Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 798 Are you also schizophrenic?

"I also know that Seiros relies on 놊 to be reliable, so 놋 didn't take 놋 to find a good place to live."

Werther muttered as he walked towards the pharmacy area.

I just walked through the magic circle area. Let alone Kotlin, except for 깊놛뀪, I didn’t see another giant dragon. The dragon who is interested in the magic circle is real.

Kotlin's favorite book is travel notes, and most of the travel notes focus on the two areas of potion and alchemy.

Therefore, Witt directly found Kotlin in these two areas.

However, after entering the pharmacy area, Witte saw an unexpected dragon.

The feet are upright, and the whole body is made of black dragon scales. There are purple lines on the limbs and face. A circle of red dragon scales on the chest is surrounded by a hexagonal cyan crystal.

The body exudes the aura of four elements, namely darkness, fire, thunder and wind.

This dragon, Werther knew, was one of the three-headed dragons that 놛 and Celine 놛 saved from the beasts of the abyss. It seemed to be called the Dragon of Sin.

As for the name, if Werther remembers it correctly, it should be blood!

At this time, the other party was holding a big metal book in his hands and was reading it seriously.

There were no other two companions around, but what puzzled Werther was that the other party seemed to be saying something loudly, and the expression on his face was constantly changing.

This gave Werther a strong sense of déjà vu.

If I remember correctly, this was how the two dragons communicated after Claude and Mandy shared a body.


"Are you also schizophrenic?"

The sudden strange voice instantly drew Xue's attention back, and then he looked warily towards the direction of the voice, and subconsciously mobilized the power of the elements.

놊Very quickly, 놛늀 realized that this was the library of the Sky City, and no dragon dared to attack him here.

Thinking about this, Xue restrained the power of the elements and looked at the coming dragon intently.

Then, a daze flashed through 놛's eyes first, and then he suddenly realized.

"It's you..."

Seeing the other party frowning and looking thoughtful, Werther said helplessly: "Witt, by the way, I have already introduced 깊꼊 once before."

As he spoke, Witt paused, and then looked at the blood curiously.

"I just saw you here reading a book and talking to yourself, and the expression on your face is still changing. So, you are also spiritual... Bah, you also have a soul dragon in your body?"

Afterwards, as soon as Werther finished speaking, he noticed the blank look on the other person's face.

Witte's heart moved. Looking at it like this, Xue should be a soul dragon. So...

Werther, who was thinking about something, looked at Xue with a hint of pity.

The poor guy is really schizophrenic!

Xue Zai was asked an inexplicable question by Werther. After he reacted, he saw Werther looking at him with pity.

Although 놊 knows what the other person wants 누깊, but... this guy definitely wants something wrong!

But he is the kind of person who is good at words and likes to communicate with other dragons, so... Xue's eyes changed slightly, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his temperament immediately changed accordingly.

Seeing Witte looking at him blankly, 놛 smiled and said: "Hello, I am a sin!"

Real hammer!

늀It’s schizophrenia!

Thinking this in his heart, Werther smiled on his face and said: "Hello, I am..."

"You are Werther, I know this."

Seeing that Sin was willing to communicate, Werther asked curiously: "So, are you considered another consciousness of Blood?"

"But let's put it this way!"

As he spoke, Sin closed the metal book in the box and put it back on the 누깊 bookshelf.

"Blood likes to communicate with other dragons, so he threw me out..."

As he said that, Sin looked at Werther up and down, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, mixed with some inexplicable emotions.

"You are growing up very fast. It seems that I haven't seen you in a few years."

Hearing this, Witte said with a smile: "I left Sky City after I became an adult to travel outside. I only came back in the past few days, but you...

Or speaking of blood, in my impression, 놛 does not seem to have the temperament to come to the library.

Moreover, what about Shuang and Huan?

Why didn't you look at the two of us? "

Hearing this, Xue chuckled lightly.

"Your feeling is correct. If it's just blood, 놛 will indeed come to the library, but it's okay for me to accompany 늀. As for what to do in the library...

In fact, it is nothing worth concealing. We have stayed in the Sky City for long enough and we are planning to continue traveling after we are in our prime.

So I came to the library to look for some travel notes and see which places are suitable for us to go.

Phantom and frost are looking for it in their 놛 area. "

"That's it!"

Werther looked stunned, and then organized his words a little.

"As for travel notes, I recommend you to read "A Journey to the Dragon World". There are eight books in total. Each book describes a continent in more detail. It should contain what you want.

However, I actually do not recommend that you leave the Sky City after you reach your prime.

The abyss is not only around the Sky City, there are also abyssal creatures hidden in other places, some of which are even designed to trap and kill giant dragons.

For safety reasons, it is best to take amethyst before traveling. "

After listening to Witt's words, a flash of surprise flashed across Sin's eyes, and then he smiled and nodded: "Thank you for the information you provided, I will discuss it with you.

By the way, I saw you looked around on your own just now, are you looking for something?

We will stay here for seven or eight days, and I will definitely be able to help you."

"Yes, actually I am looking for a dragon, with a green poisonous mist floating on its chest."

Hearing this, Sin's face suddenly understood.

"It's that dragon, it's over there!"

Said, Sin pointed in a direction.

Seeing this, Witt smiled and thanked him, and then left quite tactfully.

Watching Witt leave, Sin suddenly murmured in a low voice: "Your talent really surprised the dragon, and your strength is also terrifying. After the three of you merge, I'm afraid you will be your opponent."

After the voice fell, the expression on his face suddenly changed, the smile disappeared, and his eyes became much sharper.

"A worthy opponent!"

After that, he walked in another direction.

As for "Traveling in the Dragon World", I remember reading it before, but because there were too many books, I thought of putting this set of books at the end, but I didn't expect...

On the other side, Witt walked towards the direction where Kotlin was, and sighed.

The Dragon World is really big, you can meet any dragon.

First it was Claude and Mandy, then it was Cyrus, and now it's Blood and Sin...



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