Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 785 The title lady is on her way!

Chapter 785 The title girl is on her way here!

Werther looked at Boredia speechless.

"What about you?"

Boredia glanced at Werther.

"I think so."

After a pause, Boredia turned his eyes to the two long-distance transmission magic arrays on the table.

"You made it yourself?"

Werther shook his head.

"How can you not think about it, where can I find long-distance space to transmit data? Speaking of this teleportation magic array..."

Then, Werther elaborated on his carefully crafted, disguised, and tested rhetoric.

Of course, it's just the part related to the teleportation magic circle.

If I were to tell you everything I saw on my journey in detail, it would take dozens or even hundreds of years to complete.

Moreover, this time, Werther did not observe Boredia's expression, but focused on stating the "facts". He knew that Boredia was still quite sharp.

If the other party finds out that he is talking about something while observing the other person's expression, wouldn't it mean that there is no silver in this place?

Needless to say, after this set of operations, Boredia really believed it.

Especially after Werther took it, discussed it with Antasha, copied the notes of Metnoulos, and showed them to Boredia.

Chang Long would not associate an object that was more than 8,000 years old with a young dragon that was less than a thousand years old.


After listening to Werther's narration, Boredia looked at him a little strangely.

"You're the kind of person who, after what happened just now, didn't blackmail me at all and put these things in front of me.

Let me guess, you have found the dragon you are looking for!

You came here when you were a young dragon. Celine came not many years later than you. For such a long time, it is difficult for us to let go of everything and come with you.

Therefore, when you give me this thing, you not only want to promote the connection between the City in the Sky and the City of Self, but you also want to build a huge transmission network!

Do you think I, or rather, Sky City, would agree? "

Werther was not surprised that Boredia guessed this. Just pick up a random dragon and touch his behavior a little, and you can guess what he wants.

"You will agree 놅!"

As he spoke, Werther recounted all the things he discovered about the abyss during his travels.

"The Abyss is not just a city in the sky, it is our world.

I'm just a little dragon who has just broken through to the platinum level. I can't do too many things, and I don't want to do too many things.

Because those things are too dangerous for me.

Just like on the way back this time, if it hadn't been for the four-winged fallen angel being chased by Antasha, I basically wouldn't have been able to come back.

What I want is to reunite with my companions, and what I want is to return to the dragon's lair.

It's that simple.

If the world falls during this process, it will not mean much to us, because we will have no power to resist.

However, for you, for the city in the sky, you have the power to deal with danger, and you have the power to hinder the invasion of the abyss.

Won't you do it?

Won’t Sky City do it?

If we don't do what we say, we won't be able to die together. No one will be spared from a world-level crisis.

Or should I say..."

Werther looked at Boredia with a smile on his face.

"You want to see yourself, to see Anne, to see Violet transformed into the Skechers I just mentioned, sinking in the abyss, struggling in pain, and fighting against the hope that she can never see. , gradually lost myself!

You have a chance to do this, does Violet have a chance too? "


Boredia was silent for a moment, and then let out a long sigh.

"I should crush your teeth before you speak, or break all your bones after hearing your words.

But in fact, I have to express my most sincere thanks for your behavior of causing trouble for me.

After all, what you said is the truth. "

Having said this, Boredia paused slightly.

"I will promote the establishment of a space transmission system between city-states. I have experienced the war with the abyss. The senior officials of Sky City are very impressed when I think about it.

However, communication between city-states is not as simple as you think.

In my opinion, if this matter doesn't take a hundred or two hundred years, you won't be able to see the results.

After all, there are more than just a few city-states. The City in the Sky will first focus on the Fast Continent, not another continent. "

Werther smiled indifferently.

"The time is much shorter than I expected. In my expectation, it will take at least a hundred years to build the space transmission system."

Hearing this, Boredia glanced at Werther.

"That's because you underestimated the effects of the war... You should be familiar with this thing, right?"

While speaking, Boredia placed a magic crystal coin on the counter.

"Magic Crystal Coin!"

A flash of surprise flashed in Werther's eyes.

"Although there has been no news about the long-distance space transmission magic circle, in fact, there will be progress every year, and Candice is very powerful.

It will be inevitable for the city in the sky to communicate with the city of self.

Whether this inevitability will take hundreds or thousands of years is unknown, but the Sky City needs to prepare for it.

Trading is the first step!

And the first step in trading is currency.

You have been away for more than 400 years. This city-state has not changed much in tens of thousands of years, but in these short 400 years, the changes are enough to make you feel strange. "

As he spoke, a hint of emotion flashed across Poredia's eyes.

This change is so dazzling to a dragon like you who has lived in the Sky City all his life, but surprisingly, you don't hate it.

Witt looked at the magic crystal coin, and a complicated look flashed across his eyes.

You had thought that the empty coins would be replaced by magic crystal coins, but you didn't expect that the Sky City was more determined than you imagined, and actually took the initiative to replace the currency.

After coming back to his senses, a smile appeared on Witt's face.

"Since you have already made the decision, then I, an insignificant little dragon, will be grateful and borrow the wind from the Sky City, and wait for our reunion with peace of mind!"

"With peace of mind? "

Boredia glanced at Witt and then sneered.

"You think too much. You have caused me such a trouble. I will not let you sit back and enjoy it."

Witt's face was smiling.

"You can ask me to do something, but the magic crystal coins can't hire me. You still force me to do something."

Boredia smiled and said nothing.

You will know what it means to be hard to refuse in the future...

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