Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 770 A crushing battle!

Vette and the others had been paying attention to the situation behind them. After noticing this, the three dragons had the same idea in their hearts.

They must not be cut by this sword!

Thinking this in their hearts, their escape did not slow down at all.

Although the trees were dense, the flying skills of the dragons were not to be underestimated. So far, there has been no blunders such as hitting trees.

However, with the heroic sacrifice of the peak behind them, Vette and the others had more time to reach another "rib" before the opponent's next attack.

Moreover, the most important thing is that they had already run out of the range covered by the abyss force.

Vette was still running for his life.

Sabina's face on the other side was gloomy.

If the three dragons really escaped today, she would not have to come out to mix.


Just as she was about to fly out of the range covered by the abyss force, a hint of hesitation flashed across her eyes.

That damned lizard with a big belly shouldn't chase us!

Thinking about this, the three reptiles that her spiritual power sensed were still gradually moving away. Her scarlet eyes flashed, and her wings behind her flapped. Her figure turned into a black light and disappeared on the spot, leaving only a few black feathers, falling downwards.


The faces of Witt and his friends who were running away suddenly changed.

It was hard to tell whether they were happy or solemn.

In their perception, the intensity of the breath behind them dropped sharply, and was directly suppressed to the purple crystal level, but it still had the breath of a high-level purple crystal.

And the three of them were only platinum, two were in poor condition, and one could only be considered half platinum. Their realm had risen, but their element reserves were quite different.

Moreover, his water element had been used up before.

However, it was too late to think about it. In any case, the other party had already walked out of the area covered by the abyss power.

In this way, with their speed, they could not outrun the other party at all.

And that was the fact.

After noticing that the other party's breath was weakening, a tiny figure had already reached their heads in just a few breaths.

The sword in his hand had been raised, and the next moment, a gully several meters long suddenly appeared in the forest.

Fortunately, Witt and his team had already made plans.

The three dragons rushed out of the forest from different directions, and the lava breath, the divine thunder breath, and the hell breath spewed towards Sabina from three directions.

However, the other party's face did not change, and he waved his long sword casually.

The three breaths were directly cut off by the sword.

At the same time, three invisible sword auras fell on Witt and his team at lightning speed.

Accompanied by the sound of three flesh and blood being torn apart, Witt and his team each had a wound several tens of meters long and deep enough to see the bone.


An insurmountable gap.

However, the three dragons did not give up.

They knew very well that the longer they delayed, the more the opponent's strength would decline.

The characteristics of the dragon race are huge size and strong vitality. A wound of dozens of meters is not worth mentioning compared to a dragon body of more than 500 meters.

Moreover, this sword reminded them that the opponent could only cause limited damage to them.

If all the dragon scales on their bodies had not been shattered when they teleported before, this sword might have caused less damage to them.

They couldn't grow scales on the spot for the time being, but there was no problem with putting on shields on the spot.

Witt's lava armor, Seros's earth dragon armor, and Kotlin's life armor, three defensive magic circles representing the fifteenth node and above suddenly appeared.

When the magic circle dissipated, the three dragons had already changed their appearance.

Seros's body was covered with a thick layer of khaki rock armor, and the dragon scales on the surface of the rock armor were lifelike.

Kotlin was covered with a layer of emerald green wood armor. It didn't look very thick, but it was filled with a strong breath of life. It was obviously not as simple as it looked.

As for Witt...

In addition to the lava armor, his newly developed shaping magic circle, which was enough for each of his claws to reach the power of the forbidden spell, was also opened at the same time.

Of course, it was the most suitable battle dragon form that could fight, carry, and run.

In addition to the more physical defensive armor, Witt and the others also opened their own magic shields.

Sabina frowned at this scene.

However, Witt and the others opened their shields very quickly, which was obviously a battle plan that had been planned long ago. Even she didn't have time to stop it.

However, do you think you can be her opponent like this?


Thinking so in her heart, a dark element with a strong breath of the abyss emerged from Sabina's hand.

The dark element covered the long sword.

Before they made any moves, Witt and the others had already felt the strong threat from the long sword.

Obviously, this was a fighting method of the fallen angels.

Just as Witt and the others were using their breath and moving away, Sabina's wings fluttered violently, and her figure instantly turned into a stream of light.

Looking at the fallen angel who suddenly appeared beside him, Seros turned his two heads at the same time and opened his mouth to breathe.

At the same time, his body retreated suddenly.

Fighting is fighting, but their goal is to delay time, not a head-on decisive battle.

That is simply seeking death.

However, the black sword swung by the fallen angel directly cut through the two breaths of Seiros, and the remaining force cut through the elemental shield on his body, leaving a deep scratch on the earth dragon armor.

Fortunately, Seiros responded quickly and retreated quickly, otherwise, this time, the injury would definitely be more serious than the previous sword.

The fallen angel was about to follow up, and a claw with a force that made her look sideways grabbed her position.

The fallen angel raised his eyebrows, then changed his target and slashed at the claw she grabbed.

With a bang, a deep sword mark appeared on Witt's claws, and a terrifying force spread from the claws to the whole body, knocking him out directly.

Don't forget that the fallen angels are creatures of the same level as the dragons.

Their strength is not weaker than that of the dragons in the same size, but their size is not as big as the dragons.

However, it should not be underestimated.

It can be said that Witt was really brave to launch a close combat against the same legendary fallen angel.

Even though the opponent had been restricted by this world.

While Witt was flying backwards, the other two dragons also seized the opportunity and spit out breath at each other.

For a while, the two sides seemed to be fighting back and forth.

However, he knew that Witt's strength was only temporary, and this shaping magic circle was prepared for him at the platinum level.

Although he now has the strength of the platinum level, his element reserves are still at the high gold level.

A magic circle of this level can't last for a few minutes.


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