Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 827 Clues to the underworld!

After hearing Kotlin's words, Witt was stunned for a moment, but then he became interested.

"Where did I let you say such a thing?"

Hearing this, Kotlin pointed downwards with a strange expression.

"You've already missed it, then 놆!"

This time, Werther was really confused. He hurriedly looked down and saw a 께녪 mountain standing in the dense forest.

But such mountains are quite common in the Evernight Forest.

Suddenly, Werther thought of something and flew high.

While flying, he stared at the 께녪 mountain below. Sure enough, there was nothing visible about the 께녪 mountain, but when combined with the surrounding ones, it just formed a flame mark.

However, the 께녪 mountains in some places may have collapsed due to accidents, and this mark does not look as complete as it is.

However, it is difficult for this kind of clear directional mark to be natural.

There is no doubt that this is what Vergo left behind.

Suddenly, Witte thought of something again and flew to a 께녪 mountain with a 늅뀙 mark below, hugged it and took a bite.

Then, he flew to a piece of 녪 head that had nothing to do with the mark in the distance and took a bite.

After tasting the taste, Werther glanced wordlessly at the looming 께녪 mountains in the distance, and couldn't help but said: "This Vergo is too bad!"

"Dog 놆what?"

Celine, who came with Werther because of his strange actions, asked curiously after hearing Werther's words.

Hearing this, Witte waved his paws casually.

"It's nothing, just a sigh from the bottom of my heart."

Seeing that Celine was still looking at him curiously, Werther helplessly pointed to the 께녪 Mountain below, as well as the rock formations and 녪 peaks in the distance.

"In order to make the mark look more natural, that guy actually used the same method to create some mountains and rock formations around it.

If nothing else, those places were also left by him to cover up this mark.

For his so-called test, he not only found nine treasures and ruins, but even spent so much effort to hide the clues he deliberately left.

This guy Virgo..."

As he said this, Werther didn't know what words to use to describe this dragon.

Without continuing, Witte turned to look at the landmark.

"The mark has been found, but judging from your appearance, it seems that you have not found the entrance to the ruins."

Hearing this, Celine nodded.

"We searched the place where the mark is, and even Kotlin used the surrounding trees to explore the underground, but we couldn't find anything related to the treasure and ruins."

After a pause, Celine glanced at the location of the mark, and said with a smile: "It's not far from Sky City, let's find Olidolph.

You haven't seen the abilities he gained after sleeping, right?

That's quite a magical ability. "

Seeing Celine's excited face, Werther knew what had happened without even thinking about it.

Olidolf possesses the ability to sense the memory of rocks, which means that he has extraordinary ability to detect mines.

Celine never thought about asking Olidolph to help her find crystals.


"It's too troublesome to go back and forth, just look at me!"

With that said, Werther took out a dragon scale under the curious gazes of Celine and Kotlin, and then flew downwards.

Then, Witte placed the magic array on the ground at the marked location, and then activated the magic array. The activated magic array exuded a rich earthy yellow elemental power.

Although Kotlin has already explored the underground, since it is a natural element, it cannot be separated from the root system of trees.

Although the root systems of these thick trees are well developed, their depth may not reach the distance where the treasure ruins are located. Witte needs to further investigate.

And this earth element detection magic array can bring Witte's spiritual power deep underground.

But then, Werther's brows frowned.

Seeing the two dragons looking at him, Witte shook his head.

"There are no caves underground, and the treasure remains are not here."

"How could it be!"

Celine was a little confused.

Witte thought for a while, put away the magic circle, jumped out of the forest again, and flew towards high places.

Looking at the flame mark representing Vergo below, Witte began to think about it. At last, from the two treasure ruins in front of him, it was certain that the information Vergo left behind was quite credible.

The other party couldn't leave his mark here for no reason.

Since there is no problem with the marking, the problem is their detection method.

There are no caves around the marker, so...

Witte's heart moved.

He thought of the surrounding mountains that were not within the marked range. Doesn't this mean that the marks they saw were incomplete?

Thinking like this, Werther continued to fly high into the sky.

While flying, he stared at the mark below. As the altitude increased, several scattered 께녪 mountains and high 꺶 rock formations appeared in Witte's sight, arranged in a rather regular manner.

Witte's eyes lit up and he continued to fly higher. At the same time, his eyes turned to the neatly arranged ground landmarks.

When Witte climbed to an altitude of 10,000 meters, a rock "arrow" pointed at the Morton River!


Seeing this scene, Werther was completely speechless.

Really simple and easy to understand tips.

The tip of the arrow had already hit the edge of the Morton River.

Celine and Kotlin saw that Witt was flying high, and they realized that Witt must have discovered something.

So, they followed Witt all the time.

When they saw this scene, they didn't know what to say for a while.

They really doubted whether this dragon was too idle to come up with such a puzzle.

It's not difficult, but it makes the dragon speechless.

The two dragons looked at each other, and then sighed helplessly.

What else can they do? Go back!

It is worth mentioning that Witt's teleportation magic circle was just placed at the position pointed by the "arrow".

In other words, they were really close to the answer!

But unfortunately, this teleportation magic circle can't be used as a life-saving means when traveling.

Charging is still more troublesome.

Soon, after spending a few days, Witt and his team returned to the starting point, the Morton River.

After arriving at the location, Witt did not put away the teleportation magic circle, but started to search around.

After spending half a day searching, they found another teleportation magic circle in the river just below the teleportation magic circle Witt had set up.

It should be said that this was really a long time ago, and no one thought of this until Witt set his sights on the Morton River itself and used the river water to explore, and then he noticed the teleportation magic circle...

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