Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 829 Speed ​​Pass!

However, the situation did not develop as badly as they expected.

The "big night light" on Witt's chest emitted a light blue light, illuminating the environment around the dragon, and the cave also showed its basic outline.

Moist rocks covered with moss, thick and tangled tree roots, slightly crowded space, and a metal door that was out of place here.

It was clear where to go next.

Moreover, Witt and his friends did not smell the abyss that made the dragon hate it from the bottom of his heart.

After taking a look around, Witt raised his eyebrows.

"We are lucky. At least, this is not a trap set by us for us. However, don't put away the teleportation device yet. Be careful!"

As he said, Witt walked towards the metal door.

The metal gate is very tall, allowing adult dragons over 700 meters to enter freely.

There is no handle or mechanism on the door. It is called a door only relative to the surrounding rock walls. In fact, it is just a piece of metal wall that looks extremely smooth.

"Looking for a door..."

Witt muttered in a low voice, and then knocked on the wall.

The familiar touch and taste are the metal that he temporarily named Vergo alloy, which is the alloy used to build the ruins when they first explored the Vergo treasure ruins.

Although it is a little worse than the Aqfrey alloy in strength, it is not much worse. It is a very good metal, especially suitable for making alchemical puppets.

Because this alloy has a phenomenon named pseudo-fusion by Witt.

Witt once thought that Vergo's technology was better.

Later, when he was studying this alloy, he found that as long as the alloy was cut horizontally above the level line, that is, there should be no obvious burrs, when they were put together, a kind of pseudo-fusion would appear.

That is, from the surface, it is basically a whole.

But it is only from the surface.

In fact, they are not fused together, so Witte called it pseudo-fusion.

The reason why this metal is suitable for making alchemical puppets is that the alchemical puppets are made into three-dimensional or other forms. On one hand, it is portable, and on the other hand, it is a camouflage technology.

And this alloy with pseudo-fusion properties is quite suitable for camouflage.

Not to mention, the smooth metal door in front of Witte can be completely filled with three-dimensional mechanical puppets, and it also looks like a complete metal wall.

If such a metal wall exists in the ruins, you will not find it unless you touch it inch by inch.

In short, although the strength of this alloy is not as great as that of the Yakfre alloy, it is also a very good choice for other purposes.

Similarly, this metal was only seen once by Witt in the treasure ruins of Vergo, so it was named after it.

However, Vergo does not seem to be able to make alchemical puppets.

Witt later investigated the mechanical puppets in the treasure ruins last time, and the material was the common Halde alloy on the market.

This alloy is easy to make and its strength meets expectations. Most of the alchemical puppets on the market are basically this alloy.

In terms of strength alone, the Yakfre alloy is about 10% stronger than the Halde alloy, while this Vergo alloy is about 20% stronger than the Halde alloy.

Don't underestimate these 20% or 10%.

You know, the fact that Halder alloy can be widely used does not mean that it is weak. With the strength of Halder alloy, it is enough to make amethyst-level alchemical puppets.

And now, the strongest alloy on the market is Metenulos alloy!

This is what Witt learned later.

It was also the second time he heard this name besides from Antasa.

Witt didn't understand it before, but since he saw the laboratory left by the enemy, Witt understood what kind of powerful alchemist this was.

The enemy found many unreasonable places in the magic circle he created just from the use of dragon text in the long-distance transmission magic circle.

However, these unreasonable things were forcibly transformed into misunderstandings under the addition of time.

Thinking about whether these things were true or not in his head, Witt had already started the cracking action on the surface.

The sharp claws, yet sensitive to touch, rubbed the smooth metal wall. Soon, cracks were outlined in Witt's mind, forming a flat, "X"-shaped trace.

Not surprisingly, this is the door.

After no other discoveries, Witt retracted his claws.

If it is a door, it must be controlled by a magic mechanism.

Of course, you can force it open, the magic mechanism controls the door, and the door is the last step.

If you force the door open directly, you can do it as long as you have enough strength.

Moreover, it will not cause any serious consequences.

But unfortunately, Witt just tried it, and it didn't move at all. This is obviously not something Witt can do with his current strength.

However, Witt is still not going to spend a lot of effort to find the mechanism.

The previous process of searching for treasure ruins had almost exhausted Witt's patience.

So, he planned to speed through it directly.

Of course, he didn't force the door open, nor did he dig directly in from another place.

When Vergo was building the ruins, he would definitely be prepared for such a situation. If he forced the door open, the treasure ruins inside would be destroyed directly.

This is not what Witt wants to see.

So, Witt prepared to force the door open professionally.

With this idea in mind, Witt signaled Celine and Kotlin to step back.

Then he pointed his claws at his chest, and a wisp of white flames stuck to Witt's claws. The originally slightly cold space around him instantly became hot.

Then, Witt slowly approached the metal door with his claws.

And the metal door fluctuated like the surface of water under the extremely high temperature.

At the same time, Witt controlled the melted metal liquid with his mind, guided it out, and put it aside.

Suddenly, a different silver light appeared.

Witt quickly used his spirit to gather the high temperature of the Blazing White Divine Flame, avoiding the silver parts and continuing to melt the metal door.

As time passed, the silver also showed its true appearance, which was a magic circuit made of mithril.

As Witt had thought before.

There was an anti-violence door-breaking mechanism buried in this metal wall.

But facing a professional magic array master like Witt, Witt had roughly determined the location of the remaining part of the magic circuit by only seeing a small part of the magic circuit.

With the claws of the Blazing White Divine Flame, he drew a circle on the part where he judged there was a magic circuit, and then he walked towards the part without a circle...

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