Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 803 Could it be that he recognized her?


How can I not understand!

If they had not experienced that war, how many dragons in the Sky City would believe in the existence of abyss creatures.

In addition, even if they believe in the existence of the abyss, it is difficult for a city-state that has not experienced the war with the abyss to appreciate its power. The characteristic of the dragon race is that I only believe what I see with my own eyes and believe that I can defeat it.

In short, it is self-confidence, self-confidence to the extent of arrogance.

At the same time, the attitude of the city-state towards foreign dragons is vigilant, welcoming or indifferent, but the attitude towards its foreign city-state is not so good.

On the surface, they are harmonious, but vigilant in private.

After all, the dragon race has military force, and who knows whether the city-state that suddenly arrives is a guest or an enemy.

Therefore, mutual testing is inevitable.

In this way, time is wasted.

Thinking of this, Witt sighed.

"Forget it, it's within my expectations. It's OK as long as the Sky City agrees."

Candice glanced at Witt and said nothing more.

She knew what Witt had done before and why he was so concerned about the construction of the teleportation system.

There is no such thing as having both. I was surprised that Witt could do this.

It only took a little time to get a reunion without any barriers. In my opinion, it was a big profit!


After talking about the matter, Witt and Candice exchanged for a while and briefly talked about their own experiences and the relevant information of the City of Life.

Witt said goodbye and left.

When he returned to the store, Witt saw that only Lingyan was watching the store, and Chiara was sleeping in the sun, which was not surprising at all.

I don't know why these dragons are always unwilling to communicate with me.

Well... they should be embarrassed!

Thinking like this, Witt and Lingyan chatted for a few words, and then left the Dragon Gang.

After leaving the Dragon Gang, Witt looked back at the Dragon Gang.

Is the main purpose of coming here really to let Candice study life alchemy?

There is a certain connection!

But more importantly, it is to put life alchemy in front of Candice.

The seemingly casual chat later, which is related to the City of Life, is the important goal of Witt's coming here.

Candice has a very high pursuit of alchemy.

It is impossible for him to let go of life alchemy.

Then, if he puts life alchemy in front of Candice, in order to pursue a more comprehensive life alchemy, the City of Life becomes a place that he must go to.

Because there is a systematic life alchemy system there, as well as the greatest alchemist in the City of Life, Orseya, who is best at life alchemy.

And Candice is one of the three archons.

After that, regardless of whether the long-distance transmission system can be built, considering Candice's needs, Sky City will do its best to complete the establishment of diplomatic relations with the City of Life.

With his ability, he cannot lay the long-distance transmission magic circle from the City of Freedom all the way to the City of Eternal Night.

But if it is the City of Life, it is not a big problem for him.

Of course, this is just a backup plan for emergency.

Both the City of Life and the City of Eternal Night have experienced the invasion of the Abyss. They are very clear about the harm of the Abyss, so there is basically no problem.

Witt just made an insurance.

As for the use...

As for whether to use or not, Candice is not stupid, how could he not see Witt's idea, but he didn't say it.

This is an invisible transaction that is known to each other.

Witt brought the life alchemy to Candice, and Candice worked hard to promote the connection with the City of Life in the future. This is the content of the transaction.

Thinking of this, Witt grinned.

Sure enough, dealing with smart dragons is easy. You don't need to say too much to understand what you mean.


After leaving the Dragon Gang, Witt did not stay too long, nor did he chase Scott to the Management Association, but went directly back to his own shop.

It has been five or six days since he came out, and the things have been done. There is no need to go to the dragons he knows.

After all, everyone is an adult dragon, and they all have their own things to do, and there is a high probability that they will fail.

However, what Witt did not expect was that as soon as he returned to his shop, he saw a familiar dragon before he entered the door.


Witt saw the annihilation dragon standing in front of the Boredia shop and muttered subconsciously.

Then, his mind involuntarily emerged what happened at the time point after he was first affected by the time rune.

She also did not expect that the silver dragon that Closher mentioned and saved her life would be her.

However, the surprise in Witt's eyes was only a flash.

Judging from the previous performance, the other party should not have recognized him, well... this is a good thing.

After all, time travel is something that most dragons would never think of.

As long as he doesn't tell anyone, no one will know about it.

Thinking of this, Witt hesitated for a moment, and then walked towards Closier.

At the same time, Closier, who was about to go out, turned his head alertly after sensing Witt's breath.

When she saw Witt, she was stunned for a moment, and then her eyes became complicated.

Past memories emerged in front of her.

Two silver backs almost perfectly overlapped.

This discovery once made her challenge Celine regardless of everything, because the dragon who had saved her and whom she regarded as a hero was a companion of the female dragon she hated the most.

But reality told her that when she was rescued, Witt was probably still a dragon egg.

Because she knew from Celine that Witt was even two years younger than her.

And the dragon who saved her was at least three hundred years older than her.

Is it really a coincidence?

Closhil stared at Witt in a daze, his eyes full of complexity.

Witt noticed the strange look Closhil looked at him, and he jumped. Could this dragon recognize him?

Thinking of this, Witt greeted him as usual.

"Hey, Closher, long time no see!"

Witt's words pulled Closher's thoughts back, and Closher looked at Witt inexplicably.

"Long time no see, I heard from the teacher that you came back before."

After a pause, Closher looked at Witt and couldn't help asking, "Do you know about your father?"

It looks so much like Witt's back. If it's not Witt, then it should be Witt's relative, maybe his father, maybe his brother or sister.

After all, so far, she has only seen Witt, such a strong silver dragon.

When Witt heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief, but he felt a little strange.

I immediately guessed Closher's thoughts, but unfortunately...

"My father?

There is inherited memory, but why are you asking this?"

When he heard Witt's words, Closher's eyes immediately flashed with surprise...

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