Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 782: Future plans!

"Haha, let's not talk about this for now, you haven't answered your question yet!"

Hearing Celine's words, Witt laughed dryly and hurriedly changed the subject. He couldn't say that this was neither persuasion nor advice, but a vaccination!

That's right, Witt is a vaccination.

The life of a dragon is long, and it is impossible for him to stay in the Sky City before the Ten Thousand Dragons Feast, and he is not the kind of person who can calm down.

In addition, in another eight or nine years, he will be in his prime.

Before the prime, in the growth process of the dragon, except for the knowledge level, there will really not be much difference.

Let's not talk about anything else, just talk about spirit!

When Witt was a child, he was so hardworking that he had not yet left the dragon stage. With the help of hard work and the Blazing White Divine Flame, he had already reached the high gold level and was stuck before platinum.

As soon as he left the dragon stage, his spirit had already broken through to platinum.

Then what?

Then there was a stagnation of more than a hundred years, and now he is only a middle platinum.

And a normal dragon, who eats, drinks and has fun for eight hundred years, must reach the mature stage. His realm must be platinum, and his spirit must also be platinum.

Has the gap widened?

It has widened!

However, the gap is really not very big, especially compared with the hardships that Witt has suffered.

Not to mention the realm, after hundreds of years of hard work, with the help of the mutated "big night light", and even forced to sleep for a hundred days, the result is that now you are less than a hundred years away from the strong stage, and your strength has only just broken through to the lower platinum level.

When you are in the strong stage, you may not even be able to reach the middle platinum level.

This is a racial restriction!

Before the strong stage of dragons, they have not yet fully developed, and your efforts cannot keep up with the speed of your body's development.

For those dragons who eat, drink, play, and play badly, after reaching the strong stage, the gap between Witte and them is mostly in the knowledge level.

As for physical fitness... Of course, this cannot be compared with Witte, because you come from the starry sky, you are special.

But compare it with Celine and you will know.

Doesn't Celine work hard?

How is it possible!

But her current paper strength is not much different from that of the bad dragon.

However, once you reach the prime stage, the accumulation in the early stage is very important. You can easily, unrestricted, and practice step by step. There is almost no bottleneck before the legendary stage.

Not to mention that the prime stage has 8,000 meters, and after 8,000 meters, you will definitely be a legend... It may not even take 4,000 years. Witt and even Celine can raise their own realm to the legendary level!

Uh... Of course, this is when you break through the legendary level without getting stuck.

Antashya has a strong talent and she works hard, but it is because of the realm that she has not been able to break through to the legendary level. Witt suspects that the guy is stuck for one or two thousand years.

Because I noticed before that Antashya's real body is about one thousand meters.

And a one-thousand-meter dragon is about one thousand years old.

But according to what Antasa said when she chatted with Viktor before, she had already reached the point below the legendary level and could not make any further progress.

Judging from the other party's mental state, the time to reach the realm starts from a thousand years!

In short, after the strong stage, the dragon has no growth limit. If you have the ability and opportunity, it is not impossible to become a thousand-year legend. Viktor must practice all the time.

Uh... Of course, the thousand-year legend here does not count the first eight hundred years, which means that it takes a thousand years to upgrade from the lower platinum level to the legendary level!

In addition, the probability of this is very small.

Viktor does not expect to become a thousand-year legend, but at least more than three thousand years of legend is necessary.

The feast of ten thousand dragons and the battle for the dragon king are for all strong dragons.

In other words, the dragons of the Viktor family who are about 8,800 years old are also in the strong stage. There are almost no dragons below the legendary level in this period, and these are still the rotten dragons.

Apart from other things, whether Boredia has entered the old age is still unclear, and that guy's strength is at the high legendary level. From this, we can see that Boredia is really strong.

Well... find a chance to ask!

However, full-time training is not to wait in the Sky City and absorb the power of elements. Dragons that grow up in this way are likely to be stuck in front of legends.

Witt wants to become famous in the battle for the Dragon King and attract the dragons of Desidero who may exist. Without the strength of the legendary level, it is just a dream.

And when it comes to the legendary level, it is possible to defeat opponents at the middle legendary level even if it is a lower legendary level.

As for the high legendary level...

Hehe, dragons like Boredia are a minority after all.

These thoughts turned in Witt's mind, and then they were suppressed.

What's important is not thinking, but doing!

Now it's useless to think more. The biggest problem now is to divert Celine's attention from leaving without saying goodbye.

Celine didn't know that Witte had thought so much in the time it took Witte to say a word.

After hearing Witte's words that obviously changed the subject, she rolled her eyes, but didn't hold on to it.

"Gedla went to visit an old friend of yours. He left yesterday and said he would be back in two or three days, which means he will be back tomorrow.

As for the other dragons...

Antawana went to the Morton Mountains to look for agate.

Linstad just said that the dead land left by him has almost recovered, and he was sent by Ogra to restore the grassland.

Xingchen still sleeps most of the time. If you want to find him, you can go and call him directly.

Agner's laboratory, the magic circle is now good, and it is not bad. He has never given up the magic circle, and it can be said that his persistence has worked. You can go to the laboratory to find him. "

Celine said so, but how could Witt really go to Agner.

"There is no rush. He will not leave in a short time. We can see each other every day in the future..."


Celine interrupted Witt's words.

"You don't have to worry about your feelings. I am very satisfied to see you safe and sound. If you have anything to say, we will have plenty of time to talk later. "

Hearing this, Witt was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "That's true, but there is really no need to rush to see Agner and others. In comparison, you should see Poredia as soon as possible.

Hurry up and throw the matter of the space transmission system to you, so that you can be really relaxed.

By the way, you haven't told me yet whether Candice has made a long-distance space transmission array?"

Hearing this, Celine rolled her eyes.

"You are not interested in this aspect, and Poredia and Candice will not take the initiative to talk to you about this matter. How can you know whether you have made it?


It is likely that there is no, the Sky City has never made any big moves.

Aren't you going to see Poredia!

Just ask directly. "


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