Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 750 The Underground World!

Chapter 750 Underground World!

"No buts, I'll go!"

Hearing this unusually decisive answer, Witt was even more speechless.

How much attraction does this book have on you? You don't even consider the comfort of sleeping.

However, with such a fanaticism for books, the other party probably doesn't even plan to sleep, and just hangs out in the library!

Although he doesn't mind having two more companions, he prefers dragons with a sense of boundaries.

Forget about Kotlin, Seros is definitely the type without a sense of boundaries!

However, in this case, he really can't say much.

On the other hand, Seros doesn't care what Witt thinks. When he sees Kotlin agree, he is happy to get a companion, and suddenly thinks of something.

"By the way, this book is for you!"

As he said, Seros took out a large metal book and handed it to Kotlin who turned around and flew down.

Witt took a look and found that it was nothing but "Abyss Creatures".

Kotlin took the book with a happy face, and just glanced at it, and a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"Witt's name is on it!"

Witt then remembered that in the author column of this book, in addition to Poredia, there was also his name.

Thinking about this, Witt smiled and said: "My contribution is very small. Only a few types are recorded by me, and the rest are Poredia..."

"Well... It turns out that the strange creature I once met is this abyss creature called Rotten Wolf!"

Witt saw that Kotlin was immersed in it in a second, and stopped talking helplessly.

"Let's see later, we are almost at the bottom!"

They talked for a long time. At this time, they were not far away from the bottom, and they could see the calm water surface that looked very strange.

Speaking of which, this abyss is really magical.

From the outside, it looks like a huge whirlpool, but when you enter the inside, you will find a circle of extremely spectacular waterfalls, but this waterfall is completely silent.

It's like entering a false illusion.

However, if you get close to the waterfall, the water splashing on your body will clearly tell you that this is not an illusion, but a real existence.

Thinking of this, Witt looked at the quiet water surface below.

The further you fly down, the larger the water surface becomes. When the circle of waterfalls around you falls on the water surface, it seems to penetrate a fantasy and fall into the unknown land below the fantasy.

The huge water splashes disappeared instantly after touching the calm water surface, without leaving any ripples.

The splashing water drops are like this.

If Witt hadn't seen it with his own eyes, a drop of water fell on the water surface and quickly melted into it without any ripples, he would have really thought it was an illusion.

Just as Witt was looking at the wonders below, Kotlin didn't put the book away, but said directly: "Let it go, just fly, I will keep some attention on you, I won't get lost!"

After that, he immersed himself in the magical creatures described in the book again.

Hearing this, Seros turned his head to look at his left head.

"Should I not give him the book?"

"I think so!"

Seros (left) said with a little gloating.

Seros (left) rolled his eyes and didn't say anything. What else could he say? He had given the book, he couldn't take it back!

Witt glanced at Kotlin speechlessly, and didn't say anything else.


After flying for nearly half a magic hour, Witt and his team finally reached the calm water surface.

When they got closer, the water surface looked even weirder!

It looked very clear, as if there was no impurity, but if you stared at the water surface and looked down, you could only see deep darkness.

If you stared for a long time, you would even feel that the darkness inside was rushing towards you.

After reaching this strange water surface, Witt turned his head and looked at Seros.

The latter didn't say anything nonsense.

"Go in directly!"

After saying that, he took the lead in folding his wings and jumped in.

From Witt and his team's perspective, the process of Seros waking up from the water was terrifying.

There was no ripple on the water surface, and Seros' body disappeared into the water bit by bit. The water was very clear, but you couldn't see the half of Seros' body that was submerged.

Seeing this scene, the dragon scales on Witt's back stood up subconsciously.

However, since Seros went in without hesitation, there must be no problem.

Seeing Seros completely disappear in front of him, Kotlin, who was still reading a book, followed closely behind him, half of his body was already submerged in the water. Witt no longer waited, folded his wings, and jumped in.

When his head entered the water, a familiar feeling of suffocation after being submerged came, but it only lasted for a moment.

Witt's eyes blurred, and he felt that the surroundings were dark, and then he found himself in an unfamiliar space.

Above was a deep darkness that even the big night light on his chest could not penetrate.

However, it seemed a little familiar.

"What are you doing?"

Witt looked in the direction of the voice, but saw two faces, all looking at him speechlessly, and they were upside down.

After a moment of hesitation, Witt quickly straightened himself up.

Well, no wonder the darkness above (now under his feet) gave him a familiar feeling.

A night without stars or moon, covered by dark clouds, isn't the Endless Sea this kind of darkness!

So, he was actually flying headfirst just now, and that darkness was the underground sea that Roger had mentioned.


Witt looked up.

There is no difference, there is that kind of endless darkness above.

If you look far away, there will be some blue light spots, some moving, some motionless.

"Is this the underground world!"

"Don't sigh, there is nothing to see in the underground sea, and there are some predatory sea dragon beasts living in it. Although I'm not afraid, it's still troublesome to deal with them. Let's go!"

After that, Cyrus took the lead and flew towards the east.

That's right, it's the east!

This underground world seems to give a specific direction to the creatures that come in here. If he hasn't been here before, he can easily tell which direction he is flying.

After taking a look, a green light appeared beside him. Kotlin was still reading seriously. Witt shook his head helplessly, and then flew eastward.

Fortunately, he remembered that the book "Abyss Creatures" did not contain much content, and it could be finished in a few days.

The underground world was really dark.

However, the big night light on Witt's body was powerful enough to illuminate the two dragons around him.

At least he would not find that he was the only one left after flying.

There was nothing much to say about the journey afterwards. In addition to hurrying on the road, he had to deal with the sea dragon beasts attracted by their breath. In this way, half a day passed in a hurry...

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