Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 809 The Dragon’s Banquet!

"Hey, hey, hey, don't chase the dragon away. Why don't you stop talking?"

Hearing this, Werther curled his lips and then asked: "Speaking of which, where are Cady and Claude, how are they doing?"

After hearing Werther's words, the smile on Olidof's face faded slightly.

"Claude now lives around the mountains and the others, but he spends part of his time training his body on the Thunderstorm Plains. Sparrow Cemetery is also kinder to Mandy.

As for Cady…

He left Sky City.

You don’t know where you heard about the Feast of Ten Thousand Dragons. You also know his character, so you have to go around looking for dragons to challenge him, and prepare to win the title of Dragon King at the Feast of Ten Thousand Dragons.

But then there was no trace.

However, I'm not very worried about him. The stealth power of Sonic Flash Dragon is quite powerful. "


Werther sighed.

The dragon is like this. After he has his own ideas, he will quickly implement them. This is the case for Cady, Nasha and Oti, and the same is true for Lei.

After hundreds or thousands of years, there will probably be fewer familiar dragons in this sky city.

There are only a few dragons who want to live a comfortable life.

Most of them are still searching for treasures and freedom. Only when they are tired of walking will they find a place to take a rest, which may not necessarily mean returning to Sky City.

However, Kadi was fine and we saw him at the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast.

With these thoughts in mind, Witte glanced at the dragons on his face, and an idea suddenly came to his mind.

"It's rare that everyone is here, why not have a banquet!"

Hearing this, the dragons were stunned for a moment, and then became interested.

"Thank you very much. I'll go find Redeker and get some wine and meat."

At this time, Gedra walked out of the door. After saying that, he walked outside. He heard the noise outside, so he went out to take a look, and happened to hear Werther's words.

Seeing this, Linsida also followed.

"I'm going to help get it. With so many dragons, there's not much to eat. We have to clear out Redek's inventory no matter what."

When Olidolf heard this, he smiled and said, "Then I'll go see Antasha before it starts."

"After meeting Antasha, you go to Claude's place to see if that guy is there. If he is, just call him over and I'll wake up Xingchen.

Other dragons can go to the back garden. Don't you think the space here is a bit small? "

Hearing Werther's words, Olidolf nodded, then turned and left.

The other dragons followed Celine towards the back garden.

Not to mention, there were so many dragons, some of them were more than 400 meters in size. The store was really crowded, and Violet was squeezed into a corner.

For Violet, all the dragons present were familiar with her, but the ones who communicated with her the most were Celine and Antavana, so she was following Celine at this time.

Werther called Agnar who was still in the laboratory.

Of course, Agnar has not always been studying magic circles in the laboratory. This has been mentioned before.

Afterwards, the other dragons walked towards the back garden, and Witte entered Linstar's room.

After another "suffocation" operation, Xingchen was woken up again.

After Xingchen woke up and saw Werther again, he stiffened.

"If you still ask me to get up and go back to sleep, I will fight to get hurt and let you know what it means not to disturb me when I'm sleeping!"

Hearing this, Werther rolled his eyes.

"Come on, I don't know you yet. If you dare to challenge me, I won't beg you to do it. Okay, okay, stop saying harsh words and get up quickly. Let's have a party tomorrow!"


Xingchen was stunned for a moment, then looked at Werther blankly.

"What party?"

"What kind of banquet is this? I'm back, and all the dragons I know are here. It's basically impossible to think of so many dragons gathering in the future.

The opportunity is rare, so we are planning to hold a banquet for everyone to eat, drink and have fun together.

It can be considered a good memory! "

Hearing this, Xingchen's face finally became a little more interested.

"Sounds good, so what are you waiting for? Let's go!"

While talking, Xingchen stood up and took the lead to walk outside.

Seeing this, Werther smiled and shook his head, then followed.

땤When Witte woke up Xingchen, Gedra and Linstar had already returned with a large amount of meat and wine.

As for the cost...

To be honest, neither empty coins nor magic crystal coins are important to the dragon.

Celine and the others still spend their money on the medicines needed for practice.

But they already have Lin Sida, a dragon who is capable of refining potions. They can earn back the cost of materials by selling a few potions.

Therefore, they have no shortage of magic crystal coins at all.

When he arrived at the back garden, Werther glanced around and then nodded with satisfaction.

With Lin Sida here, the environment in the back garden is unparalleled.

When Werther and the others came in, the banquet could be said to have already begun, and wine glasses made of crystal dragon crystal were already floating in front of the dragons.

The unique smell of wine has spread in the garden.

Seeing this, Werther did not delay, went directly to the "C" position, and immediately took over the job of barbecue.

"By the way, Linsda, go and see if Avery and the others are here. If they are, ask them to come together."

Of course, the "they" here refers to the dragons that are familiar with Witt and the others.

In addition to Avery, there are Jones, Hess, and so on.

However, Avery is not happy, Linsda will be back soon.

Avery is not here, he went to patrol the empty plains. Without Avery, Jones is embarrassed to come. As for Hess, he is not in the tribe, but in a store in another block.

In this regard, Linsda is a little disappointed. He and Hess have always had a good relationship, just like Witt and Avery.

Claude is also not happy.

Soon after Linsda came back, Ollidolf also came, and Claude was not there either.

In this regard, Witt just sighed.

It was for this reason that he thought of holding this banquet.

The dragons are too free. Who knows, one of them might go to travel the world with a thought.

However, although there are many dragons, there are not many of them.

Witt, Celine, Antawana, Linsda, Agnar, Xingchen, Gedra, Violet and Olidof, together there are only 1 dragon.

I don't know who suggested it, but Witt, who was responsible for cutting and grilling meat, began to talk about what he saw and heard on the road. Of course, this is just a detailed description.

For example, interesting things like exploring ruins and hunting abyss dragons.

The dragon banquet is destined to be long.

Many interesting things happened during the period, such as Witt vomiting as soon as he drank (it was simply not tasty), and the artifact that livened up the atmosphere, the lava flower!

This banquet was really lively...

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