Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 761 Magical mechanism!



"Uh... there's nothing here either!"

After saying that, Witt turned to look at Kotlin. Although he didn't say anything, his meaning was already quite clear.

Kotlin frowned slightly.

"But the book says that this is the place. With such an obvious geographical feature, it's hard to remember it wrong. For a place like this, the book clearly mentions that it's northwest of Free City.

Even if it's placed on the entire continent, I think there's only one place like this.

The location must be wrong.

Then, the problem is most likely at the entrance of this cave."

Speaking of this, Kotlin looked at Seiros.

If the cave entrance is buried, Seiros can only come, and he is the only one with earth element affinity.

Of course, destroying this forest is the most convenient.

However, whether it is Witt or the other two dragons, they all have a bottom line when doing things. The forest is only relative to their size.

There are many creatures living in it.

When Seros saw Kotlin looking over, he nodded and said, "Then let's try it!"

As he said that, Seros walked to the open space in front of the forest, and then crouched down. The head then closed its eyes, and then circles of yellow elemental fluctuations appeared on his body.

After a while, Seros opened his eyes and met Witt and Kotlin's expectant eyes, but his face became strange.

"What's wrong?"

Noticing that Seros's expression was a little wrong, Witt asked in confusion.

Sairos organized his words a little, and then said: "The entrance to the passage has been found, just to the north of this forest, but it is not buried, but a magic mechanism.

In addition, our goal seems to have been found, just under our feet, there is a huge space deep underground."

Said here, Sairos turned his head and looked at Kotlin.

"Does the book mention magic mechanisms?"

Kotlin said helplessly: "If the book mentions magic mechanisms, I will definitely say it before looking for it. After all, looking for magic mechanisms and looking for caves are two different concepts.

In addition, the places we explored before included the area to the north of the forest. If we knew it was a magic mechanism, we would have missed it."

Said here, Kotlin was silent.

The appearance of the magic mechanism made this matter more interesting, and the casual decision to come for the adventure added a bit of weirdness.

Because, even if a dragon got there first, it shouldn't leave a magic mechanism here.

Unless there is something worth studying here, and a dragon has studied it here.

But whether it is the ruins or the mountain itself, there is actually nothing to study.

Witt and his team have already studied it. The mountain itself only maintains the shape of the dragon skeleton, and the rest is completely stone.

As for the ruins...

What is there to study? It's just that other dragons use rocks or simply create solid rocks to build buildings.

Is it possible that there are still dragons who are bored enough to study this thing for aesthetics?

If you are interested in the alchemical creations or magic circles inside, you can just take them away. There is still no need to deliberately build a magic mechanism.

In short, the appearance of this magic mechanism really puzzled Long.

Witt thought about it and asked, "So, do we go directly or enter from the magic mechanism?"

With Seiros, it is a simple matter to reach the place.

However, the appearance of the magic mechanism made him a little concerned. According to his idea, it is best to enter from there, but now he is alone.

Hearing this, Kotlin hesitated for a moment, then said: "Let's go in from the magic mechanism. To be honest, I am a little concerned about this.

What do you think?


Seros smiled and said: "Of course, it would be best if we can save some trouble!"

That being said, Witt and Kotlin also knew that Seros saw their thoughts, so they agreed.

After unifying their opinions, Witt and Kotlin, led by Seros, flew towards the magic mechanism.

Speaking of the magic mechanism, this is actually part of alchemy.

Although it also uses the magic circuit as the connection basis, the magic mechanism only wants to achieve some extremely basic goals.

For example: simple instructions such as opening, closing, and rotating.

However, I looked at these simple instructions.

The command system composed of simple commands is usually connected to some magic arrays for defense, attack, or even self-destruction, and in most cases, it is the third type.

If you know what kind of magic array the magic mechanism is set up and what kind of magic array it is left in, this kind of magic mechanism can only be solved according to the steps set in advance by the other party.

If the puzzle fails, sometimes you can leave at will, and sometimes you need to face the magic array or trap set by the other party.

If you try to skip these steps and force it to break directly, there is no doubt that no matter what is inside, it will be restored.

In general, this kind of magic mechanism is used to select the successor.

For example, Witt is a lone dragon who wants to leave his knowledge, but he is also unwilling to leave his knowledge to some incompetent dragons. The magic mechanism can solve this problem very well.

Of course, this is only one case of the application of the magic mechanism, and many other uses can be developed.

The simplest use is actually what Witt often saw and even used before.

For example, the stone door in his shop.

Inject elemental power, activate the magic circle, and the magic circle will open the stone door.

This is the most basic magic mechanism.

It can be said that the magic mechanism is more common than the alchemical puppet, and the alchemical knowledge has been integrated into the daily life of the dragon clan.

And the most obvious feature of the magic mechanism is that there is no energy core.

Because the magic mechanism needs to execute some very basic instructions and consumes very little, the last step of opening the magic mechanism is basically to inject elemental power.

And these elemental powers are enough to drive the magic mechanism to operate.

In this case, the magic mechanism that has not been activated naturally has no elemental fluctuations, and its concealment is relatively strong compared to the magic array.

And because the magic mechanism is hidden, it is necessary to use mental power to detect it.

Witt and his team used water phantom dragons before, which was somewhat appropriate, because this kind of magic is used to see, and mental power is only used to transmit magic to see the scene.

This is also why Witt and his team did not find the magic mechanism...

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