Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 810 The lifelong enemy - Gedra!

Chapter 810: The enemy - Gedra!

"Huh -"

As soon as Witt's head emerged from the lava pool, he exhaled a long breath.

Then, he thought for a while and felt that it should be much worse.

As for what is much worse...

Of course, it is the anger of the dragons.

It is risky to paint the barbecue with secret sauce.

But Witt is so smart!

He did not paint it at the first time, but only painted the barbecue with secret sauce when the banquet was almost done.

After painting it and distributing it to the dragons, he said nothing, found a borrower on the spot, left the back garden, and went into his own room, and he also changed the magic circle on the door.

Unless he moved to open the door, or Celine and the others directly demolished the house, otherwise, no dragon could enter his room.

Moreover, he also put a soundproof magic circle in the room, so that no matter how the outsiders shouted, they could hear it inside, just to deal with this situation.

It turned out that his way of dealing with it was quite effective.

Since he came in, he hadn't heard any movement.

"It's been half a month, even if they are angry, they should have calmed down a lot..."

Witt's tone was a little too sure.

After all, in his secret sauce, in addition to lava flowers, there are other seasonings that Chang Long can't accept, such as sesame.

As for why he did this...

Of course, it was to make the atmosphere of the banquet more heated.

When he finally closed the door, the roar from the back garden was probably heard by most of the Sixth Block. What a hot atmosphere!

Thinking of this, Witt's mouth curled up, revealing a smile full of relief (malice).

After a slight hesitation, Witt climbed out of the lava pool and walked towards the door.

He closed the soundproof magic circle, put his ear against the door, and listened carefully... Well, there was no sound.

Then, Witt slowly opened the door and then carefully poked his head out.

No dragon!

Since there is no dragon guarding his door, then the problem should be big.

Thinking of this, Witt walked to the front.

Then, Witt thought about it and walked towards the training room.

Other dragons may still deal with him when they see him, but if Celine says a few good words, there should be no problem.

When he arrived at the door of the training room, Witt knocked on the door.

After a few breaths, footsteps came, and then the door of the training room was opened.

Witt was about to speak, and then he found that it was not Celine who opened the door, but Gedela. Just when Witt secretly said badly, Gedela glanced at him and then directly closed the door of the training room.

Witt stood there in a daze for a moment, and then reacted.

"Pretend to see me, right!"

Muttering softly, Witt then directly opened the door of the training room and walked inside.

At this time, he noticed that there was only Gedela in the training room.

Antawana and Agnar were also there.

However, Sanlong seemed not to see him coming in, and even his eyes did not change at all.


Witt opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

There is no doubt that Sanlong is expressing his dissatisfaction with him in silence (after all, he has apologized). Maybe he will apologize, but he will probably continue to be ignored.

Thinking about it, Witt sighed, then turned and left the training room.

What Witt knew was that as soon as he left, Antawana and Agner looked at Gedra.

Gedra shook his head.

"With Witt's personality, he likes to communicate with dragons. As long as you ignore him, he will feel uncomfortable.

We have to teach him a lesson.

Hiss... Until now, just thinking about what happened that day, I feel that my whole mouth is mine.

That bastard!"

Hearing this, Antawana and Agner nodded in agreement, with a flash of fear in their eyes.

That thing is really scary!


Witt walked out of the training room and took a look at Linsda and Xingchen's room...

Well, these two guys should be sleeping. In this case, if they are woken up, they might really be angry.

Witt walked towards the stone door with some depression.

Since Gedra is in the training room, Celine should be at the counter.

Maybe Celine is talking to him too!

Thinking of this, Witt walked quickly towards the stone door, but when he opened the stone door and saw Celine, he sighed helplessly.

Celine was indeed there.

However, after the other party glanced at him, he turned back expressionlessly.

Afterwards, Witt tentatively walked to Celine's side.

"That...are you still angry?"

No response.

"I apologize, okay?"

No look over.

"Then let's go find the treasure?"

Celine's tail moved, but she still didn't look at Witt.

Witt noticed this.

His eyes rolled.

"Well, then I can only go by myself."

"You dare!"

Celine roared, and her eyes glared at him instantly.

Witt looked at Celine innocently.

"If you are not willing to talk to me, then I can only go by myself."

Celine stared at Witt for a moment, then stood up and walked to the side.

Witt was stunned for a moment.

"Where are you going?"

What surprised me was that Celine actually answered Witt's question, and what made Witt panic was the answer Celine gave.

"I'm going to find Boredia!"

"No, no, no!"

Witt hurriedly grabbed Celine's tail, and then said, "I'm leaving for now. When you're no longer angry, we'll go together. Is that okay?"


Celine flicked her tail, pulled out of Witt's mouth, and then lay on the counter again, ignoring Witt.

Seeing this, Witt smiled.

"You don't want to talk to me, so I'll go talk to other dragons. That's okay, right?"

Celine rolled her eyes and ignored Witt.

Witt didn't say anything else, and walked towards the front, but he was relieved.

It's okay if there's no real anger.

However, Celine is the type who will talk to him when she is angry. It seems that there is a dragon instigating her—Gedlar!

Witt realized it in a second and locked the answer.

Except for Gedlar, no dragon would come up with such a sinister method.

Not to mention, when Witt saw that there was no dragon talking to him, he felt a little uncomfortable. Of course, it was not the kind of discomfort that hurt, but the kind of discomfort that made him want to vomit.


After leaving the store, Witt kept muttering Gedlar's name and gnashing his teeth secretly.

Okay, I must find a time to teach this guy a lesson.

It was okay to get angry when I was a child, but it is easier to get angry when I grow up. It will be a pleasure to teach him a lesson!

Thinking of this, Witt looked up and looked around.

When he saw Antasa's shop, he hesitated for a moment and then walked over.

Compared to Poredia, the news about Antasa seemed to be more widespread...

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