Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 835 Inland Sea!

Because of Werther's revelation, Celine suddenly lost her happiness.

Just like what Witte had thought before, the crystal mines in the big mine had long been regarded as personal belongings by Celine. Before the big mine disappeared, she had already searched the place and looted it all. net.

Therefore, without Vergo, these crystals should have been in her collection.

And after Werther succeeded in making Celine unhappy, he himself felt a little more relaxed. After all, in this way, no one would gain anything.

After Celine put away the crystal, everyone searched and determined that there was no other mechanism in this place, and the three dragons left the ruins.

Of course, Werther has always been a thief.

After determining that the main body of the ruins (the room where the treasure was placed) had little connection with other parts of the ruins, Witte dismantled the entire main body of the ruins.

In fact, after dismantling it all the way, it was just those two items.

눒 is the magic circuit, 놅mithril, and 눒 is the main body of the ruins, Vergo Alloy.

In order to prevent the cave from collapsing, Witte also carefully reinforced it with a magic circle to ensure that the cave could survive for a long time.

As for the traps, since Werther chose to speed pass, he had no intention of turning around and trying Vergoliu's test again.

As for the entrance, it is still in the cave that Werther and the others just entered.

It is still a traditional teleportation magic circle.

There is only one last tremor left in this exploration operation, and Werther will naturally not make common sense mistakes.

After carefully checking the teleportation magic circle to make sure there was no small movement, he took Celine and the others to leave with the help of the teleportation magic circle.

When the three dragons stood by the Morton River again, this exploration operation ended successfully. The only drawback was that no one gained anything.

What, Celine?

Zheng Weite will not admit that Celine has harvested unless the crystals come from other places, but the reality is that the crystals come from the big mine, and Celine's treasure is what she should have obtained.

With this understanding, Witte believes that there is nothing wrong with it at all!

Just when Werther was desperately trying to cover up the facts in his mind, Celine suddenly asked: "Werter, you should tell me where we are going from here!"

Celine's words brought back the thoughts of Wetter who was still deceiving himself.

After coming over, Witte put away the life-saving magic circle that had been arranged in advance and said: "Follow me, there are no relics and treasures in the Evernight Forest.

떘A relic treasure is located at the junction of the Evernight Forest, the Inland Sea and the Lago Lava Volcano.

If you are in a hurry, the most convenient choice is to march along the Morton River all the way to the river. However, traveling in the Evernight Forest is still more troublesome.

You can encounter those annoying dragons, flower-headed pterosaurs, those guys without intelligence, even giant dragons with powerful auras, dare to attack in groups.

The most important thing is that they will attract nearby dragon beasts to attack together.

It’s still quite troublesome.

So, let’s go to the inland sea!

It just so happens that you haven't seen the sea very often. Although the Inland Sea is incomparable to the Endless Sea, it can still be regarded as a sea. Just think of it as a practice before going to the Endless Sea. "

As he spoke, Werther looked at Celine.

As for Kotlin...this guy has no sense of existence, but he is ignored by Witte out of habit.

Of course, he didn't hate this feeling.

Come on, enjoy it a little bit.

I like reading like this, enjoying being surrounded by excitement and feeling like I am in a quiet world of my own.

There is no lack of excitement and you can enjoy tranquility!

So, Kotlin consciously took out a metal book.

Before he could open it, the metal book was taken away by Werther.

"I see, but at least wait until we fly. If you follow us and talk, it will easily cause a big noise and attract dragons and beasts."

Kotlin chuckled.

Okay, he admitted that Werther said 놅 was right, but...

"Sorry, I brought the book here involuntarily."

Witte returned the book to Kotlin speechlessly, and then glanced upward.

"Forget it, let's go. If you need to pay attention to anything, I can tell you on the way."

Although, there is nothing to pay attention to.

As soon as he finished speaking, Werther took the lead and flew upwards. The Morton River and the forests on both sides combined together looked like an emerald green canyon.

This is actually the best place for many dragon beasts to take off.

There are too many dragon beasts living in the Evernight Forest.

The trees are tall and the forest is dense. I don’t know how many dangers are hidden in the thick branches and leaves, which can block the sun.

Therefore, it is very important for a dragon beast to be able to fly in the sky without any obstruction or causing any big noise.

Of course, for Werther and others, these dangers are not dangers.

However, being entangled is also a trouble. In a situation where 놋녦 can attract an amethyst-level dragon beast, Witte does not want to cause any trouble.

After their skills were completed, the three dragons flew all the way in the direction they had explored.

Since they were on the periphery, Werther and the others did not need to avoid too many obstacles. They only needed to fly at full speed. If they followed the Morton River, they would need to pass through the interior of the Evernight Forest.

Time passed very quickly, in the blink of an eye, half a month passed.

At this time, the three dragons had come to a blue and boundless water.

Since the Inland Sea can be called a sea, its area is naturally not small, and the fact is that the total area of ​​the Inland Sea is greater than the sum of the Evernight Forest, the Sky Plain and the Former Morton Mountains.

And Witt and the others were once taken to that place by Poredia. Standing where they are now, there is only a purple light spot and a small dark cloud in the distant sky.

"This is the Inland Sea. I don't know much about the Inland Sea. If you come here in the future, I don't know about other places, but you must not go there!"

Witt pointed to the small dark cloud in the distant sky.

"There lives a thunder elemental dragon with a bad temper but a very powerful strength."

Although he didn't know whether he would come here in the future, Kotlin nodded and kept Witt's words in mind.

Since Witt specifically pointed it out, it means that the dragon is really dangerous.

Such a place must be remembered.

Witt nodded in satisfaction, and when he was about to continue on his way with the two dragons, Celine's brows suddenly frowned.

"Witt, look over there!"

Hearing Celine's words, Witt turned his head to look at Celine with some doubts, and then looked in the direction Celine pointed, and then he frowned.

"That is..."

As he said that, he flew towards the direction Celine pointed without realizing it.

That thing made him a little concerned!


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