Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 745 How about... going together?

"The journey is long, and I want to find a dragon to go with me!"

How sincere Seros' tone was, how embarrassed Kotlin was.

How embarrassed Kotlin was, and how embarrassed Witte was, because he also misunderstood.

And how embarrassed Werther and Kotlin were, and how embarrassed Seiros was, because from the beginning to the end, it seemed that it was because of his rash approach that Kotlin misunderstood, and then Werther misunderstood.

However, faced with this scenario, the 꺘head dragon has different ways to avoid embarrassment.

Werther's entire dragon was still covered in lava armor. No matter how embarrassed he was inside, he looked so mighty, domineering, and handsome outside.

As for Kotlin, his entire dragon is still hidden in the poisonous fog.

As for Seiros, let's not mention that he has one head. There are two other heads that can embarrass him. The main thing is that the act of looking for travel companions is accompanied by various accidents and misunderstandings. He has long been used to it. These.

Therefore, while Witte and Kotlin were in silence, he had already begun to think about how to persuade the two-headed dragon to go with him.

These are two ready-made companions.

Moreover, they are still two dragons, the age gap is not very big, and their personalities are not difficult to get along with. This kind of opportunity may not come across once in hundreds of years.

I remember the last time I walked with 꾫龙, there was a age difference of more than 500 years. This age gap was like a generation gap!

Fortunately, those two dragons are not the difficult types to get along with.

While Seiros was thinking about this, Witte couldn't bear the awkward atmosphere.

"Now that the misunderstanding has been cleared up, there is no need for us to waste time here. 놖 has special power. If we don't deal with it, this place may be shrouded in heavy fog in the next month or two. Let's deal with it first. !”

After saying that, Witte nodded towards the two dragons, and then plunged into the white mist that was already spreading towards this side.

He's not making excuses.

The blazing white divine flame represents the ultimate high temperature and is said to be able to melt all things. Of course, that can only be done by the true blazing white divine flame.

Werther's blazing white divine flame is far from reaching that level.

However, in the process of evaporating sea water, the Blazing White Divine Flame can indeed obtain some energy supplement.

I never dreamed of burning the seawater dry, but there was no problem in continuing to burn it for a month or two.

This is still the sea.

If it were on land, it goes without saying that if left unchecked, it would probably keep burning everything around it, swallowing up the energy, and eventually grow into a true blazing white divine flame.

This is the reason why Witte does not use the blazing divine flame so easily.

In addition, the same is true of permanently frozen ice.

If he hadn't been afraid that Kotlin was here to hunt him, Witte wouldn't have used the Blazing Divine Flame at all.

Don’t think Werther is making a fuss out of a molehill.

He had just escaped from the dragon's nest, because the copper dragon thought it was fun to do that, and he was almost killed by it.

If he hadn't been able to turn back time and the other party didn't put him on his back, he would have died long ago.

And dragons like that copper dragon are not uncommon.

Moreover, this is still good, at least your death is simple enough.

If you meet someone like Yak Frey, not only will you have to watch the other person play you to death, but after you die, your body will be the other person's research material.

As for the possibility that Akfrey is already dead...

However, as long as the dragon's life limit is still there, and if the dragon is unwilling to face the fact that it is about to die, the first Akfrey, the first, the third... will always appear.

Therefore, when walking alone in the dragon world, no matter what your strength is, you need to be cautious.

늀Just like the dragon that has been chasing Yakefre, it doesn't matter if he is strong, but if he is trapped and seriously injured, his ending is already doomed.

Therefore, Werther is not ashamed of what happened just now. At most, he is a little apologetic and embarrassed. As for, if he has killed the other party... then it is an established fact.

Cruel and irrational?

Just kidding, this is fatal!

While thinking about this, Werther took back all the blazing white divine flames he spat out.

On the other side, Kotlin is doing the same thing.

After all, his breath is highly poisonous.

However, when the two dragons were cleaning up the remnants of the battlefield, they noticed that Seiros did not leave, but waited in place.

Combining the other's words, both dragons understood what Seiros was thinking.

In this regard, the two dragons have different opinions.

Kotlin hesitated.

The misunderstanding has been resolved for the time being, but it is also temporary. Although most dragons disdain to lie, but... what if?

On the other side, Witte held a similar opinion.

He actually thinks that traveling together is a good idea.

Of course, this does not mean that Witte completely believed his previous remarks.

He felt that the two dragons on the bright side were much safer than those in the dark.

After all, if you really have thoughts about him, you can leave, but can the other person chase you in the dark?

It's easy to hide from open guns, but hard to guard against hidden arrows!

Werther felt more and more that some of the old sayings about the world his father gave him were quite reasonable.

Since Werther and Kotlin had fought fiercely before, the blazing white divine flames were scattered everywhere. It took Werther nearly 꺘 magic hours to clean up all the blazing white divine flames.

On the other side, Kotlin was almost there.

After the cleanup, the dragons once again resumed the "three-legged tripod" situation.

"How about... going together?"

After a moment of silence, a dragon spoke first.

However, what surprised Witt was that it was Kotlin who first proposed going together.

On the other side, although Kotlin didn't know what the "old saying is good", he also understood that whether the target was him or not, going together seemed to be the most beneficial.

The common feature of the dragons that grew up in the wild is decisiveness.

Cyrus was also stunned for a moment, but then he started to move.

Finally, there will be a companion, and finally he doesn't have to listen to the two idiots next to him arguing!

However, he seemed to have forgotten that the other two heads were also himself.

"Who are you scolding, idiot?"

"Who else can you scold? You can scold yourself!"

Seeing that Witt and Kotlin looked over, Sailos said helplessly: "Don't worry about what they say. This body is dominated by 놖.

I believe you have heard about dragons like 놖.

When there is no common topic, 놖s often quarrel.

This is one of the reasons why 놖 has been looking for travel companions.

If there is a dragon, they will be more restrained."

"That's true, but 놖 is the leader, 놖 is Sailos."

"Don't listen to him, 놖 is Sailos, 놖 can make him shut up, if you don't believe it, just watch!"

"... Damn, you actually cheated with mental power, you also shut up!"

Seeing that the two heads quarreled again, Sailos felt even more embarrassed, and hurriedly explained: "With two more companions at once, they may be more excited!"


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