Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 740 A dragon is following!

"Dark Cave is not another name for the lower world. It is the teleportation space you are going to. This teleportation space is within the territory of Rieps.

Therefore, you must say hello before you can use the Dark Cave.

As for the entrance to the lower world, it is relatively easy to find. Leave the Hot City and fly west along the edge of the Endless Sea.

Even if you leave 깊鲁눓, don't turn around and keep flying west.

After flying for almost half a year, you will reach a place called Haiyuan, which is not difficult to find.

The water area covered by the sea abyss is full of whirlpools and undercurrents, and the largest sea vortex is the sea abyss.

Enter the abyss and fly down.

At the bottom of the abyss is a very calm water surface.

Passing through the water is the lower world.

There is no 꽭꿂 in the lower world of 눓, the roads are complicated, and the area is not inferior to the upper world of 눓. After reaching the lower world of 눓 through the sea abyss, the area is a 꿧 sea, named 눓下海.

After arriving at the sea, fly eastward and you will be able to reach the mainland in half a year.

Rieps is nearby, and there should be dark dragons moving around. Even if there aren't, you can still find Rieps by looking for a while.

Although Rieps did not take the Dark Cave as his own, the Dark Cave was within Rieps's influence, so communication with the Dark Dragon was indispensable. "

Having said this, Roger suddenly thought of something, and then hurriedly added: "Yes, the Dark Cave does not lead directly to the city.

After leaving the dark cave, you will find that you have left the lower world of 깊눓 and returned to the upper world of 깊눓.

The teleportation in the teleportation space is not teleported to a fixed place, but to an area. However, this is not a big problem.

After arriving, fly directly towards the north, and you will be able to reach the city of 놘 in about ten years. "

After saying that, Roger glanced at Werther.

"That's all I know, but in fact, I haven't walked this road. What I know comes partly from "Dragon World" and partly from the exploration team of the Chamber of Commerce.

You need to judge the specific situation by yourself. "

Victor nodded to show that he understood.

At this point, the matter of asking for directions finally came to an end.

After that, Witte left the 깊Chonglin Chamber of Commerce with the set of "Traveling in the Dragon World" that Roger gave him.

On the way back, in fact, including during the meeting with the Chamber of Commerce, Neil was silent all the time, just following Witt quietly.

In this regard, Werther didn't know what to say.

After thinking about it, Werther finally took him to the store they often went to.

After eating his favorite food, Neil finally felt better and started talking more.

After that, Werther only stayed for one night, then said goodbye to Neil and left.

There was the sea in front of him, and Werther looked back at the scorching city.

Neil was still flying over the burning city, and Werther could still feel his gaze.

They just don't get along well. Even Neil, an alien like a dragon, is not emotionally rich to this extent. Of course, Werther knows that Neil is not only giving him a gift, but also someone who grew up with him. Playmates who eventually went their separate ways.

With a sigh, Werther followed Roger's instructions and flew towards the west along the coastline.

I hope there won’t be too many surprises along the way!

I hope...well, Werther shouldn't have any thoughts about his journey and that there will be no accidents.

In the first month after setting off, when he was about to reach the abyss, Werther discovered that there was a dragon behind him.

A dragon that has never been seen before and has never been mentioned in the "Dragon Encyclopedia".

The legs stand upright, and the whole body is covered with dark green dragon scales.

The wings on its back also have dark green thin scales. The wings are spread out and are almost twice as long as the body.

The two horns are curved and coiled together, with the tip facing forward. The surface of the dragon's horn is not like the common large whorls or smooth shape of dragons, but is like a bamboo joint.

The dragon scales on the face are raised and spike-like, making it look extremely ferocious.

There was a dark green mist floating in front of his chest.

The dragon's tail is thick and long, swaying from side to side as the body flies.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that the opponent's size is about the same as him, only slightly smaller than Werther. Based on this judgment, his age should be about a thousand years old.

In fact, it is the lower level of platinum.

Don't think that because Witt can defeat Neil easily, don't think that Platinum's lower position is no threat to Witt.


He can indeed easily defeat Platinum.

But this is a case of competition.

But now he was in the wild, and a strange, low-level platinum dragon was behind him. If there was really a conflict, it would definitely not be a competition.

If it's a fight to the death, the situation is completely different.

Platinum is one level higher than him, which means the risk is higher. I don’t know how many levels.

In addition, this is a dragon whose information is completely unknown.

Can Werther not be nervous?

The most important thing is that there is still a long distance between the other party and him. Werther cannot issue a warning even if he wants to. With such a long distance, it is not a warning, but a provocation.

Under this situation, Werther could only fly with his head depressed and speed up, trying to get rid of the opponent.

However, what worries Werther is that the other party seems to be speeding up as well.

Kotlin is panicking now!

He felt that he was really in trouble this time.

There was a dragon in front of him and a dragon behind him, sandwiching him.

Moreover, the dragon behind him kept trying to get closer to him, but because of the warning aura on his body, he did not force his way in.

Of course, the most important thing is that the aura of the dragon behind him is stronger than his. It is a platinum level dragon.

놇In his opinion, these two dragons must be from the same group.

As long as he gets too close to the dragon in front, the dragon behind will have the right to attack him.

Although it sounds quite principled, it is actually not much.

He knew that if he tried to escape from this route, the two would definitely show their fangs and attack him directly.

The reason why I didn't do this now is that it is unreasonable on the one hand, and on the other hand, there is a high probability that the other party placed something in front of me to prevent him from escaping.

As for why we need to seek justice...

He quite understands this. In the past, when he encountered someone he didn't like, he would first find reason and then teach the other person a lesson.

Therefore, these two dragons should be similar to him in this aspect.

Let’s not talk about this yet.

He is now in a dilemma. If he runs, the two dragons will definitely surround him and follow him all the way. Who knows what the other side will do when he gets there.

Maybe he wouldn't even have a chance to resist!

So, what should he do?

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