large sand sea.

In the "clouds and fog", a hideous head would suddenly pop out from time to time, and then be swallowed by the pitch-black "clouds and fog", like the mysterious existence hidden in the clouds and fog in the legend.

Well... There seems to be no such legend in the dragon world. The charred, slowly falling ashes are silently telling something.


Stopped, Witt recalled the scene he had just seen in a hurry, and after determining the direction, he continued to fly southeast again.

Of course, he did not forget to remind Celine and Kotlin.

Witt could already remember how many times he had explored the road like this. He only knew that they had been fighting like this for days and nights, and 30% of the elemental reserves in his body had been sucked away by the protective magic on his body.

You know, a forbidden spell uses up 10% of the elemental reserves of a platinum-level dragon.

Of course, this was related to the forbidden spell-level magic that attacked from the beasts from time to time. From the elemental aura of the forbidden spells that attacked him during this period, there were at least amethyst elemental dragon guards hidden around him.

This made Witt doubt again whether the dragon beast nest they were going to this time would really be a giant Abeyi dragon beast nest.

However, in reality, this was the first time he had truly faced the Abeyi dragon beast nest, and the size of the nest was just a simple division of Boko.

Witt was not clear about what kind of Abeyi dragon beasts were born in what scale, and what the proportion was.

The only way to distinguish is the Dragon Mother!

If the Dragon Mother is a legend, then it is a giant Abeyi dragon beast nest. If the Dragon Mother is amethyst, then it is just a large one.

The latter is fine, but for the former, he needs to be very alert. Don't forget that the strongest group of dragon guards are at the same level as the Dragon Mother.

Even if the Dragon Mother breaks through to the legend, she has no combat ability, but the legendary dragon guards are the same. That is the power at the rule level, and they can't resist it at all.

Thinking of this in his heart, Witt's flying speed did not slow down at all.

It is a giant dragon beast nest, and he has to break through this time.

With Poredia as his trump card, he is fearless!

As time passed, Witt felt much worse, and once again began to fly up without rules.

After a sudden advance, the scene outside appeared in Witt's eyes again.

However, this time, the sight was obscured faster than before.

If it were a careless dragon, it might think that this was nothing, maybe it was because it flew too slowly, but Witt, who was rigorous in doing things, would never doubt himself.

Because he could do it to the last detail.

In this case, a slight change represented a qualitative breakthrough.

Witt knew that they were far away from the dragon's nest.

After realizing this, Witt hurriedly reminded Celine and Kotlin.

The closer they were to the dragon's nest, the more elemental dragon guards they faced.

On the other side, the two dragons who received Witt's reminder had another layer of shield on their bodies when their eyes were fixed. They kept Witt's instructions in mind.

In any case, one's own safety is the most important.

On the other side, Witt began to deliberately increase the frequency of his inspection of the outside world and gradually increase his speed of action.

As he kept checking, a huge sand dune, which was guarded by a large number of Abeyi dragon beasts, gradually appeared in his sight.

"Lift off!"

After observing the situation of the sand dune many times, Witt began to give clear instructions with a solemn face.

If there is an accident, the sand dune is the dragon beast nest they are looking for.

In this way, every minute and every second, there may be accidents, and Witt must give the two dragons precise instructions.

As for why Witt asked Celine and Kotlin to check the situation outside by themselves, it was because, according to Witt, when the two dragons broke through the encirclement of Abeyi dragon beasts, they would inevitably need to use magic, and the element consumption was too large.

And the battle could break out at any time, so the status of the two dragons was very important.

As the three dragons took off, the black "cloud" surrounding them also took off.

Then Witt flew in the direction of his memory while exploring the situation outside more frequently.

Unfortunately, they could only explore one direction.

Specifically, even if they flew high, they could see everything. The sand dune was completely covered by dragon soldiers.

However, as Witt and his team gradually approached the dragon's nest, Witt noticed that some of the dragon beasts separated and began to rush towards them.

After Witt thought about it for a while.

"Celine, Kotlin, report your position on the spot, and then use the forbidden spell to clear the field!"

As he said that, Witt stopped and began to chant a long spell. At the same time, two roars sounded, giving Witt a general direction in his heart.

It was said to be a long chant, but that was just Witt's feeling. In fact, the spell of the forbidden spell was a little longer than the advanced magic.

In two seconds, a large amount of water elements began to gather in Witt's mouth, and a huge water ball appeared at the edge of Witt's mouth.

The next second, Witt swallowed the water ball in one gulp, and then...


The seventy-second node water element forbidden spell - Ice Roar!

The biting cold wind that was visible to the naked eye blew out from Witt's mouth. Even the high temperature he emitted shook the thick cold current.

The cold current, which far exceeded the range of his own body temperature radiation, directly froze all the Abeyi dragon beasts in its path, even the dragon guards hidden among the many dragon soldiers.

The low temperature, which was comparable to the permafrost that Witt currently possessed, caused snow to fall all over Witt's body, and even the heat he emitted was suppressed!

This is the strongest magic under the rules, the face of the forbidden spell!

At the same time, Celine and Kotlin had elemental fluctuations of comparable strength.

A white light swept across, and a long dazzling white light group burst out in the air, and all the dragon beasts within the explosion range were annihilated.

This is a light element level forbidden spell, Photon Roar!

On the other side, a dark roar that is very similar to Photon Roar, only the color is different, it is a pure black light column, but the effect is much worse, sweeping across the battlefield!

Three forbidden spells opened the way, and in an instant, the Abeyi dragon beasts surrounding the three dragons of Witt were all cleared out, except for those in the middle of them and the purple crystal element dragon guards who reacted faster.


The moment the surrounding dragon beasts were cleared out, Witt looked up to check the situation of the two dragons, shouted, and rushed directly towards the wrapped sand dune...

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