Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 773 Information Exchange!

"You ran out too?"

Hearing this, Witt looked at Antasa speechlessly.

"What do you mean you ran out too? Uh... It seems that there is nothing wrong. After all, many things happened. However, it seems that you don't know anything now."

Hearing this, Antasa frowned.

"Many things...

The Abyss is causing trouble again?

Eternal Night Forest, Morton Mountains, Windy Hills... Why, it's the turn of the Inland Sea this time?"

Hearing this, Witt looked at Antasa even more speechlessly.

"After you left the Sky City, where did you go? I don't know anything... But if you knew, you would probably rush back."

"Tell me quickly!"

As she spoke, Antasa stared at Witt.

"If you can't speak, I will teach you with alchemy!"

Witt said helplessly: "I have to talk slowly, mainly because there are too many things, and it has been a long time, I have to sort them out!

Don't move, don't move, I will tell you right away.

This is what happened..."

Then, Witt told everything that happened in Sky City after Antasa left.

Atasha actually left not very late.

She left after Poredia's operation to capture the Abyss believers, and Witt even had a peaceful time during that period.

The Abyss War started shortly after Antasa left.

The previous speculation was that Poredia's repeated actions angered Zakli, the commander around Sky City.

That war was basically a revenge war by the other party.

And the impact of this revenge on Sky City was indeed quite big.

Many flying dragons were sacrificed that year.

The Morton Mountains were blasted into a thunder plain by Poredia and his team, leaving no buffer between the Inland Sea and the Sky Plain.

Of course, the above news is not all bad.

Because of the existence of the common enemy, the Abyss, Jeffrey temporarily put aside the battle with Poredia that lasted for thousands of years and turned his attention to the Abyss.

Although I don’t know what the situation is now, if there is a problem with Jeffrey, Poredia will definitely have problems.

However, no matter what the process is, the probability of the result is not too much of a problem.

And what kind of result will the connection between the Inland Sea and the Sky Plain bring to both sides is not something Witt can guess.

It may be the same as before, it may be mutual communication, or it may be mutual hostility.

Things in this regard can only be known after returning.

Witt told Antasa all these things, even including why he was here.

Of course, it was just a physical story, otherwise, this nearly 600 years of experience would take him dozens or even hundreds of years.

But even if it was a physical story, Witt still told it for nearly a magic hour.

After the story was finished, Antasa was silent for a long time, and couldn't help but sighed: "Your nearly 600 years of dragon life is really wonderful!"

Hearing this, Witt rolled his eyes.

By the way, whenever he saw Antasa, the number of times he rolled his eyes increased dramatically!

"You want this for me?

There are a bunch of dragons at home, and then you run out and fight like this?

With my personality, I have to practice to the legendary level, and then go out to travel. In that case, I can really enjoy the journey.

Instead of the journey full of desperate escape like now.

By the way, what about you?

Where are you going after you leave Sky City?"

Hearing this, Antasa said casually: "Where can I go? Just wander around!

I was originally full of enthusiasm. Blood, because after it comes out, it is easy to have a hearty battle.

As a result, the reality is that, let alone a suitable opponent, I have been flying eastward for decades, and I haven't even encountered a decent dragon that can fight with me.

For nearly six hundred years, I have been running around, looking for opponents.

It was not until a hundred years ago that I met the right opponent who pushed me from purple crystal to legend. Her name is Sabina! "

Antasha's eyes were a little inexplicable when she said that.

Hearing this, Witt was a little curious.

"What kind of dragon is she, what kind of strength is she, and she can actually give you a battle that is enough to push you to break through the realm?"

Hearing this, Antasa looked at Witt with some amusement.

"You've seen her. Just now, she pierced your body!"

Witt was stunned for a moment, then looked at Antasa in astonishment.

"It's the four-winged fallen angel!"

After saying that, Witt came to his senses again.

"You just happened to pass by!"

Antasha shook her head, then said with a grin: "Dragon Realm is so dangerous, what do you think is the probability that I just happened to pass by here and saved you?

I have been chasing her all the time!

She left me an unforgettable breakthrough experience, and similarly, I also left her with a mark that is difficult to remove. As long as she appears in the Dragon Realm, I can find her.

I want her to be in my breath, wailing to see her master of the abyss!"

Feeling the coldness in Antasa's tone, Witt couldn't help shrinking his neck, and said with a dry laugh: "It seems that she left a deep impression on you."

Speaking, Witt didn't dare to ask more, and hurriedly changed the subject: "In fact, I think our luck is not bad, at least she targeted us.

If it is Zachary, we may not be able to escape from him this time. "


Seeing Antasha looking at her with a puzzled look, Witte nodded and said, "You should be familiar with him, too. He is the abyss demon who will be held in your claws in the windy hills..."

Before Werther could finish speaking, Antasha suddenly said: "It's him!"

As she said that, Antasha looked at Werther with a strange look on her face.

"You actually know his name. It seems that you have met him again."

Werther nodded helplessly.

"But it can be said that the ghost is lingering. To be honest, if Sabina didn't know what method to use to restrain the abyssal aura, causing me to not notice the existence of the abyssal aura, I might not even be able to get close. will be close.

Zachary is targeting me now.

Unless I'm around a city-state, I won't go near a place where the abyss exists. "

Hearing this, Antasha suddenly realized, and then looked at Werther.

"I know what you are worried about, but you should rarely encounter this kind of situation in the future."

Werther was startled for a moment, and then a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"You killed her?"

"Of course... no!"

Seeing Werther looking at him speechlessly, Antasha rolled her eyes.

"Legendary powerhouses, even if they are just a rank, are basically difficult to kill if they don't have the strength to crush the opponent. What I just meant is that there should be a handful of Abyss believers with her level!"


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