Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 779 I found them!

Chapter 779 I’m looking for the 누놛s!

who are you...who are you...who are you...

These three words kept echoing in Werther's mind.

Looking at Celine's "I don't know you at all" expression, Werther laughed dryly.

"Um...I'm Werther!"

"Which Werther?"

As she spoke, Celine looked at Werther up and down.

“I only know one Werther.

A... guy who killed more than four hundred people without even saying hello, making me want to pull out all his dragon scales and smash his bones into pieces.

So, is it you? "


Werther hesitated for a moment, then asked cautiously: "Can I be?"

Celine glanced at 놛.

"Of course you can. As long as you go through everything I said, you can be..."

"Long time no see, Celine, you have grown up a lot!"

At this time, Antasha's voice suddenly sounded, interrupting Celine's words.

Werther gave Antasha a thumbs up in his mind.

Well done, the assist came just in time!

While thinking about it, he walked behind Celine without leaving a trace.

Celine's attention was also attracted by these words. When she saw the black dragon speaking, she was stunned for a moment, and then a look of surprise appeared on her face.

"Antasha, you're back!"

"And me, Celine, don't you remember me as an old customer?"

Hearing this, Celine rolled her eyes.

"I paid attention to you this morning. After all, not everyone has three heads. How long do you plan to stay this time and how many medicines are needed?"

Seiros smiled and shook his head.

Seiros (녨) was the first to say: "I am really exhausted from helping Boredia deliver things this time. Now that the things have been delivered, I am going to rest for a while.

As for the potion, don’t worry, I’m going to sleep for a few dozen seconds and then come back when I wake up. "

Hearing this, Celine said with a smile: "Okay, Linstar has recently been helping to restore the grassland northwest of Kongzhi Plain. If you take away all the inventory in the store when you come back, I won't do it. Sold..."

While talking, Celine suddenly realized that Seiros was going to sleep, and the relationship between her and Antasha was not very close...

After thinking about it, Celine turned to look at Werther who was standing behind her honestly.

This guy brought the dragon back on purpose, right?

When she thought about this, Celine was both angry and funny.

What makes her angry is that the emotions in her heart have indeed been suppressed, and there is no anger when she first met Werther. What's funny is that she guessed that Werther must be afraid that she would be angry, so he brought Long back. .

On the other side, Werther pretended not to notice that Celine had exposed the trick, and said with a smile: "We met on the way.

By the way, it’s called Kotlin, and I met it with Seros around the Blazing City.

A lot of funny things happened during this period.

After we talked, I found out that this guy was actually our old customer.

As for Antasha, we met while flying back from the city. If she hadn't been there, it would have been four more days before we could come back.

By the way, Kotlin, it’s your first time coming to Sky City and you have no place to stay...

Seiros, take 놛 to find a place to live first!

Antasha, you should go back and take a look first. Looking at the situation on the other side, it seems that Olidolf is not in the store. "

What does it mean to cross a river and demolish a bridge, what does it mean to tear down a mill and kill a donkey...

This is it!

Seeing that Celine's mood had stabilized, Werther immediately started to chase the dragon. He still had a lot to say to Celine.

Seeing what Werther did, Sanlong was speechless. At the same time, he didn't think about it. When there is a chance in the future, he must add some trouble to Werther.

With this thought in his mind, Sanlong didn't say much on the surface.

After all, it's not like we can't see it. It's not just Werther who wants them to leave, but Celine probably does too.

After watching the three dragons leave, Celine looked at Werther with interest.

However, deep in her eyes, there was a flash of trance.

Today, she is more than 700 years old. As for the specific age, most dragons can't remember their own age. After all, their lives are really long.

Werther, who is over 700 years old like her, is already 꾉11 meters long, but hers is only about 430 꾉 meters long.

(By the way, Witte remembered his own age, which was 712 years old, and a normal giant dragon at this age would have a body length of 430 meters)

Celine was thinking this in her heart, but she said calmly on her face: "You don't think that, just like this, I don't care about you leaving without saying goodbye, and the cost of leaving is more than 400 yuan!"

Werther laughed dryly.

"Of course not. I know how sad it is for you to say goodbye without saying goodbye, but you have to understand that we don't need to say goodbye at all, because I will definitely come back."



The two dragons looked at each other, silent for a long time, and then...

"You don't think that I will listen to your nonsense like I did before. Let me tell you, this matter is not that simple. Let's go over and let you rest for a few days. After you have rested enough, we will go to the Thunderstorm Plains for discussion. Ichiban!”


Werther secretly thought it was a pity.

In more than four hundred years, Celine has grown a lot and is not so easily fooled.

Thinking of this, Witt paused for a moment and said innocently: "I didn't lie to you, I really think so.

And, it turns out that my leaving alone has accelerated the time for us to meet again.

I will explain this to you later.

You know, I've been looking for you, not one of you left behind, I'm looking for you!"

Celine's pupils shrank slightly.


"Of course it's true, how can I lie to you, but..."

"But what? Tell me, since you found them, where are they now? Why didn't they come back with you?"

"Don't worry, calm down first!"

After saying that, Witt paused, and then continued: "They didn't come back with me, but as I said, we will definitely meet again, it's just a matter of time.

Also, this is also the reason why I just said that it's better for me to leave alone than to go with you to find them.

But before saying this, calm down first, and we'll talk slowly."

Hearing this, Celine looked at Witt in a daze, then closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Okay, I'm calm now, you can talk now!"

Seeing this, Witt crouched down on the spot, then asked with a smile: "Before I say anything, I have something to ask you, have you figured out Candice's long-distance space teleportation magic circle?"

Hearing this, Celine was stunned for a moment, then looked at Witt in astonishment: "You figured it out?"


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