Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 791 Come on, I'm rooting for you!

"No matter what, I'm going to duel with you anyway!"


Hearing Werther's words, Gedra did not answer, but just stared at Werther.

Werther himself was unreasonable, and being looked at like this felt a little bit hypocritical.


Suddenly Gedra sighed.


Werther was delighted.

"Are you finally willing to compete with me? I've wanted to fight you a long time ago, but you just didn't agree."

The translation of this is, I have wanted to beat you up for a long time, but you didn't give me a chance!

However, after hearing Witte's words, Gedra shook his head again, and then suddenly showed an extremely exaggerated expression on his face.


I haven’t seen you for more than five hundred years, but you have grown so big.

I give up!

That’s it! "


Very good, Werther has an unpleasant feeling of not "vomiting"!

Seeing the blazing white flames emerging from the corner of Werther's mouth, Gedra hurriedly smiled and said: "No, no, no, I'm just joking with you.

It’s not worth it to be targeted by managers because of this little thing, it’s not worth it!


Welcome back, Werther! "

Upon hearing this, Witte's expression froze, and then he reluctantly put away the blazing white divine flame, and then sighed helplessly.

"You think I'm showing off my temper?


You are more sincere than me!

Having experienced an abyssal war, you wouldn’t have thought that the world would always be this peaceful!

That is impossible.

I just want you to spend more time fighting.

To discuss with you, I just want to know your magic level and where you need to focus on training. "

Hearing this, Gedra looked astonished.

"You should just say this directly!

However, let’s just discuss each other.

In addition, I haven’t seen you for hundreds of years. You look down on me too much. How can I remain indifferent after seeing such a war?

Let it go, I have been training with Celine and the others for hundreds of years. "

Hearing this, Werther was stunned for a moment, and then glanced at Gedra suspiciously.


Gedra said helplessly: "Do I need to trick you about this kind of thing? As long as you confirm with Celine, what I said is true or false, isn't it enough to be sure!"

Victor nodded.


In this case, let's forget about the discussion. I'll go see Agnar and the others. See you later! "

With that said, Werther walked around the counter and towards the door.

뀞Zhong secretly said that it was a pity that he had missed an opportunity to deal with Gedra.

On the other side, Gedra looked at the slowly closing door, 껩 couldn't help but feel relieved, and secretly said something witty.

Fortunately, Werther was thin-skinned and would not linger for too long, saving him from getting beaten up.

However, you can keep a low profile in the future.

Of course, he did not kidnap Wit. He was indeed training with Celine and the others, just so that in the future, when facing the invasion of the abyss, he would have the strength to protect himself and the dragon he cares about.

But let’s just discuss it with Werther!

That guy was so angry that if he really wanted to spar, he would end up with a broken muscle and a broken bone.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that he likes to see Werther angry but unable to do anything about him.

However, again, I have to keep a low profile in the future. Werther's strength is getting stronger and stronger. If the other party can't hold it back and beats him to the ground, it will be more gain than loss!

Thinking of this, Gedra smiled unscrupulously, and then continued to carve the magic circle.

Opening the door to the laboratory, Werther walked directly in.

When he saw Agnar carving the magic circle seriously, Werther did not disturb him, but walked to Agnar's side and watched quietly.

It's almost half a magic hour!


Agnar breathed out a sigh of relief and a smile appeared on his face.

Finally succeeded.

"The advanced magic circle is well drawn. Although there are some small flaws, it may cause problems after multiple operations of the magic circle. However, for you, this is a considerable improvement."

The sudden sound made Agnar stunned for a moment.

Only then did he notice that there was a dragon standing next to him, and his voice gave him a familiar feeling.

Then, a figure appeared in his mind.

Thinking of that terrible thing, the joy in Agnar's eyes immediately overflowed.

"Witt, come back!"

As he spoke, Agnar turned to look at Werther.

Hearing this voice full of surprise, Werther couldn't help but reveal a smile.

Among all the dragons, only Agnar was hatched from the egg by him, and only Agnar truly accompanied him from the moment he was lost in the dragon's nest until he established a foothold in the Sky City.

Well...even though he was just an egg in the beginning (Agna: You should think about why I have always been an egg).

To a certain extent, Werther was able to cheer up as soon as possible, partly because his character was like that, and partly because of Agnar.

Thinking about this, Werther smiled and stretched out his tail to rub Agnar's head.

"I'm back, long time no see!"

Agnar is fifty-eight years younger than Werther, and is now a dragon of more than 600 years old. Under the careful care of Werther and the others, Agnar's body shape is the standard size of a giant dragon.

Six hundred and fifty-four years old, with a body length of 384 meters, he is in the middle position of gold. He is not far from the golden high place 껥经. If there is no abyss, 껥经 is a dragon that can travel alone.

Agnar looked at Werther, his eyes full of surprise. At the same time, he quickly noticed Werther's exaggerated body shape, but he didn't ask any more questions.

"When you come back this time, you probably won't leave!"

Hearing this, Witte said with a smile: "I probably won't leave in the next few decades. After that, I plan to focus on training and strive to break through the legend, but I will still be away for a long time."

"That's it..."

Agnar murmured, and then said with a smile: "You just came back, and today there are suddenly a lot of magic circle orders, otherwise..."

"I haven't gone to see the stars yet. In addition, there are Oudolf and others. You have grown up, so you should spend more time on things in the store!

Come on, I’m optimistic about you! "

Having said that, Werther was like applying oil to the soles of his feet, and disappeared in front of Agnar in just the blink of an eye.

After Agnar was stunned, he couldn't help but smile and shake his head.

After all, the path I have chosen is to finish the walk on my knees. If you want to help Werther, then just help him honestly. Besides, there is Gedela!


After running out of the laboratory, Witte turned his head with some fear and glanced at the slowly closing door.

Fortunately it went quickly!

However, this kid Agnar was a bad example and actually launched a surprise attack.

While thinking this, 뀞Zhong calmed down his guilt a little, and then walked towards Lin Sida and Xingchen's room...

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