Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 783 I finally got you back!

After walking out of the store, Werther noticed that the magic light in Antasha's store opposite was on. He was stunned for a moment, looked up at the sky, and then his face showed realization.

It turns out that it’s already dark!

However, this is nothing to the dragon clan. After all, only young dragons have a routine of sleeping at dusk and waking up at dawn.

With this thought in mind, Werther walked towards Boredia's shop, one step at a time.

As for why we are going this way...


Werther wanted to see Boredia's surprised look after seeing his size. After all, the other party had always called him Little Doudin.

Werther is very vindictive.

When he thought of this, he didn't even bother to hide the proud look in his eyes!

However, as soon as he entered the store, Werther's body suddenly froze in place.

It wasn't that he saw something that surprised him, but a strong dragon's power pressed down on him, making him unable to move.

Looking through the shelves in front of him, Werther saw a pair of huge golden eyes, staring at him.


What do you mean?

Don’t know 놖两뎃?

놖It’s Werther!

By the way, even if 놖 is a strange dragon, is it appropriate for you, a pharmacy owner, to treat your customers like this? "

Noticing that something was wrong with Boredia's eyes, Werther hurriedly shouted.

But Boredia stood up from behind the counter and walked towards Werther step by step.

"Don't worry, 놖's memory is not that bad. Of course 놖 remembers you, but guess what, why did 놖 do this to you?"

Hearing this, Witte was stunned for a moment, and then said tentatively: "Are you kidding?"

As he said this, Werther noticed Boredia's gloomy gaze and laughed dryly.

"Okay, this doesn't seem like a joke, but rather to settle a score with 놖, but that's not right. 놖 just came back. As for what happened before, 놖 didn't do anything!"

"I haven't done anything..."

Boredia came to Werther and repeated it softly. Then, pulling Werther's tail, he turned and walked towards the counter.

"Then let me help you remember it!"

While he was talking, he pulled Werther to the counter, then put Werter on top like a butchered pig, then stretched out his claws and pulled out one of Werther's dragon scales with an expressionless expression.

"Have you remembered?"

Werther was stunned.

Not because it hurts, but because he really couldn't remember it!

As for teaching Verritt to say "Boredia is not a good thing", he has already been punished once by the other party. It is impossible for the other party to be angry, so let's retaliate a second time!

Of course, it wasn't just once or twice that he tricked Boredia, and it wasn't just those two times when he wasn't caught.

But can he say it?

It's okay if they match up, but if they don't match up, wouldn't they admit their own crime?

Suddenly, Vit realized!

Could this be Boredia's original plan? Something must have been exposed, and then this guy held a grudge for hundreds of dollars, just waiting for him to come back!

No, as soon as he came back, he was pressed on the chopping board and allowed to be slaughtered.

Then, as soon as he admits what he has done in the past, even if he is really right, the old guy will most likely not say he is right, but will continue to pretend that he is not right.

If he admits to a few more things, he will be punished for all the crimes.

If there really isn't, and it's just the right thing, he can easily say, "It's just a lie to you," and he can't say anything about the punishment.

This old guy, I haven’t seen him for hundreds of years, seems to be more cunning!

With these thoughts in mind, Werther looked sad and innocent on the face.

"I haven't done anything. What do you want me to think? You are just relying on your own strength. I can't resist you, so you lynched me at will."

Just wait, this matter is not over yet!

놖I definitely want to publicize your atrocities.


놖I understand, you are jealous!

놖I suddenly remembered that the existence of Seros is not an exception, but a measure!

Many dragons buy things from you because of your superb potion skills. The level of Lin Sida who was trained may not be as good as yours, but the quality is similar.

Therefore, many dragons who have long been fed up with your random addition of things to the potion have abandoned their secrets and chosen to buy things in stores. You are jealous!

Boredia, Boredia, I didn’t expect you to be such a dragon.

놖tell you, 놖 will not give in! "

Hearing this, Boredia couldn't help but feel a flash of astonishment in his eyes, and then he laughed out of anger.

The evil dragon complained first!

"You can't think of it, right? Let me remind you, Violet, have you thought of anything?"

As he spoke, Boredia continued to pull out the scales on Werther's body.

After hearing what Boredia said, Werther's eyes were still blank.

"What Violet, you taught her to scold you, haven't you punished her a long time ago... Hey, hey, hey, what are you going to do? What kind of potion is that? Don't go too far!

If you dare to pour that potion on me, I will spit on you in the store! "

Boredia sneered.

"Are you brave enough to vomit?

It seems that you really can't remember it, or that you haven't cared about it at all.

Then, let’s make it clear!

Who is that bastard? He is wandering around the Sky City with Violet's dragon egg, and he claims that the dragon egg belongs to Annie. This news is spread everywhere! "

Witte's face froze, and cold sweat suddenly broke out.

Damn it!

How could you forget this?

Looking at Werther's appearance, Boredia laughed ferociously.

"It seems you have remembered it!

놖I only heard about this after you fell into a deep sleep. 놖I really wanted to drag you out of your slumber, strip off your dragon scales, and take you around the entire city in the sky.

But 놖 held back.

Prepare to settle the score with you after you wake up.

Unexpectedly, after you woke up, you left directly.

You know, over the past hundred years, I have endured a lot of strange looks from the dragons I knew in the Sky City.

놖This is it, I look forward to the stars and the moon, and I finally got you back..."

Speaking of this, Boredia suddenly paused for a moment, then grinned and said softly: "You know, this potion was developed for you and it took more than a hundred years.

Taking into account that your physical fitness may skyrocket, and many other conditions.

놖I can guarantee that if you don’t have 꺘hundreds of time, 놖you will never grow back the dragon scales you pulled out! "

Hearing this, Werther was shocked. Just as he was about to defend himself, he felt the cold touch of the liquid flowing onto his skin.

It’s over!

This 떘떚 is too shameless to see a dragon!

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